・Night before France・

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Hey guys! This the last night before you guys will be leaving for France the next early morning! This scenario will kind of be base off of, "La Vien En Rose".  Please give a listen above if you like! A short, yet sweet scenario so I hope you enjoy it!
(Btw, sorry for taking 5 days- kind of hit a writer's block (」><)

-Author 🌹



(Y/n)'s POV

I packed the last of my favorite clothes in our suitcases with excitement and a bit of sadness. I look at the scarf Sahara made me last year and hug it to my chest. I will be missing everybody so much, it's going to be hard to say goodbye tomorrow. I sigh and rolled up the scarf, carefully placing it in the suitcase. "That's basically it..." I mutter to myself and stand up. I turn my attention towards the clock, hanging on the wall. 8:36... I should be getting ready to head to bed soon. Kazuki and I are leaving pretty early in the morning.

The door of our bathroom click open and Kazuki walks out, drying his dripping wet hair. Right when he walked out the door, he shot me a warm smile, "You done packing?" Ahhh! My heart, it's still not used to him smiling yet! "Yea..." I turn my gaze away. He seriously needs to stop walking out in JUST a towel. "G-go put some clothes on!" He chuckles a little, "Oh, I will." I squat down to zip up the suitcase... if only it could close. Argh, come on suitcase! Cooperate with me! I add a bit more pressure and try once again. Of course, it doesn't work.

"Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose"

Welp, third time's a charm. "You need help?" Kazuki squats down next to me and helps add more pressure. Trying once again, it finally works. With satisfaction, the zipper glides across. "Thanks, Kazuki!" I turn around to face him, but I didn't realize... how close he is to me. My eyes widen a little as our noses touch. "You want a kiss or something?" He teasingly smirks. My heart couldn't handle it. "N-no!" I lean away, losing balance in my toes, "Wah!" Kazuki catch my hand and pull me forward into his chest. "Then you get a hug." He puts his arms around me. I give in, melting into his body like ice cream on a hot day. Except the hot day is... ehem you know who.

"When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose"

I can hear his gentle heart beat matching with my own. I close my eyes as we sat there, feeling the warmth of our arms around each other. Moment likes these make my chest bloom with roses. "So..." I begin with a little blush on my cheek. "Can I still accept the kiss?" Shimada smiles, "Anytime..." He leans his head down and softly presses his lips against mine. Closing my eyes again, I take in the heat of his lips. His kiss relaxes my anxiety for the trip tomorrow. My lips curve up into a smile at the end of the kiss. I bury my head back into his chest, snuggling a little closer for all the comfort he can give. He places a hand on top of my head and starts stroking it with a tender touch.

"When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom"

Kazuki starts humming a little. A habit I discovered in high school. His humming vibrates in my ears with a deep, soothing tone. It's like angels singing down from heaven. "Kazuki?" "Hm?" Still brushing my hair, I ask him a question, "Are you... going to be sad when we leave tomorrow?" Kazuki takes a moment of thought before speaking again, "A little. I will be missing everybody, but I'm excited to go to France with you." He gazes down at me, "Are you going to be sad, (y/n)?" It is an obvious answer. I slowly nod my head, feeling Kazuki hold me tighter. "But... I'm excited to go to France too. I'm glad that you're going to be with me." I told him quietly.

"And when you speak
Angels sing from above
Everyday words seems
To turn into love song"

"Mhm." Kazuki starts stroking my hair again as I continue, "I hope we can make some friends in France." "We will." He states, "And I will be with you... we will be making friends together. So don't be afraid." Ahhh! I can't stop feeling bubbly. I giggle a little before looking up at him with a wide grin. "Let's go to bed now." Kazuki nods his head and we both stand up. I stretch my muscles and hop into bed with him following me. Kazuki drapes the blanket over us."We got a long day tomorrow so get enough rest," Kazuki whispers in my ear. "Alright, hehe." I close my eyes, feeling his hand around me, pulling me closer to him. I keep on thinking about tomorrow, forming every scenario in my mind. Life was in bright hues ahead.

"Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be la vie en rose"


Did I make it too corny? (~ ̄▽ ̄) I hope you like the song though. Just letting you all know, that you and Shimada are sleeping at his house. The next chapter might be a little long. Also, y'all are amazing! Thanks for 5k reads! ~\(▽≦)/~ Love all the support. Thank you for reading and I will see you guys next time! Bye!


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