・Airport Adventures ・

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Alternative Title #1: Haha Airplanes go Brr

Alternative Title #2: We can be like Airplanes in the Night Sky Like Shooting Stars

Long ass chapter ahead... Grab your popcorn and your body pillow/plushies. We're going on an adventure!

Continuing from the last chapter...

Shimada and (y/n) are now heading towards security. As they are walking, Shimada gives her quick peck on the eye to make the tears go away. "You're with me, everything will be okay." He assures her. "Ok!" (Y/n) cling to his hand tightly as she takes in the unusual, new surroundings. Some people are walking strolling by with their strollers in hand, some with children that look like they are hyper from having too many sweets, and some that are most likely an aircraft crew. Her eyes sparkle so much with excitement that it doesn't even look like she was crying a moment ago. "Where are we going, Kazuki?" She looks at him, "To the security gates." He answers and checks his phone. "Our flight is at 8:30, leaving us with about an hour."

"So we're going to Russia?" Shimada nods his head. "This is so exciting! *Gasp* If we have enough can we check out the stores at Russia's airport???" (Y/n) gives Shimada puppy dogs eyes. He quickly turns his eyes away from her, "Why are you giving me those eyes?" She looks at him in puzzlement, catching his ears turning a tinted pink, "Uh... It's a mechanism to convince you to let us check out the stores at Russia's Airport...? Is it working!?" Shimada takes a moment before answering, "Yes, in a different way. The answer to that question is already going to be yes." (Y/n) cocks her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, look it's the security gates. You know what to do right?" Shimada quickly says, turning (y/n)'s gaze to the front. "Oh! I didn't notice. Uh- What do we do?"

The security gates already had lines filled with people, setting their stuff in a bucket on the conveyor belt and entering through the security gate. The security guards watching over them. They look scary, but the author can guarantee you that they are 100%, nice people! "You see that bucket? We put our things there, including you're jewelry. Then we have to walk through that gate. If it beeps, don't worry, they are just going to personally check you. They are just making sure you don't have anything dangerous on you." Shimada leans down to explain to his fiance. "So we have to put EVERYTHING on the conveyor? Even my engagement ring?" Shimada nods his head. (Y/n) stares at the security gates for a second, "Okay, I understand."

They walk over to the line of people. They wait until the conveyor belt is nearby and a security person puts down several buckets. "Please place your items in the buckets." (Y/n) puts her bag that has her teddy in the bucket, along with her Yuzuru's camera and Nishimiya's necklace. She then slides off the ring and gently places it down next to the necklace. Shimada puts down the backpack in another bucket. Their turn was close, there was one more guy ahead of them.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Immediately the man set the alarm off causing (y/n)'s chest to pound. "Sir, please come over here." The man honestly looks terrified, wondering how he set the alarm off. The security searches him with a metal detector, "Sir, you still got your watch on!" "Oh, whoopsie daisy. I'm so sorry about that."

There was another security guard next to the gate, telling people when to enter the gate of doo- I mean the security gates. He gestures with his hand in a gentlemen way for (y/n) to go through. She takes a deep breath and relieving her chest from the anxiety that something will happen if she walks through that gate. She passes through the gate with one swift move, her eyes close and...

and nothing happened.

"Oh-" She mumbles out, "That wasn't too bad." At the end of the conveyor belt, all their items await. (Y/n) turns around as Shimada walks through. She then turns back around picking up her items out of the bucket. Slipping the bag around her shoulder, grabbing Yuzuru's camera in one hand and grasping the ring and Nishimiya's necklace in the other. (Y/n)'s fingers naturally curls around the small jewelry as she and Shimada made their way out of the security gates' way.

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