・Turning Point・

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Hey hey! I like to say that I will be giving this book less attention to focus more on my other books and at school. I've noticed the reads going down within the last few chapters so I thought maybe I should pay attention to my other books. This book is of course still ongoing, but once I run out of ideas, I might end this book, but that's probably a long time from now. Please enjoy the story! Kind of continues from the last scenario. \( ̄︶ ̄*\))



~(l/n) - last name 


It's surprising how I got Kazuki Shimada as my boyfriend. We barely knew each other when we first met and barely talked to each other too. As the days went by and I got more used to my new home, I became closer with the people around me... I can remember clearly, the moment where Kazuki and I became closer...

I would spend most of my time with Sahara for the first couple of weeks. I got to know her really well and Ueno kind of laid off of her, but that's when I'm around. One day, when Sahara and I were just chatting on the playground, Ueno, and Kawai, her best friend came up to us...

"Hey, you." I stopped talking to Sahara and looked up at Ueno, "Me?" Ueno put her hands on her hips, "Come hang out with us." She smiled sweetly at me. I was shocked and confused. I thought she hated my guts. "Oh? M-me? Why's that?" "Because you seem like a cool person." Another girl spoke for Ueno. She had blond hair in braids and wore glasses. Her name is Miki Kawai. She sorta plays the victim card though, but I never pointed that out. "Thanks for the offer but..." I looked over at Sahara, "I'm hanging with Sahara." They smiled and Kawai simply told me, "That's okay! Next time hang out with us! We would like to know you better." I turn my gaze over to Sahara, seeing what she thinks. Sahara gave me a small smile, "I think it's worth a shot." I turned my eyes back towards Kawai and Ueno, "Is Sahara going to join us?"Ueno and Kawai stared at each other for a moment until Ueno turned back, "Sure, whatever. Just come join us okay?" I was hesitant about and finally decided to agree, "Yeah... sure..." "Alright! Meet us after school. We're hanging out in the classroom with Ishida and the others!" I sighed, having the thought of hanging of with Ishida, but brushed it off.

"Ah. I don't think I can make it! I have something to do after school." Sahara explains sadly. I patted her on the back, "It's okay! We can always hang out later." "You're still coming though, right?" I looked up at Ueno, more hesitant about my answer. I barely know any of them and I kind of despise Ishida at that time for his attitude. "Uh..." Don't know why, but I agreed anyway. "Great! See ya then!" Ueno and Kawai gave me joyful faces before walking off.

I remember how nervous I was since I only hanged out with Sahara most of the time. I also had a minor crush on Kazuki at that time and didn't even realize it. During class, I would catch myself taking a couple of glimpse towards him and can't help, but feel that I want to uh... wanting to be there with him, but I denied those feelings and said it will go away. Okay, anyways... skipping towards the actual thing...

"Hey, guys! We got her to come!" I was shaking nervously on the inside as Ueno opened up the doors to our classroom after school. There I saw Ishida sitting on the table and Kazuki sitting on sensei's chair, covering his mouth like usual. Hirose was just leaning on the table where Ishida was sitting on. "Finally! We waited forever." Ishida hopped off the desk and stood in front of me, skipping all the greetings and went straight to the point.

"We want you to do something for us." "What...?" "Since you can stand up to Ueno, we want you to stand up to this kid that did us wrong." "What?"

I was overall confused. I had no idea what Ishida was talking about. I thought we were just going to hang out. "Yea! This kid in second grade stole my shoes not long ago and so I punched him in the face. His brother punched me back and the kid won't stop laughing at us every time we walk by him! We want to get him back. If we get a girl to tell him off, he will never bother us again! He will be ashamed for the rest of his life. It'll be fun! What do you think? We can make a deal!" Ishida said with pride and he grinned ear to ear. I thought it was a stupid idea. "No." Ishida face falters into a confused look, "Huh? Why not? He's younger than us and I can assure you he won't hurt you!" "I think it's ridiculous, just tell the teacher," I argued back with a stoic face, gripping onto my backpack. "Oh come on pleassseee." He placed both his hands together and gave me puppy dog eyes.

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