・Tearful Goodbyes・

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I deleted a scenario where you guys got to the airport. 💃


Continuing from the last chapter...

Then we notice a van parking itself right next to us. I know it not nice to stare, but I look through the window. "Yuzuru?" I mutter to myself. Did I see that right? The car stops it's engine and comes out is...

Third POV

"Nishimiya! Ueno? Everyone is here!" (Y/n)'s smile went wide as her friends hop out from the van. "I didn't know you all were coming!" She runs over to Nishimiya and Ueno. "You think we would miss you without saying bye?" Ueno scoffs with a grin. Sahara and Kawai exits out of the van along with Yuzuru. "Hey!" Kawai greets with a wave. "I'm so glad you all are here!" (Y/n) went over to them to hug them too. Ishida comes out of the driver's side and joins in with everybody. "Ishida?" Shimada mumbles out. "H-hey..." Ishida greets nervously, rubbing his neck.

"Nice for you to come." Shimada smiles faintly. "Ishida? Shoya Ishida? How is your mother?" Kazuki's mom puts out her hands for him. Ishida hesitantly shakes it, "She's doing well." Soon another van comes in and comes out is Hirose, Nagatsuka, Hirose's wife and daughter, and Mashiba. "Sup," Hirose says with his fist up. "Nothing much." Shimada gives it a fist bump. "May, you're here too and little Bibi!" (Y/n) waves hello to the little girl in her mother's arm. "(Y/n)! We going to miss you so much!" Nagatsuka comes over with tears already forming in his eyes. "D-don't cry Nagatsuka! We can always facetime!" (Y/n) pats his head with a smile. "Wahhh!" He hugs her, "You're too kind!!" "I'm watching you know," Shimada mumbles by them, giving Nagatsuka with squinted eyes.

"Wow, (Y/n), I didn't realize you have so many friends!" Her mom sputters in surprise. "You didn't tell her about us or something?" Ueno puts her hand on her hips, "N-no! It's nothing like that!" "Oh, Ueno, stop being a tease!" Sahara bonks her in the head. They laugh out loud. The group chats for a while waiting for the dads to come in which wasn't long.

"What took you guys so long, huh?" Shimada's mom questions them in a serious tone, making the two men nervous. "Lots of traffic!" (Y/n)'s dad babbles out. "Anyways! You guys must have brought a lot of stuff so let's bring them all in!" Kawai breaks in.

They got the carts out, loading the boxes and suitcases on to it. "That's all right?" Shimada's dad asks his son which he replies with a nod. "I will push one!" Nagatsuka raises his hand to volunteer, "Same here!" Ishida also calls out. "Thanks, guys!" (Y/n) clasps her hands together in appreciation. "Alright, let's go!" Sahara hooks her arms around (y/n) neck with a smile. The group walks to the airport, chatting along the way.

(Y/n) looks around her surroundings of her friends and family. And a wave of pain hits her heart. She has to keeps on smiling she told herself. She needs to leave with a smile. The doors automatically slide open, hitting them with that fresh airport scent. Many people walk around with their suitcases. It was a nice airport with a welcoming environment. (Y/n) feels a little squeezy about traveling. She takes a deep breath and turns towards Shimada.

"What do we do now?" Keep in mind this is her first time at an airport. She has never traveled by plane before so it's a whole new experience. "Check-in our bags and get our tickets. You can stay here and talk to everyone, let me care about it." (Y/n) hesitant for a moment, "A-are you sure?" She feels wrong letting him do all the work and stuff. Shimada leans down to her ear, "I know how much you're going to miss them. I want you to spend your last time with them." (Y/n) takes in his words with a grin, "You're the best!" She hugs him and joins her friends.

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