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My feelings were hurt while writing this, so yours might too. Good luck (·ิω·ิ)



Despite everything that happened when we were younger, I forgave Kazuki, but it wasn't easy.

I made friends with a girl named Shouko Nishimiya, but there was a difference between her and all my other peers. She is deaf. Her deafness has caused her a lot of trouble, but she still comes out on top throughout it all, but the drama in elementary left a scar on all of us.

All the girls got to know her immediately, by communicating through a notebook. Day by day that goes by, Ishida had caused lots of trouble for Nishimiya. I told him many times to stop, but he would mock me and told me to stop playing "hero". Kazuki even agreed with him and assured me it's just a joke. After a while, another teacher came in and suggest we learn a bit of sign language to make it easier for Nishimiya to communicate more. Ueno turns down the suggestion harshly, but Sahara and I were up for it. From there on, Nishimiya, Sahara, and I had built an amazing friendship with one another. We would laugh and make silly jokes while learning sign language. It was one of the highlights of my day. The other highlight of my day is with Kazuki. We still hung out after school each day, chatting by the snack store eating our snacks.

The next big incident that has change my school life was Sahara switching schools. This isn't due to her family's job or moving, it was Ueno. Ueno, with her running mouth, talk badly behind Sahara's back. Yet again, I got myself involved and told her to stop, but this time Ueno is not scared or embarrassed by it. She simply smirked and told me, "Why do you get yourself involved? Stop playing hero." I thought about those words. It buried itself deep in my mind. As the days go on, Ueno kept on picking everything about Sahara, from her kind personality to her clothing. I tried to stand up, but Sahara told me it's okay and doesn't want me to stick up for her all the time, thinking it's causing me trouble. Without a word, she left. No byes, no nothing. Just gone. It was just me and Nishimiya.

Ishida kept on picking on Nishimiya. At one point "the jokes" got too far. I told them to stop, but they respond with stop getting involved. Sooner or later, the adults found out and Ishida's ego broke. When the principal came to talk to us, Ishida was called out, but not only that. He dragged everybody else that was involved with picking on Nishimiya down to. To Kazuki's betrayal, he bullied Ishida back. I hid myself behind walls and corners, hearing Ishida getting beat up, his schoolwork ripped to shreds, and curse words left to right. "Ah, my shoulders hurt. Let's go see the nurse, I'm sure (y/n) is waiting for me." I would peek around the corner, seeing Ishida lay there in the hot sun with blood dripping down his nose. I knew Kazuki never wants me to see him beating up somebody and with how many times I was told to stop playing hero, I was too afraid to get involved in this type of situation, but every time I have to witness a boy I like so much doing something so hypocritical, I just can't let it pass...

I remember first when Kazuki pushes Ishida into  the pond. After he was gone, I immediately rushed to Ishida, "Hey, you okay?" Ishida looked at me with wide eyes and soon with skepticism, "What? Here to make me pay to?" "What? Of course not!" I held out a hand for him, "I'm not like that!" He quickly swatted it away, "Just leave me alone." I pulled my hand back slowly and stare down at him, "Hey... I know what you did is wrong, but I believe you can change and be better." My words hit him in his heart. He took a moment to think about, "Hmph, whatever." He stood back up with water running down his clothes. "Just leave me alone."

I bit my lip and listened. I turned away, "I hope you can be better Ishida." I walked away, not looking back.

"Shimada, I think you shouldn't do this." He scoffed, "Playing hero for Ishida now? (Y/n), he deserves it. He put the blame on us and he never listened to you anyways." I kept quiet in fear of ruining my relationship with him and sat there while he wrote all the death threats. It felt wrong.

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