・Everything Stays・

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Hey guys, I'm back! This song is from Adventure Times and it gives me the feels. (」><) I love this song and I wanted to use it in one of my scenarios! I hope you like it too. Enjoy!
Bold ~ Writing in notebook
Italic ~ Singing 


School was finally done and all the eager kids rushed out like a pack of sardines. (Y/n) walked by herself, having that same tune that has been stuck in her head all day. She passed by the park and when she gazed at it she saw an unexpected person. "Nishimiya? What is she doing here, all by herself?" the little girl wondered. Nishimiya was swinging all by herself, gazing at the sky. Maybe she wouldn't mind some company. 

(Y/n) walked up behind Nishimiya and tapped her on the shoulder causing the deaf girl to turn around, startled. She gave her signature smile and (y/n) responded with the same gesture. (Y/n) sat herself down on the swing right next to Nishimiya. She spotted her friend's notebook for conversations and grabbed it. "What are you doing by yourself?" (Y/n) scribbled down and gave the notebook back to Nishimiya for her to look over. "I like to swing on the swings. :)" Nishimiya write down. (Y/n) smiled a bit and markdown a question. "Can I swing with you?" She lifted the notebook towards Nishimiya's direction so she can read it. Her eyes lit up and nodded. Nishimiya was happy that a friend was by her side. They both start swinging for a little bit, staring at the cloudy sky. (Y/n) still have that same little song stuck in her head. She stopped swinging and looked around. The coast is clear. She grabbed the notebook and scribble down something while Nishimiya stares at her with a pondering look. The little girl then lifted up the notebook. "I am going to sing for a bit. ^.^" Nishimiya giggled a bit and put a thumbs up, showing that (y/n) is welcome to sing.

She took a deep breath, "Let's go to the garden, you'll see what's been waiting," (Y/n) started singing as she swung a little. Nishimiya gazed upon her, smiling. Nishimiya can hear the faint voice is her deaf ears and even though it was barely audible to her, it was still beautiful. "Right there where you left it, lying upside down," She closed her eyes and tried to listen to (y/n)'s voice, which kept on getting louder and louder as she kept on singing. 

Shimada, Hirose, and Ishida were on their way home after succeeding in the test of courage. "You guys hear that?" Hirose said as he hears faint singing in the background."Over there." Shimada pointed at the two girls, swinging on the swing set. "What's (y/n) doing with that weird girl," Ishida muttered as his eyes laid on Nishimiya. "When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded, the underside is lighter when you turn it around, " "Let's go home. I'm not interested in this." Ishida said in an annoyed tone as he begins walking. Hirose followed, but one boy stayed. "Shima?" Ishida turned around to Shimada, who was drawn to (y/n)'s singing. "Everything stays, right where you left it, everything stays, but it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly, in little ways, when everything stays..." Shimada smiled to himself when the melody was over. He turned to Hirose and Ishida who was staring at him questionably. He walked passed them with the same smile on his face. "What's up with him?" Ishida questioned looking at Hirose. Hirose only shrugged as he only looked at Shimada who was getting away. "Come on let's go tease him about it!" Ishida said with a mocking smile and they both excitedly run towards the gentle figure.

(Y/n)'s POV
Nishimiya started clapping in joy after I finished the song. "That was amazing!!" she showed me in the notebook. My eyes shot up and I scribbled quickly. "You heard me?" She nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you like it. If you want I can sing more for you." I wrote down. Nishimiya's eyes lit up and she grabbed my hands shaking it and nodding. It was the most cutest thing ever! "What's up with him?" Is that Ishida's voice? I whipped my head around to see... OMG!!! Hirose and Ishida were standing there and Shimada is walking away. My eyes followed his figure and my heart starts to quicken. W-what if Shimada heard it?? Does he like it?? My face was flushed with embarrassment and Nishimiya seems to notice. "Nothing! N-nothing at all, haha..." I stutter waving my arms. She only giggle and we both went back gazing at the sky.
The rest of the day, I only thought of that moment, still embarrassed.
The End


Thank you so much for reading and getting this book to 400 reads. I'm really grateful for all the votes, comments, and follows and I am glad you like this book. I will continue to write for you all.
See you guys later!

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