・There 4 You・

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I didn't know what to name it lmao

*sighhh* School stinks. Anyway, I'm back and more prepared. I am still unorganized for school, kind of, but I am getting the hang of in-person learning. My school is following a hybrid mode which means I only have to attend in-person learning for 2 days. The other days are spent at home doing online learning and usually, it goes much faster than in-person learning, so I get to write more on those days. It's going to be harder for me to keep up with 3 books so updates will be slow, as always, but for you all, I will try! Just letting you readers know so you understand that my personal life is already packed from school causing me to write less than I did before. So ye, mega sad.

Now that we got that out of the way, we have another lovely request from the reader themself wow_kiko ! Thank you for requesting, it's appreciated. I hope you and all the other readers love this scenario. Enjoy!

(Request: Kazuki hearing a couple of girls speakinc bad about (y/n) and sticks up for her :))



Takeuchi sensei looks at the empty seat for the 4th time that week. That seat was supposed to be accompanied by a little girl, who hasn't shown up at all during the week and he doesn't know why. He brushed it off the days earlier thinking she is ill, but if that was the case, (y/n) (l/n) must be really ill.

"Anybody knows why (y/n) hasn't shown up for about a week? Is anybody in contact with her?" The class starts looking at each other and whispering among themselves. Takeuchi sensei sighs, shaking his head, "If nobody knows where she is. I must give her home a call then." He sits down at his desk and dial the phone, "Hello..?"

Shimada stares at the empty seat next to him. Covering his mouth like usual, he wonders where his friend went. Of course, she isn't like someone special or anything... or that was what he thought. He was starting to miss her a little. He then turns his eyes to Ishida who was looking off into space, dying in his boredom. Turning his eyes back to his desk, he stares at it for a moment. When was the last time he saw her? It felt too long.


As he remembers, his little friend wasn't being herself. Walking her home, he notices how she breathes out in relief and have her brows furrows as if something was bothering her deeply. He didn't dare to ask so he just pretends to not notice, but he saw the anxiety written across her face clearly. She fiddles with her fingers, staring off into nothing. "We're here" Shimada pointed out to her. Her mind came back into reality, "Oh, we are! Haha, I didn't even notice." She scratched her cheek with an embarrassed blush. "Anyways, I'll see you next week Shimada! Thanks for walking me home like usual." They waved each other off. Shimada forgets about the worry on her face and brushed it off, hoping whatever was bothering her comes to an end. "What a weird girl." He mutters with a smile before heading his way home.

End of Flashback

They never met each other this week at all, not even once. "Maybe, I'll come by to check up on her..." He thought to himself. "Alright, I understand. I'll get it solved quickly right away. I am sorry your daughter has to go through that. Yes, have a nice day..." The class hears the phone hand up as their teacher stands up with a hard look. He pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance and leans against the blackboard. Shimada starts to worry a little, seeing how distress his teacher is. What if (y/n) is hurt? He uncover his mouth and waited patiently for Takeuchi sensei to talk.

Kazuki Shimada x reader|One-shots Collection (OLD AND DONE)Where stories live. Discover now