・For (Y/n)'s Love!・ (PART ONE)

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Hello guys! I am making a scenario where a very bold Nagatsuka (who has a crush on the reader) fights in a friendly match against Shimada (who the reader is dating).
Remember in the scenario My one and only Nagatsuka bet he could take down Shimada easily and then back down after seeing Shimada? Now Nagatsuka isn't afraid of anything, and will do anything for the reader's love! I'm sorry Nagatsuka that I have to do this to you. (~_~) Enjoy the story!
^ ~ sign language


"You got the sandwiches Kawai-san?" "Yep! I got two different kinds." "Great! I will put them  right here." (y/n) put the sandwiches that are in a cute picnic basket on the laid out blanket that has rocks on the edges to hold it down. Yuzuru did a good job finding perfect sized rocks. Ueno carefully placed down the pitcher filled with lemonade and paper cups beside it. (Y/n) and Sahara has made some biscuits and cookies that are on a platter. Nishimiya and Ishida bought some fresh bread out of the bakery, while Mashiba and Nagatsuka brought out paper plates, napkins, and plastic utensils for everyone to use. "Wow, this looks great!" (Y/n) said with glee.
The gang had planned a picnic on a beautiful day after Nagatsuka sudden suggestion. They met at a quiet park and picked a nice grassy area under a big shady tree. Everybody sat down and start to enjoy themselves with the delicious food. What a wonderful way to spend the day.
"Ah, this is nice!" Kawai happily said looking at Mashiba. "You betcha." Mashiba took a bite out of the sandwich. Ishida handed Nishimiya a sandwich. ^This is great, isn't it?^ Ishida signed to her. ^Thank you, this is great!^ Nishiymiya smiled and took a little bite out of the sandwich. Her eyes lit up as she was filled with the tasty sandwich."It's a perfect day too!" Sahara chimed in, sipping her lemonade. "This is a great idea, Nagatsuka-kun" (y/n) beamed, holding up her cup and giving him a goofy smile. "*GASP*!! T-thank you (y/n)-chan!"

Ueno looked up as she sense somebody coming. "Hey Shimada! Over here!" Ueno waved at the person walking towards them. (Y/n) turned her head around to find the person that will highlight her day. "Shimada! I didn't know you were coming!" she jumped up and hugged him. "Ueno invited me." Shimada put a hand on (y/n)'s back. Ishida awkwardly look away, not knowing what to do. Shimada looked at him then at Ueno."How many times do I have to tell you to mind your own business, Ueno?" Ueno quickly looked away, avoiding his gaze. She got caught again.        "A-anyways...come join us Shimada-kun!" Kawai came in, making things less awkward. "The more the merrier!" Mashiba added. Shimada and (y/n) joined in and enjoyed their afternoon together.

(Y/n) picked up one of her's and Sahara's homemade biscuits and put it near Shimada's mouth. Shimada opened his mouth and bit down on the biscuit. (Y/n) silently waits as he gulped down the biscuit. "It's tasty," Shimada stated, licking his lips. "Sahara and I made them ourselves!" she said with a satisfied smile. "Phew! He likes it." Sahara said in relief.
"Is it me, or you two seem really close." Everybody turned their heads to the chummy director, who has a scowl on his face. Everyone looked at each other, wondering if he is actually clueless about (y/n)'s and Shimada's relationship. "Isn't it obvious?" Yuzuru started. "Huh?" Nagatsuka turned to her with a confused look. "You... Really don't know?" Ishida questioned, giving him an awkward smile.  "What?" Nagatsuka then whips his head to Ishida, still mind blank. "They're dating fatty!" Ueno broke the ice, causing Nagatsuka to feel a cold shock. "W-WHAT?! N-NO, IT CAN'T BE, I PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING FOR (Y/N)-CHAN!!!" Nagatsuka yelled in a panicky voice, hands in his turd hair. "What?" (y/n) said, trying to figure out where he's getting at. "I-i suggested having a picnic... So I can ask (y/n)-chan... TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Nagatsuka blurted out, his face was flushed with embarrassment. Everyone went silent for a second.
"HAAAAAAAAAHHHH?!?!?" It was everybody's turn to take the surprise. "You were actually going to WHAT?!" Yuzuru shouted in shock shaking Nagatsuka. Ueno mentally face slap herself. (Y/n) sat there, dumbfounded by the love confession. She didn't want to hurt Nagasuka's feelings, but she has to reject him. Reject him in the most polite, non-heartbreaking way possible, she thought. "Sorry Nagasuka-kun, but-" "but she's already mine." Shimada interrupted. Everybody shot their heads towards Shimada, who was still munching down on that biscuit and doesn't seem to be disturbed by any of this. "Man, this is not what I intended," Ueno muttered, peering at Shimada then Ishida. Her plan to make them friends failed yet again. "THIS IS NO FAAAIIIRRR!!" Nagatsuka whined still embarrassed to the bone. He then points directly at Shimada, "I challenge YOU to a fighting match!!"
"WHHHAAATTTT?!?!" everybody erupted in a surprising shock. This day is just full of surprises, isn't it? "For (y/n) LOVE!!" Nagatsuka added, pointing his finger in the air. "Oh my..." (Y/n) doesn't like the idea of this. Kawai seems to agree with his plan though. "How about a friendly fighting match, yea?" "That sounds good, I can be the ref." Mashiba agreed as he raised his hand up. Ishida scanned the situation, "Nagatsuka-kun, are you sure this is a good idea?", remembering the fights and wrestling matches he has with Shimada in grade school. "YES! It's not like he can beat me anyways." Nishimiya awkwardly chuckled a little."You really going for it." Sahara laughed a little with Nishimiya. Poor choice of words, Nagatsuka-kun... Ishida thought with an unsure look.
"I accept your challenge." Shimada firmly answered. "Ahhhhhhh~ Trying to impress (y/n), aye? Well I will be the one to catch her beautiful eyes!" Nagatsuka retorted confidently. "But I love Shimada." (Y/n) quietly muttered looking down. Shimada, the only one who heard it, put a gentle hand on her head. "Don't worry, I will win this one for you." He gave her an assuring smile, which made (y/n)'s heart jump up and down in joy. "Well it's obvious you're going to win." Ueno stated. "Hey! Don't support him!" Nagatsuka yelled, flapping his arms in the air. "Just stating the truth, turd hair." Ueno said as she looked away, giving a sassy hair flip. "Well then, let's get started!" Sahara pumped her fist in the air.

*Anime time skip* ༼(∩ ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡ ͡°)༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚

The two males and the friend group is now on the grassy fields. If one of the boys fell while fighting, the soft grass got their backs. Everybody was standing in front of the fighting scene and positioning themselves to get a good watch of this exciting (and friendly) fighting match.
"Alright here are the rules!" Mashiba started as Shimada and Nagatsuka are facing each other. Continuing, "You cannot severely injure your opponent, involving broken bones, large amount of blood loss, and concussions, you get the point! You guys can pick any type of fighting technique! No matter what happens, you guys will remain peace at each other. Whoever wins, get to spend a whole day with (y/n)-Chan!" Mashiba informed, giving off the rules the gang came up with."Now, shake hands on it!" Shimada and Nagatsuka grasp each other's hands and gave a solid shook.

"Ready!" Mashiba raised his hands in the air as the two boys step back. "Set!", both went into fighting position. "GO!!" Mashiba brought his hands down, signaling the match has started. "Go Shimada-kun! Go Nagatsuka-kun!" (y/n) cheered for both. Nagatsuka started charging at full speed towards Shimada, who kept his stance. "He is not moving?" Sahara observed the battle. Shimada stood there, with a bothering thought in his head. If Nagatsuka won, his honey bunny would have to spend a whole day with him. Shimada can't stand the thought of (y/n) hanging out with another man, even for just a day. He felt sick to his stomach. He has to win. He promised her he will.
Nagatsuka was still running full speed, but before he could headbutt his opponent, Shimada moved out of the way, dodging the attack. The chubby boy could not stop, causing him to crash headfirst, into the ground. "Youch!" Yuzuru felt that pain."Over! Shimada-kun won this match!" Mashiba yelled, swinging his hand up to signify the match is over. "Nagatsuka-kun! Are you ok?" Ishida asked, worry for his fallen friend. He knew how strong Shimada was in grade school, from getting beat up by him. Who knows how strong he is now? "That must have hurt!" Kawai said. "The outcome is so obvious," Ueno muttered. She knows how strong Shimada is. He is much more fit and taller. That's one of the advantages of Shimada.
"DAMMIT!!" Nagatsuka pounded his hands on the ground, almost throwing a tantrum. He then got up and wiped the dirt off his chin, ready for the next match.

"Let's do this!" Nagatsuka's voice boomed as he got into his hero fighting stance. He closed his eyes and imagine himself in a movie. A movie about a hero, 'N'. 'N' must fight the evil villain right before him. I must save my princess! Nagatsuka opened up his eyes again and his confidence flashed in his eyes.
"ROUND TWO!" Mashiba called out. Shimada and Nagatsuka got ready, getting into fighting position. Something is telling them, this match will be intense. "Start!!" Mashiba slashed his hand down and the match begins. Everyone went wild, cheering, Nagasuka can hear her.
Hear (y/n)...
This time Shimada gave this match some fast action. He delivered a swift punch to Nagatsuka's face that probably left a bruise in his chunky cheeks. "Ooooh!" Yuzuru said, wincing away. Nishimiya didn't like the look of this. "Hahaha. Go Shimada!" Ueno cheered. As Ishida saw Nagatsuka got punched, it reminded him the time Shimada has punched him like that. "OWWWWIEEEE!! NOW YOU WILL PAAAAYYY!!" Nagatsuka shouted, shooting his fist towards Shimada. His opponent caught his fist, but a smirk appeared on the chubby face. Nagatsuka, considering his height, uses his other fist a punched Shimada's lower abdomen.
"Shimada!" (y/n) gasped in a worried tone, her hands over her heart. Shimada peered at her and back at Nagatsuka more intensely. Shimada gave him a knee to the stomach (a light one) and a shove, resulting in Nagatsuka stumbling back and hit the ground. "O-ow. I thought I had him." Nagatsuka muttered in shame, laying on the ground. "Round 2 goes to Shimada-kun" Mashiba said putting his hands in the air.
"Poor Nagatsuka-kun..." Kawai said sadly. "Yea, he is trying his best," Sahara added. (Y/n) looked at them and looked at Nagatsuka, who was lying on the ground. She felt really bad. No she felt awful. Nagatsuka is a really good friend and person. He even planned this whole picnic for her! She....she needs to make it up to him.

"Get up, Nagatsuka-kun!!"


Part 2 >>>> Next chapter (Continue)
Sorry guys, leaving you on a cliffhanger. This chapter is getting long, so of course, I broke it into two parts. Don't worry tho! Part 2 is coming out tomorrow or maybe later in the day. It's Sunday today so of course, I have more time to write it. The next chapter is coming soon. Promise!!!

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