・My One and Only・

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! This scenario takes place in the manga where the gang made a movie.There will be some bad words in this too. I don't know if this book will get many reads since "A Silent Voice" was made in 2017 and this is a brand new book in 2020, but we will never know.
ʅ')ʃ Enjoy this Scenario!


(Y/n)'s POV
-Yes, this man is my big friend.-
"Wow! That was such a good comic, Nagatsuka-kun!" I commented when we got to the last page of his book. "Did you draw this?" asked Ishida with an astonished look. "You bet! I figure it would be a good introduction for our movie." Nagatsuka replied. We walked to Ishida's place to discuss about Nagatsuka's movie we were planning to make during the summer. As we entered his home we saw..., "U-ueno!?" Ishida stuttered as his eyes met the black-haired girl at the table. "Welcome home!" Ueno greeted turning her head towards us. "What are you doing here?" Ishida questioned looking at Ueno suspiciously."Your mom let me in. Why?" she answered innocently. Everybody stared at her dumbfounded until Kawai spoke up, "Well... I invited her, she's a member of the film crew too!" "That's alright with me!" I added, smiling at Kawai. Mashiba came in holding little Maria. "Why do you have a foreigner in your home?" he questioned. "It's my sister's kid! Her dad is Brazilian." Ishida explained. "Let's get things straight now!" Kawai came in. (Ueno, Ishida, you, Mashiba, Nagatsuka, and Kawai are the only ones at Ishida's place, just thought I should let u know!) Everybody sat down and pull their attention towards her. Once everybody has their attention on Kawai,  she continued, "We have 8 participating members, first we have Nagasuka-kun as the director, and Ishida-kun as the assistant director, Yuzuru-chan is lending is her camera to film and Sahara-chan is making the costumes. (Y/n)-Chan is doing the film editing, which leaves me, Ueno-chan, and Mashiba-kun, and if we win, we split the prize money. Is that right Nagasuka-kun?" Kawai finished. "Yes..." Nagatsuka confirmed as he hold his glass cup."Sounds good so far." I added.  "Huh, 8? Is that all?" Ishida muttered. "Oh, we need someone for the music!" Mashiba suggested and Kawai agreed. Nagatsuka got that covered as he said, "No worries, I found some good free songs to use, so the music is already covered." All of a sudden Ueno jumped in as she came up with an idea. "I-I've got a friend that does music, why don't we ask them?" Kawai likes the idea and agreed, "You should go tell them now! That makes 9 members." I wondered for a moment about who was Ueno talking about, and he popped into my mind. "Oh! Is it Shima-" "Shhhh!" Ueno cut me off-putting a hand over my mouth. "Eh..." I looked up at her and she smiled awkwardly then let go. She looked at me and signal me to keep quiet and winked. Everybody stared at us in confusion. I see she wants him and Ishida to meet so they can somehow be friends again, didn't she? I sighed as I bring the glass cup of water up to my lips to drink out the awkwardness. All the sudden, out of NOWHERE, Kawai began, "(Y/n)-chan! Aren't you dating Shimada-kun?" As I process the question, I swallowed my drink a bit wrong and started to choke like a mad man. *cough* *cough* *cough* "I'm sorry I just asked you so suddenly! I was just wondering what Ueno-chan said was true!" Kawai said, a bit guilty. Everybody was staring at me, waiting for my answer. Why Kawai?!?! As I sit there awkwardly, thinking up an answer, Ueno cleared her voice and blurted out, "Of course she is! Wasn't it obvious that she had a huge crush on him in elementary school?" "Well... Shimada would always suddenly bring you up during conversations back in grade school, haha." Ishida admitted, chuckling a bit." he- HE DID?!" I aggressively put my hands on the table causing it to shake, my face starts to heat up as little Shimada starts coming into my mind. "Yea! He would all the sudden say, 'I wonder what (y/n) is doing' as he looks at your direction." Ishida said as memories of Shimada came rushing into his head. I looked down at my hands on my lap, hiding the extreme blush on my face, everybody looked at me, still looking for a confirmation. "Well... Yea, I'm dating Shimada. " I mumbled, talking about him is making my heart running like the Flash."How did you guys even start dating?" Kawai asked out of curiosity. "Well, I think I asked him out first." I looked at Kawai answering her question still tinted red. I was so embarrassed. How did I get a guy like Shimada to be my boyfriend anyways??? Nagatsuka and Mashiba sat there in confusion until Nagasuka screeched out, "(Y/n)-chan is already taken?!? Damn I thought I had a chance!" he snapped his fingers in disbelief. Ishida was deep in thought, probably thinking about Nishimiya. I burst out laughing after hearing the sudden comment. Ueno then remarked, "Yea, I don't think so turd hair! Shimada is waaaaayyyy cuter than you are!" "He is also really cool." Kawai giggled. "Yaaa!!!?? Well, I bet if I saw him, I could beat him up easily!" Nagatsuka yelled putting an arm on his chubby biceps. "That's so bold!"Mashiba laughed. As Nagasuka yelled out the bold statement, I turned my head towards Ishida. "Oh Ishida, I forgot to tell you something." "Hm?" he looked over, stopping his deep thinking. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop Shimada from hurting you! I'm sorry you had to go through that..." I apologize for Shimada and for myself. "Oh! It's okay (y/n)-chan, that's all in the past, don't worry about it!" Ishida consoled. The conversation for the movie continued from there.

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