・How It All Started・

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I actually never made a scenario where  (y/n) and Kazuki meet each other for the first time so here we are! Please enjoy!


(L/n) - last name
(F/h) - favorite hobby
(A/n) - any name


Kazuki Shimada was the boy I met in 6th grade. He was the boy I didn't know I fell for. I had it coming good. Thinking about it, we weren't even that close when we met. The first time we have ever saw each other was on the day where I went to Suimon Elementary for the first time. My family and I had recently moved to a new city due to my father's job. I wasn't very excited about it either. Knowing that I would have to get used to a new school, new people, and overall a whole new town got me anxious and worried about the outcome. Silly me... If I knew I would have ended with such amazing friends and an amazing lover, I wouldn't have complained so much.

It was a bright day for the beginning of the first day of school at Suimon Elementary. Nothing special, just me being extremely nervous. Mom told me I will make a ton of friends and have some courage. She gave me one last hug and ask if I needed a ride home. Of course, I decline because I thought it would be embarrassing if somebody had caught me with my mom. "You know the way home right?" I recall her asking me. Getting caught up with the anxiety, without thinking I assured I did. Wrong! I only knew half of the route home but that didn't bother me yet...

Mom gave me a warm smile and patted me on the head. She hopped into the car and gave me a wink through the car window. Silly woman. I watched her drove down the street until I couldn't see the car anymore. I couldn't help, but panic more without my mom here. I guess I was afraid to be independent in a place I barely know. Mom dropped me off a few feet away from the opening gate where kids were already entering. Like an idiot I am, I stood there a bit longer fiddling with my fingers. I then turned my gaze and stare at the tall buildings of Suimon Elementary. I sigh once again, hoping to calm my nerves down somehow.

Deciding that I should take my leave, I hear footsteps coming from behind me. My nerves intensified and my brain just popped. "Shimada, did you bring any snacks? I'm starving!" At that moment, I just froze. My leg wouldn't budge. So what did 12-year-old (y/n) do? She stood there, still as a statue. Not moving an inch. That's the first time I heard Kazuki Shimada's voice. His voice is indescribable. There's just something about it that makes you want to hear it more...

"I didn't bring anything. It's your fault for skipping dinner." My back was faced towards them so they couldn't see my face. My heart beat faster and faster each footstep I heard. I wanted to smack myself so hard for just standing there like some kind of bafoon! Ugggghhh, thinking about it makes me want to guh! Anyways... Standing there and staring at the ground, I felt the two boys come near me. I don't know what I was thinking, but I turn my head and that's when I saw Kazuki for the first time.

I remember when our eyes first met. His eyes were grey and almost looks blank, but his eyes pulled mine in anyways. I just couldn't look away. It felt that time had slowed and this boy and I were trapped in each other eyes. It lasted a split second before he turned away first. He and his friend walked up the sidewalk as his friend that I can't remember kept on going how Kazuki was so cruel sometimes.

My heart pounded loudly in my ears, watching Kazuki Shimada walking away. It felt like some kind of deja vu, but I ignored it, thinking I would never see him again. Of course, I was wrong. My legs finally muster up the courage to move. Right when it did, it was too late and I already heard the bell rung. All students are supposed to be at a gym to meet up with their teacher and get a word from the principal. I don't want to go into full detail about how I found the gym, so let's say I just followed a couple of students and they led me there.

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