・Jelly Mind・

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Hey guys! I'm back with another scenario. I felt the last scenario was a little to rush, so I will do better this time! (Please give me any tips for writing if you have any. I like to make better stories for you!)   Also, I'm sorry to inform you...
You might be a little jealous of this one.
ʅ')ʃ The person you will be jealous of is Ueno. For this one-shot, Shimada, Hirose, and his girlfriend will be apart of the friend group. Here's a pillow, it will be used later. Good luck captain and enjoy it! Don't get too jelly. (·ω<)
-Author Fury


(Y/n)'s POV
Is it me or is Shimada and Ueno have been hanging out together often lately? I mean, I understand they have been friends for a long time, but it's making me have this feeling inside. This better not be jealousy playing me. No! It can't be jealousy. I peered at them from afar as our gang walk through the carnival. They were talking so... happily. I stared off into the distance of laughing children. I like Shimada for as long as I remember, but Ueno knows him way longer. She is prettier than I am. I'm just some weirdo after all. He's not going to like me... No! This isn't the time to be moping right now (y/n)! I shake the bad thoughts out of my head.
"Are you okay, (y/n)?" Sahara noticed by distress as she looks at me with worry. "Huh? Oh yes, I'm feeling great! Why did you ask?" I casually say, trying to recollect myself. Sahara usher me away from the group as she speaks quietly, "Well, I noticed that you have something on your mind. Is something up? I don't mean to be in your business or anything, I'm just worried."  Sahara gives me an assuring smile. I smiled back and glance over at Shimada and Ueno again. "It's nothing. Nothing to worry about." I said in a gentle voice. Sahara follows my gaze and looks back at me. She put a hand on my shoulder, "Alright, but if you need me, I'm here."  We went back to the group and to be honest, Sahara made me feel better.
"Yo! Where were you guys?" Nagatsuka asks with a mouthful of popcorn in his mouth. "Eat with your youth closed turd hair," Ueno advise with a disgusted look on her face. "You always got to be so harsh Ueno?" Shimada jokes around messing up her hair. "Just pointing out the truth Shimada." Ueno smiles at him fixing her hair. Ahh, look at that, Mr. jealousy is back. :v

After an amazing day at the carnival, besides me covered in jealousy, we decided to have a sleepover at Hirose's house. His girlfriend lives with him too. It was a pretty big house so it was the best place to fit many people for a sleepover. We all camped out in the living room watching classic horror films. "Here's some popcorn!" Hirose's girlfriend carried a huge bowl of steamy popcorn into the living room. "I think I have too much popcorn today." Nagatsuka clutch his stomach. "Let's start the movie!" Yuzuru impatiently jumps up and down.

I could not focus on the movie at all. My eyes keep on wandering over to where Shimada and Ueno and it just won't STOP!  I switch my eyes quickly to the television screen with a scowl on my face. This is not the time to jealous (y/n)! Focus on the movie!


Yikes! Not going to lie, that jumpscare got all of us good. Kawai screeched just like how the monster screech. Mashiba sits there, being the knight in shining armor for her. Nagatsuka was really digging the movie. Ishida covered his face with the pillow while Nishimiya pats his back with a tensed smile. Yuzuru was buried under 50 blankets and Sahara is basically squeezing the soul out of me. I look at the end of the room. Ueno was huddling closer to Shimada. Way to close. Ueno then opens one eye to look at something. I quickly looked away and ball myself up in my fluffy blanket, hiding my inner pufferfish. All of a sudden the lights came on.
"PILLOW FIIIGHHHTTT!!!" I peer out of my blanket igloo to find a pillow smacking my face. I burst out of my blanket hut, "I will destroy whoever just did that!" They wanted war, so war they have it! "Who did that?!" Everybody points at one person and that person is Ueno. I hurl that pillow across the room. That pillow flew so fast, I know Ueno couldn't possibly catch that. She didn't...
"Wow! Shimada saved her! So cute!" Hirose's girlfriend squeal. I couldn't believe it. It was tearing me apart slowly as I stood there.
An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I look over. "We will get them! Team (y/n)!" Sahara cheers. "Not today with team Ueno!" Hirose's girlfriend shout back.

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