・A Little Birthday Gift・

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Hey, I am going to start off with a short scenario. Don't worry, I will be posting long scenarios so it won't be boring, but this is my first time so bear with me!  I will try to upload as frequently as I can!
Enjoy! ~
"Yo Shima! Why do you have a present box?" Ishida asked as he caught up to Shimada on their way to school. Shimada with the little box tucked under his arms, hand in pockets replied, "It's (y/n)'s birthday, I thought I should give her a gift." "What?! I totally forgot! Could we share the gift?" Ishida begged hoping that Shimada, his best buddy, would lend him a hand. "Pfft, no way dude, this is special." Shimada rejected. With a disappointed look on Ishida's face, he then shifts to teasing mode. "What? You like her or something~?"
"No! It's a friend thing to give your FRIEND a gift." Shimada retorted, making the "friend" stand out. He did a friendly shove against Ishida to show his annoyance, a tinted pink has touched his cheeks. When they arrived at the classroom, Shimada placed the yellow box with purple ribbons on (y/n)'s desk. He went back to his friend group and looked at the present on the desk, waiting to be opened.
"Thank you for the presents guys! I'm going to cherish them forever!", the birthday girl said happily, hugging her gifts from her besties to her chest. Nishimiya gave her a cute little notebook with a little key chain attached to it. It was a teeny Shiba dog. Sahara gave her a fashionable bracelet that could look good with anything, even though it's made out of beads. Sahara was really good with designing it, the colors clashed together well. (Y/n) looked up at her desk and noticed a box that is nicely wrapped. She walked over there with a confused look as Nishimiya and Sahara followed her, looking at each other, trying to guess what's going on. They both shrugged with confusion too. (Y/n) placed her new gifts down, gently on the chair and unwrapped the shiny purple ribbon. She slowly lifts up the lid to reveal a little white cat plushy, with a red collar that has a bell that makes jingle noises. Her eyes lit up as she carefully lift up the plushy with a cute expression on its adorable plumped head. "Woooww!! It's so cute!" (y/n) exclaimed. Nishimiya and Sahara was also baffled by the cuteness. (Y/n) brought her eyes down to the empty box. "I wonder who gave this to me..." She gently place the cat down and picked up the box, trying to find who is the giver of this gift. "Nothing???"
"Maybe it's a secret admirer!" Sahara jumped in excitement. "No way! I can't believe this!" (y/n) scanned the classroom trying to locate this mystery person. Shimada looked away from the girl and back to his friends, satisfied that his gift put a smile on her face.
"You didn't sign your name?!" Ishida said a bit too loudly. "Shhhh! That's the whole point." Shimada muttered looking away. "Soooo, you do like her, hmmm~." Hirose teased as he lightly elbowed Shimada. "Nice move man!" He added, shifting from elbowing to a light pat on the back. "Eww! I can't believe you are actually trying to get a girlfriend!" Ishida babbled, sticking his tongue out. "Shut up! We are way too young for that! Plus, it's nothing like that at all!" Shimada exclaimed, but you could tell on his blushy face expression, he was lying.

After school the 3 boys walked home together as usual. Hirose and Ishida were horsing around while Shimada watched. "Hey guys!" a girly voice ringed out, calling for them. All of them turned around to meet (y/n) running at them with the most valued gift in her arms. All the other presents are safe and secure in her backpack. "Ohhhh! Look who it is, Shima~." Ishida taunted. "Hey, guys! Do you guys have any possible idea who gave me this present?" (y/n) questioned, trying to catch her breath as she held out the small box with the plushy inside to show them. "I want to tell them that I am thankful for it." She reasoned. "Sorry, we don't know who it is." Shimada lied with a friendly smile on his face. Hirose and Ishida stared at him in shock. Ishida slowly brings a smirk to his face as he decides to play along... Horribly... "Noooooo~! We have nooo ideaaa at all! Isn't that right Shima~??? Ishida mocked as he is nudging Shimada."Hey,  stop that!" Shimada warned as he shoved Ishida away. The girl stood there in complete silence as the two boys start edging and aggressively whispering to each other.
"Is it possible that it's one of you?" (y/n) asked the daring question.
Hirose stares dumbfounded. The two boys stopped their little wrestling match and whipped their heads to her. They didn't say anything as they also stared dumbfounded. "So it is!" (y/n) beamed. She is one step closer to finding out who is the mystery giver. She hugged the box in delight with a quirky smile on her face. "Wellllllll~" Ishida began with an idea popping in his head. "I know very well that it is NOT me!~," he said as he winked at Shimada."So is it true Shimada?" the birthday girl asked with hope in her eyes. Shimada sighed and looked down. "It is...." he said under his breath. Before he looks up in embarrassment, arms have enveloped him. "Thank you so much! I love your gift so much!" (y/n) grinned. Before Shimada could say anything, Hirose interrupted, "Oooohhh I think he likes ittt~!" "Look at the blush on his face~!" Ishida pointed out and laughed. (Y/n) let go and look down at the present with a smile on her face. She looked up at them and said happily, "Well, I gotta go home soon." she stood on her tippy toes and gave Shimada a little thank you kiss, right on his cheek. "See ya later!" (y/n) strolled away casually as the 3 boys peered back with a surprised look on their faces. Shimada's face was just,... Red.
(Y/n) smiled to herself, walking away from the boys, she hears Hirose and Ishida burst in laughter.
The End
Yay! The first story is done! I hope you guys enjoyed that little scenario. Sorry if it's a little cheesy. See you, readers, next time!
~ Author

Kazuki Shimada x reader|One-shots Collection (OLD AND DONE)Where stories live. Discover now