・Kind Girl and Bad Boy・

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Hey guys, I'm back with a really cute scenario for you all to enjoy. I didn't know what to name it so sorry if the title is bad. Also I'm sorry if the last chapter got to your feelings. This scenario takes place when Ishida was starting to gets bullied. Enjoy!

As two boys took out their ex-best buddy's school shoes to throw away to make him pay for trying to drag them into trouble, their friend caught them. "Shimada, Hirose? What are you guys doing?" They both turned around to meet (y/n). She notices something in Shimada's hands. "Shimada, why do you have Ishida's shoes? Are you pulling a prank on him?" (Y/n) asked out of curiosity. You see, yesterday when the principal addressed the situation about the bullying of Nishimiya, (y/n) was absent because she felt a bit sick. She came closer and meet Shimada's gaze. "(Y/n), I want you to stay away from Ishida. I don't want him to give you any trouble. You're such a nice girl, you shouldn't be anywhere near that bully." Shimada warned her. He generally doesn't want Ishida to be near that girl. He has feelings for her, which he wasn't aware of. "Oh..., Did something happened to you guys?" Shimada explained what (y/n) had missed the other day, while Hirose nodded his head in agreement.

"I see but didn't you guys sort of... yanno... joined in too?" She tried to put it nicely so she doesn't seem like she is blaming Shimada and Hirose. "Well he dragged us in and force us to do it, you've seen it (y/n)!"Hirose said, trying to convince her, Ishida is the bad guy. "He's right (y/n). I know you're kind and you give many chances, but everything can't always be nice. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy to stand up for yourself, but... if you don't want to do mean things, I can be the bad guy for you." Shimada looked at her eyes. (Y/n) knows she's too kind, but she can't help it. She always shows sympathy for others. She looked down at the ground. "Oh, well I-i" (Y/n) tried to think of something to say. "It's better if you just ignore him and leave him to us." Shimada puts an assuring hand on her shoulder. "Let's go, (y/n)." (Y/n) already have a feeling of uncertainty as she followed Shimada and Hirose.

During free time, Ishida came over to his group of buddies,... or he thinks he thinks Shimada and Hirose are still his friends. "Hey, guys!" Ishida greeted waving his arm. (Y/n) greeted him with a smile. "Hey (y/n)! Where were you yesterday? You should have seen what Shimada did!" He laughed, putting his arms around her shoulders. "eh-" (Y/n) stood there awkwardly as Ishida continued.
"Shimada pushed me into that pond. How cruel! It's fine now, right Shima?" Ishida looks at Shimada who has a deep glare on his face. He suddenly pushes Ishida away and grabbed (y/n) by the arm, yanking her by his side. "Give her some space will you? Can't you tell she's uncomfortable." Shimada growled, putting his arms around (y/n)'s shoulder, protecting her. "Oh! Sorry, sorry!" Ishida puts his hands up and smiled awkwardly. "Shima got a little crush, doesn't he?" Ishida teased like he always does. (Y/n)'s cheeks bloomed in a pink, rosy, blush. She heard a low growl from Shimada. Peering up, she saw that he wasn't very amused. "Heh-" Shimada breathed out. That uncertain feeling of her's got worse as the awkward situation went on.

As the days went by, Ishida was now aware his friends doesn't like him anymore. Shimada became a ring leader and started to torment Ishida, beating him up and writing nasty things on his desk. (Y/n) always stood there in disappointment as she did nothing about it because she was afraid to have trouble with Shimada too. Today after school, the kids were writing horrible messages on Ishida's desk. "Here," Shimada finished writing and lifted up the chalk for Ueno, "Why don't you write something too?" Ueno hesitantly took the chalk and scribble something down to get it over with. (Y/n) sat on the desk behind Ishida's. She sat there with saddened eyes as her mind wander off somewhere. Shimada then turns to her, "You're free to write down stuff too." He holds the chalk for her. "I'm...good. I don't think... nevermind." She was about to say it's not a good idea to write mean comments on Ishida's desk but was too scared to admit that. Even though she was hanging around with Shimada, she rather not follow his bullying method. "That's fine. I rather keep the nice (Y/n) then a mean (y/n) anyways." Shimada smiled, going back to write on the desk, as if what he just said didn't make (y/n)'s cheeks red. Ueno looks over, "Hehe, now looks who flustered." The gang looked over at (y/n), who sat there in embarrassment as everybody looked at her. "Aww, did Shimada made you blush with his comment?" Kawai giggled at the flustered girl. (Y/n) looked away quickly, avoiding everybody's gaze. A smile rose on Shimada's face as he put the chalk back on the teacher's desk.
"Welp, that's enough for today, let's go." He walked out the door with his friends following behind him. He slowed down to walk beside (y/n), who was the last one out. Her gaze was at the ground before noticing Shimada was walking beside her. She gave him her sheepy smile and put her attention back to the ground, with the same smile, but with a tinted pink blush on her cheeks. He stole a few glances as they kept walking. "Hey (y/n), do you mind if I walk home with you?" He suddenly spoke up. "Huh? Yes, I would love you to." She said with an even wider smile.

While the gang was walking down the sidewalk they bumped into the boy they were tormenting on. Ishida looked up, only to be face to face with the person he started despising.
"Eh-" He made an awkward noise. Ishida and his used to be a group of friends stare at him for a while. "Well look who it is." Hirose started after a moment of silence. "Let's just go guys."Shimada said under his breath, loud enough for everybody to hear. He doesn't feel like fighting Ishida today, he wants to take (y/n) home before it gets dark. He started to walk and bumped right into Ishida's shoulder. Ishida had enough as he snapped, "What's your problem? I get it okay!?" Ishida pushed Shimada which erupted into a fight. They started to throw punches and kicks at each other. This was the first time Ueno, Kawai, and (y/n) experience their fights as Kawai shouted, "Guys! This is too dangerous!" Hirose tried to keep Ishida down, who was still going at Shimada, trying to kick him. "Oh my goodness!" Kawai backed away from the brawl. "Come on guys, stop it!" Ueno called out, trying to pull Shimada back. "Stay out of this Ueno!" Shimada aggressively pushed Ueno away and jumped back into the fight. "Hey-" Ueno falls back a but. "Ueno are you okay?" Kawai worriedly asked her. "Guys...stop..." (y/n) was barely audible.She couldn't bear watching the fight any longer. As Shimada was about to blow another punch to Ishida'a beaten face, (y/n) ran up to stop them. "(Y/n) stop! You're going to get hurt!" Kawai cried as she attempts to stop her friend. Everything was in slow motion as she ran up and hugged him from behind. A foolish move, but she couldn't think of anything else at that moment. Everything stopped at that moment. Ishida stopped squirming around in Hirose's grip as he witness what just happened. Shimada turned around, his dressing shirt beat up. You let go of his back and reached for his punching arm, hugging it. "Please? Let's just...go home." She begged, giving him puppy eyes. Shimada looked into your puppies eyes and gave out a sigh. "Alright. I'm sorry for scaring you like that. Let's go home." Kawai picked up his flag and Ueno grabbed his backpack that has been dropped and kicked away.
After that situation, they all walked home in silence. Hirose, Kawai, and Ueno all went home before (y/n) and Shimada did. As promised, Shimada walked her home.

Finally, they got to (y/n)'s house. Before she went in she turned to Shimada and tugged on his beaten dressing shirt. "Let's get you fix-up." "N-no it's fine, don't worry about it." Shimada looked away. "No! It's NOT fine, come on!" She manage to get Shimada inside her house. Her parents aren't home and are still at work. She's is an only child.
(Y/n) gather her medic supplies while Shimada made himself comfortable in her living room. She dabbed a little bit of rubbing alcohol on his cuts. He has his dressing shirt off. He flinched a little as his cuts cried out of pain. After finishing bandaging him, all (y/n) can do was hug him. It made him warm inside and out from that unexpected hug. She buried her head in his worn-out t-shirt and take in his scent. She took his dressing shirt that was on her lap to cover her blush that was consuming her face. He stared at her. "Why are you acting so cute?" She inhaled, "Stop getting into fights with Ishida! I don't want you to get hurt or you to be hurting other people! You hear?! Hmph." Man, she's just like... a chihuahua. "I'm sorry I worried you. I will try to get out of fights, okay? So stop making that face." He rubbed his fingers between her furrowed brows until they smooth out. "That's better." he smiled a bit.
"I-it's getting late! You should go home." (y/n) stood up, flustered. Shimada followed her to the door. She gave him his backpack, dressing shirt, and flag. (Y/n) opened the door to let him outside. "See you tomorrow?" Shimada asked. "Yep.," she said, nodding her head. "Okay, thank you....you're truly a kind girl, eh?" He shined (y/n) with the brightest smile he can make. "Well see ya." He turned and walked away. She waited till Shimada was out of her sight. She closed the door and slid down behind it. "What was that!?"

The End


I didn't know how to end it haha. I hope you guys like this scenario. The next scenario should take about 1-2 days to write. I typed my scenarios on a notebook app before I started making this book so that's why lol. Thank you for the votes and for reading. See ya next time!   ^ - ^

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