・Haruna ・

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Information about the 10k special will come out soon! In the meantime enjoy the scenario! Kind of short :P
The best song for this scenario(-)
Most of you should know this song, "Heather" from Conan Gray!



"It was way too late when I realized I liked Kazuki. I always caught myself staring at him without noticing or acting shy around him, you know that kind of crush thing. After realizing my little crush on Kazuki, Ueno found out too..."

"Hey (y/n). If you tell me who you like I will tell you who I like." We were hanging out after school by the snack store. Sitting down just outside of the building. She wanted to know badly who I liked and have been asking every chance she got. She tried to bribe me or make deals. I turned them all down. I knew Ueno and Kazuki were friends so I feared that she might tell him when I'm not around. "Why do you want to know so badly? It's not that big of a deal." Ueno smiled and responded with an innocent voice, "I promise I won't tell anybody! I'm just really curious. Hey, I can even help you."

I rolled my eyes, thinking that this time, I don't think Ueno is going to give up. "We're young. It'll probably go away after a while." Ueno sighed and took a bite out of her pocket stick, "Then why won't you tell me?" My cheeks felt warm, "Don't you trust me?" "Well... we knew each other for 5 months already... so yea, but you know..." I try to find my way out, but Ueno was persistent that day, "So tell me! Come on, I'm not going to do anything." I sighed deeply, getting ready to muster up the courage, "FINE. Promise you won't tell anyone!" Her eyes lighted up as she finally was successful, "I already told you I won't!" "Swear on it!" "I swear!" She placed her pinky out, "Good." My pinky wrapped around her, making a promise.

I take a deep breath, "It's... Shimada." Ueno grinned widely, "I knew it!" "Come on! Don't act like that. Like I said it's no big deal." Ueno leans back on the wall again, "Here's the thing..." I stopped munching on my chips, "What?" Ueno looked away as regret came into her eyes, "He likes somebody else..."

I could feel my heart falling slowly. It drowned with deep disappointment. I knew I only said it's no big deal, but it hurted a lot. "I-" I had no words to explain what kind of heavy feeling I had in my chest. "W-who?" Ueno crossed her arms and looked up into the sky, "Haruna." "O-oh... That's fine...haha" I try to laugh it off, but it stings. I was in PAIN. Ueno patted me on the shoulder, "But I think you and Shimada would look better together." My eyes bulged out my head, "W-what-" "Yep!"

I pouted, "How about you?" Ueno gazed at me with a confused look, "Hm?" "Who do you like?" Her face went scarlet red as she lost her cool, "I- Uh- Hm..." I smirked a little, "So...?" Ueno bit on her pockey stick, crunching it loudly, "You CAN'T tell anyone got it!?" I nodded my head, "Ishida." She turns away quickly after saying the name with light speed. "Ishida?" I said slower. Ueno nodded her head, still facing away from me. I started to laugh like a maniac. Not because she liked the trouble maker at school, but because of the way she acted.

She bonked me on the head and we moved on from that, but the feeling that Kazuki liked somebody still stung me.

The next day, I walked into class, still shy around Kazuki as usual. I started noticing him staring at Haruna after Ueno told me. It hurt me every time he moved his eyes where Haruna sat, but I knew I have to move on. So I forced myself to avoid him and not talk to him. Not even batting him an eye. I thought if I ignore his presence then my little feelings will go away but did it? No! Because we were friends AND he's my seat partner! Ugh, how frustrating... I'm not complaining though. As time passed, I often turned my eyes towards Kazuki and Haruna. They talked and laughed. He would give her her sweater when the classroom feels like its under 10 degrees. They would talk as they stand 2 inched besides each other. They seemed so close...

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