・The Beginning of Preparation ・

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Heyyo! Welcome back! It's me, ya gurl.
This scenario is about you and Shimada starting to prepare for moving to France. You guys have 2 months to do so, soooooo... I was thinking of doing a few stories for you guys of what Shimada and the reader are doing before going to France! This is the first part of you guys getting ready. (ordering tickets and finding a dorm) Please Enjoy!


(l/n) ~ last name



"Hey (y/n) over here!" Ueno waves her arm getting (y/n)'s attention who just walked through the coffee shop's door. "Hey Ueno, Sahara." (Y/n) nears the table, giving them little waves. As she sat down, Sahara slides (y/n)'s already ordered drink. "We already ordered your favorite drink. Drink up." Sahara chimes. "Thanks guys." (Y/n) sips her drink and sighs happily. "This drink never fails to make me happy." She took another sip.

"Anyways, I heard Shimada already found a nearby dorm for the both of you." Ueno starts off the conversation, tilting her cup. (Y/n) nodded, "Yea, it's a pretty nice dorm. It's only for the two of us." "Wow! Getting to have your boyfriend- oh I mean fiance as your roomie is great!" Sahara teases as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Come on, teasing her already?" Ueno rests on her hand showing a mocking grin. (Y/n) is so used to having them tease her about Shimada, she laughs it off. "Oh you two tease too much yanno?" "Yea, but we like it. Haha." Sahara gulps down her coffee. "So you got 2 months left till you're leaving?" Ueno asks, spinning the straw in her drink. "Yea that's right... So when are you going to Tokyo?" (Y/n) shot back a question. "Hmmm... I think in 3 months." Sahara puts a finger up once she found the answer, "So what's the plan for you (y/n)?" Sahara thought up a question. "Oh, Shimada and I are packing up our stuff starting next week and we already purchase the plane tickets. After that, I would love for us to have one last hangout with everybody before we leave." (Y/n) informs, taking up the last of the drink, "We're pretty busy these days, it's stressful." She sighs a wave of anxiety. "

"It must be scary to study in another country," Ueno says with sympathy and put a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. "It is, but Shimada will be with me, so I'm don't have to worry too much. I have to thank Shimada later, he's basically doing everything for me, to purchasing plane tickets and finding us a dorm." (y/n) slouches in her seat, laying her down and closing her eyes. "Shimada is a lucky guy though, he got the sweetest person on the planet." Sahara points out like it's a fact, "Not to mention, she is gorgeous." Ueno winks at (y/n), who has her eyes wide open. "Aish. You guys are seriously the best, I can't take the compliments!!" (Y/n) waves her arms like a child. Ueno and Sahara laughs as (y/n) cheeks puff up like a pufferfish. She drops her childish act and her lips lift up. "I can't ask for better friends. I'm glad I have you guys here with me." Her eyes soften in gratitude as tears begin to slip out of it.

*Bonk* "Ouch!" (y/n) rubs her forehead that is stained tinted pink. "Idiot! Don't cry. We already love you and we are glad to have you too! What matters now is that we are best friends forever!" Ueno shouts the whole speech to the fellow people in the cafe. Ueno was standing up on the chair and holding out her arms. Her eyes went wide as clapping starts to emerge out. "Wow Ueno, you got a whole audience!" Sahara claps along with the crowd. After the cheers and clapping died down, (Y/n)'s grin widens and she hugs Ueno. "Thanks a lot Ueno!" Ueno cracks a smile and gave back the treatment. "Yea. No biggie bestie." "Ahhh! You guys are going to make me cry next!" Sahara cries as she joins the hug.

*Ring* *Ring* "Huh?" (Y/n)'s hand reaches in the vibrating bag. "Oh it's Shimada!" (Y/n)'s heart jumps in joy seeing the name appearing on her phone. "Well, what are you waiting for? Pick it up!" Sahara shakes her shoulder in excitement. (Y/n) slides the green button and raise the phone to her ear for the voice it loves. "Hi Shimada!" (Y/n) greets. "Hey (y/n), am I interrupting?" (y/n) hear his delicate voice through the phone. "No, no. What's up?" "I'm here to pick you up... if you're ready." "Oh yea, we just finish up our drinks. I'll be out." "Alright, see you." "See you Shima!" She ended the call with her heart beating up. "Shimada is here to pick me up!" (Y/n) told her friends that was not totally trying to eavesdrop at all. "Ohhhh~ Alright (y/n) have fun!" Ueno waves her off with a foxy smile. "See ya (y/n). Let's facetime with Nishimiya tonight." Sahara suggests and smiles. "Sure will! Bye guys!" (Y/n) bounce off in a hurry, rushing out the door. "She must be excited, she reminds me of a puppy when its owner come home." Ueno crosses her arms and giggles. Sahara nods, "Yea, it's so fun teasing her."

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