・She's Mine・

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Hey hey! I just finished watching the anime Erased and I just want to ask... Does anybody have a crush on Kenya Kobayashi? ~_~ I seriously simp for too many anime characters lol. Anyways, I'm back with another request made by the one and only, wow_kiko!
(Got the photo from kazuki_shimada)

Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it! Enjoy the story readers!


(F/f) - favorite flavor


(Y/n)'s POV



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"Ngh..." Everything is blurry. I slightly open my eyes, viewing a blurry window, blocked by the curtains. The sunlight still manage to peak through and wake me up with a gentle "good morning". I slowly sit up and rub my eyes and yawn. What time is it? I check my phone which is lying beside me on the bed. 11:36 AM? Not too bad. I shut off my phone and stretch my arms and notice somebody's arm over me.

Look at Kazuki. So adorable. He's probably tired from the travel so I'll let him sleep more. Should I kiss him? But what if it wakes him up? Oh, just go for it. I lean down and kiss his forehead. I bit my lips as he slightly moves a bit. Huh? H-he's smiling. Oh god. That's adorable. He lays still with a porcelain face, but now he's slightly smiling in his sleep. I'm so jealous! This man still looks beautiful as he sleeps. That's impossible for me.

I let out a happy sigh, and observe my surroundings. Oh right... I'm in France. I look out the covered window. I can faintly see the other buildings and hear cars pass by. I sigh once again, and carefully move Kazuki's arm. One step at a time, I got out of bed and pull up the cover-up and over Kazuki. Hr groans a bit then slept peacefully again.

Alright, (y/n) stop staring. Patting my face to get back to reality I left the room. Alright, I didn't get a chance to check out the house and *sniff* *sniff*, I can really use a shower. This sweater has no more Kazuki scent.

This is what the house looks like from above: Take this crusty pictire and Pls turn it sideways! Thank u!

This is what the house looks like from above: Take this crusty pictire and Pls turn it sideways! Thank u!

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After checking out most of the house, the last destination was the balcony. I know that this balcony and I are going to be best friends. I swing the door wide open and breathe in the fresh scent of Paris. Ah yes, I'm going to get used to this. I lean on the railing looking down below. Hey, it's Brock! Should I say hi? Oh, he's talking to someone in that car. That car looks... luxurious. It was a yellow Porsche. Brock soon later notices me and waves at me from below. I wave back with a smile. The owner of the car steps out and he looks at Brock and soon turns his attention towards me. Ok... what should I do now? I can't tell what he looks like clearly from above, but he seems friendly... I hope. The guy smirks and winks at me. My shoulders jump at the sudden gesture. Um... okay...

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