・Last Morning・

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Today is the day! The day where you guys will be going to France. Airport Adventures with your boi, yay! I will be taking my experiences with traveling into this scenario, so if I get anything wrong I'm sorry.

This scenario is going to be hella long. So it's more like a story? Anyways, I'm going to break it up into parts, BUT I'm going to name the chapter differently. So it's a story with different scenarios. It might take 3 or 4 chapters, but I'm going to add as many romantic/cute moments as I can! Please enjoy! (Also like to add, I named Kazuki's mom Lily!)

Airport Adventure PART 1!




(Y/n)'s POV

"We did it! We have defeated the evil suitcase monster!" Mr. Meowster cheers, waving her sword in the air. "Y-yea! We did!" I stare down at the orange cat, gazing at me with its big green eyes. It wasn't any normal cat. It stands on its hind legs and can fight with a sword! "Wake up honey." "Huh?" Did I hear that right? "Honey, wake up." Mr. Meowster says to me. The world starts fading away along with Mr. Meowster. "Wha-" Everything becomes pitch black

"(Y/n), wake up." I slowly open up my eyes to a shadowy figure. The room was still dark, but the light was on in the hallways, following with more shadowy figures. "Mhmm..." It took a couple of seconds for me to fight my heavy eyes to open up. My vision readjust, and in the darkroom, it was Kazuki that has woken me up. "Morning sleepy head." I sit up, rubbing my eyes, "Morning..." That greeting came out groggy. That was one weird dream I had. I shift my eyes towards the window which is still... dark.

"It's 4 in the morning." He was sitting beside me on the bed with a warm smile. "Aw, that's too early!" I plop back into bed with my arms spread out. "Too bad." He kisses me on the forehead. "Our moms made breakfast." I touch my forehead, my stomach filling with butterflies... but also growling because I'm hungry. Kazuki chuckles a little, "Sounds like you like the idea." How dare my stomach do me like that.

"Come on," He stands up from the bed and hold out both of his hand. Taking both of them,  he pulls me up into a warm hug. "You're making me want to sleep again." His arms feels like a blanket around my shoulder, I couldn't help it but lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "Don't sleep on me." Kazuki, to my disappointment, lets go of me and places a hand on my messy bed head, "How about you wash your face? I saw you drooling earlier." Please God, tell me he is lying, "That has to be a lie!" He chuckles, "Hm... if you say so." Kazuki gives me one final kiss on the forehead and left the room.

"Meanie," I mumble under my breath and head towards the bathroom. Flicking the lights on, I let my eyes that are getting blinded by the bright light, adjust. I splash cool water on my face and look up into the mirror. I can't believe I'm traveling to another country. This is my first time traveling by airplane. I wonder what it's like? My heart was thumping with excitement and wonder, but also anxiety... because I would have to say bye to everybody. No, no, no, this isn't the time to be sad! I brush my hair quickly before exiting out of the bathroom.

Walking down the hallway, I can hear Kazuki and our parents chatting. "You guys got everything ready dear?" "Yea, we did." I enter the dining room and my mom was the first one who spots me. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty has woken up." Mother always be calling me "Sleeping Beauty" because I slept till noon often. I can't help it! I'm just a night owl at heart. I'm going to miss her calling me that.

"Prince Charming woke me up." I giggle faintly, my voice still getting warmed up from the grogginess. "Who's the Prince Charming, I wonder," Kazuki says in a sarcastic voice, giving me a slight smirk. I sit myself down next to Kazuki as my mom places a plate of steamy pancakes drizzled in maple syrup and topped off with whipped cream in front of me. "Hmm, whoever kissed me on the forehead this morning is my Prince Charming, but I guess we will never know." This is payback for teasing me this morning. "Awww, did Kazuki do that?" His mom asks with an adoring smile. "I didn't know you were bold enough to kiss her on the forehead." His father comments while taking a sip of his coffee. Kazuki rests his head in his hand and pouts a little, "And I didn't know (y/n) would tease me like that."

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