・Piano lessons・

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(Added this picture because why not. (>ω<))

Since Shimada can play the piano,
I made this little scenario.
Key: (f/s) ~ favorite song or any song you like if you have a hard time picking one.
-Author UWU

Your grandma always loved music. She grew up playing the flute. Your grandma has become too old and couldn't play the flute as well as she used too, but she always kept music in her heart and life. Right now, she has fallen ill and you wanted to make her feel better by playing her some beautiful tunes. You planned to play this beautiful music piece called (f/s) on the piano. The only problem is, with these expensive prices of pianos, you aren't able to afford one. With the music's teacher permission,  you are allowed to practice with the school piano at lunch and have your grandma come in at the end of the school day to hear you play. You promised your grandma by the end of the month, you will be ready to go and play the piece perfectly.

It was the beginning of the month as you quietly walked into the music room, with your folder with the music sheets. You neared the piano and placed the music folder on the stand. Plopping yourself down on the seat, you warm up your fingers. Your delicate fingers carefully place themselves on the right keys to begin. Everything went okay... For the first 10 measures till you hit the wrong note.
"Ahhhhhh! I'm never going to get this!" You raged, frantically putting your hands in your hair. "I can help you." a sudden voice came out. You slowly turned around to see Shimada, leaning against the door frame.
When did he get here?! Did he see you acting like an idiot getting all frustrated? How embarrassing! The thoughts kept on running through your head as you stare at Shimada dumbfound and surprised. 
"Hello? (Y/n)?" Shimada's voice brought you back to reality. "Oh I'm- yes! I need help, if you want to I-" as you jumbled with your words, Shimada was already walking towards you. You scooted over a little bit as he sat down next to you. He examined the music and by the power of sight-reading, he placed his fingers on the keys and starts playing perfectly as if it wasn't his first time. You stared at his fingers, dancing on the keys and at him who was concentrating on the piece. He stopped halfway through and looked at you, smiling.
"How- I- what-"

Shimada helped you practice all lunch. He put his soft hands on yours, guiding them through the music. He was gentle with them. The bell rang throughout the room and interrupted the practice. You guys stopped and looked at the bell. "We will continue tomorrow, let's get going." he stood up and reached out a hand. Putting your shy hands in his, he helped you get up on your feet. Which was super wobbly. You guys were sitting down for so long, your legs almost forgot how to support themselves. You heard his chuckle as you try to stand up straight. "We are going to be late! Let's go." you pouted, crossing your arms, looking away. Your hands left him, but the warmth was still there.
Opening the door to the classroom,  the whole class turned, staring as you guys stepped in. Guess you two were the last students who came in.
Both of you headed over to the little friend group. "What took you guys so long?" Ishida questioned, stopping his rough play with Hirose. (That rhymed lol) "We were practicing the piano." Shimada answered, putting his hands in his pockets. "Wow! So romantic!" Kawai squealed. "Look! Shimada's blushinnngggg!" Hirose mocked. Yours and Shimada's face went pink hearing the group's bickering. "It's nothing like that!" you both yell a the same time.

By the end of the month, you finally got the music down, thanks to Shimada of course. Today was the day where your grandma will come in and listen to all your hard work. Of course she has gotten better from her sickness.
"Thanks a lot Shimada!" you thanked, waiting for your grandma and your mom to come in. The corner of his lips went up. "Yep. No problem, we should practice together more often." Man, he really knows how to get to you. You looked down shyly, "Sure. I would like that." You try to contain that sheepy smile of yours.
You guys lifted your heads up as you hear the door slide open. There, your grandma came in, with your mother's support, helping her walk. She has the same sheepy smile as she sat down, excited to hear the music. "Oh! I can't wait to hear this!" your grandma said in her gentle, but scratchy voice. "She's been practicing a lot mama!" your mother exclaimed proudly. "Hehe. Thanks mom."
You sat down and placed your fingers on the keys of the piano. You took a deep breath in and prepared yourself. Shimada, your mom, and grandma were the only ones watching, but it was still nerve-wracking. You started playing (f/s). All that hard work had paid off as you perfectly get to end without making a mistake. Yes! You did it! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
The whole room went off and start to clap their hands. Shimada smiled as you showed your cheeky little grin. "It was so beautiful!" your grandma started to cry. "No no no! Don't cry grandma." you rushed over and hugged her, hoping to comfort her. Your mom wrapped her arms around both of you."I'm so proud of you." she whispered."That's thanks to my friend, Shimada!" you let go."Oh my! What a handsome young boy." your mother cooed.
"Haha, thank you miss." Shimada chuckled. "You seem like a good future boyfriend!"
"M-mom!" you stuttered, blushing red. "Maybe she's right." Shimada teased as he looked at you. "Sh-Shimada!" "Actually he could be a good husband too!" Your grandma chimed in. "Gr-grandma!" you put your hands on your cheek attempting to hide the beet red blush. "That's a bit too far, ma'am." Shimada nervously said as he put his long sleeve over his mouth. He looked away from you guys, his heart was going up. "My oh my! He reminds me of your grandfather too! I am already missing him, let's get home!" Your grandma put her hands on her wrinkled cheeks thinking about her hubby. As you guys walk home, taking the view of the sunset, your mom began. "Shimada, would you like to have dinner with us?" "I would love to." Shimada smiled, looking over at you, knowing he gets to spend more time with you.

As you guys settle down for dinner, your father gazed upon Shimada. "Now, who is this young man?" "He's the boy who helped (y/n) practice the piano!" your grandma answered for you, "He also reminds me of your father." your grandma added looking at her old husband. "How long have you been practicing the piano boy?" your grandpa asked in a rusty voice. "For a couple of years sir." Shimada answered in a polite manner. "Well what a nice and hardworking young man!" your father praised. "Guys! Stop treating him like a baby!" you spoke up waved your arms around. *ring ring*
"Looks like my mom is here." Shimada turned his head to the front door. You and your mom walked with Shimada to see him off and to greet his mom.
"Thank you so much for taking care of my son!" Shimada's mom thanked, putting her hands on his shoulders. She then turns and looked at you with a motherly smile. "You must be the lovely girlfriend of his right? He talks about you a lot!" ・・・
"M-MOM!!" Shimada yelled looking flushed red. "I-im not his g-g-girlfriend!" you waved your arms around also red. Everybody laughed at the two flustered kids trying to clear up the misunderstanding, but looking towards the future, they didn't know that the little misunderstanding is true.
The end
Hello guys! Every day I come back to this, I see the number of reads going higher, and it's making me very excited! (՞՞)
I appreciate the votes, even though I'm not getting a lot. Thank you for reading and I will see you, readers, next time.
-Author OWO

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