・Packing For France・

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Hello readers! Glad you're back because in this scenario you will be packing up for France! You guys get to go shopping for some things and packing stuff at home and all that tiring stuff, but you get to do with it with Kazuki. Enjoy packing! ( )




"Alright, that's all the stuff son." Shimada's father pats the filled box proudly. (Y/n) and Shimada are at Shimada's parents' house, gathering things that his parents offer for their journey to France. They have also round up all of Shimada's belonging. "That's good dad. Thanks a lot." Shimada says as he takes in a breather after the organizing. The two men have gathered some cooking tools, decorations, eating utensils, and comfort items like pillows. "Now, we have to tape it up..." Shimada eyes the tape and sighs. "Kazuki, Mr. Shimada!" (Y/n) comes in with some drinks. "You guys are working hard." She praises, handing them some lemonade. "Thank you (y/n). I should have been more organized with these things haha!" Shimada's dad chuckles and sips the lemonade. "(Y/n), we're almost done here. We will go shopping soon." Shimada informs her before ruffling her hair. She nods, "Alright, take your time, don't stress yourself." After (Y/n) left the living room, Shimada's dad chuckles to himself, "You take good care of her Kazuki." patting him on the shoulder. "Yes, I will." Shimada smiles to himself before picking up the tape and securing the boxes.

Time Skip

"Oh, Shimada! We should get that!" (Y/n) has her eyes laid on a grayish backpack. "Looks pretty sturdy." Shimada points out as he inspects the backpack. "We should use it as one of our carry on bags." (Y/n) suggests, taking a good look at the price tag, and her face went hard.

Grayish Backback
Durable with 5 pockets
Easy to use

"What. Is. This. Monstrosity." Shimada chuckles at her dorky face, "It's fine. We can get it." He puts his hand on her head as he takes the backpack for purchase.

During their little shopping trip, they have bought water bottles, bags, suitcases, and other things. They were 1 hour into their shopping, staring at all the items in the shopping carts with satisfied faces. "I'm going to get some feminine items, Shimada." (Y/n) tells him, tugging his short sleeve. "Alright, I will wait by the cash register." Shimada gave her the shopping cart, "Take this with you." "Thanks. I will back in hopefully 10 minutes." (Y/n) hesitantly predicts and giggles sheepishly, looking away. Right then and there Shimada wants to propose to her again, but instead, he chuckles and leans in close to her face, "Take as long as you like. I don't mind." He pecks her nose. "A-alright then... See ya!" She quickly turns away before he notices the blush that crept upon her cheeks. As she walks towards the aisle, she plays the moment in her mind over and over with adoration her in eyes before 2 girls walk by her, breaking her daydreaming.

"I can't believe we are finishing school next year!" One girl goes as the basket of makeup swings side to side. Her blond hair was worn down with two hot pink clips holding her bangs. "Same! Maybe we can find a boyfriend next year too!" Her friend chatters with her brown ponytail bouncing behind her.(Y/n) could only smile at their conversation. She stops in front of the boxes filled with various kinds of chapsticks. "Totally need these." She mumbles to herself, picking one of the chopsticks. "Oh! They have mango." She plops that into the cart. "Wonder if they have pineapple. Shimada likes pineapples." She smiles to herself.

In total, (Y/n) probably chose at least 10 different kinds of chapsticks. She just couldn't help herself. She checks around the aisle, "(Pads/Tampon)! Definitely need those." (Y/n) grabs the package. Something caught her eyes. It flashes and glimmers like a treasure box. She looks over at the hair products. Her eyes land upon that sweet 100 hair ties pack. 100% guarantee will be lost once she uses them. Oh well. Time passes by and she looks at all the products she scouted out. "Alright,  should be good." (Y/n) takes out her phone, checking the time, "Oh 15 minutes? That's not too bad. I should get back to Shimada..." (y/n) mutters to herself. She puts her phone in her bag, "Vroom vroom. Back to my Shima." She pushes the cart, and ventures back to Shimada.

(Y/n) takes a breath as she stops by the cash registers with people waiting in line. She scans around the area, hoping to find Kazuki, tapping away on his phone or something and lo and behold, the god before her eyes. She gives herself a dorky grin and quickly pushes the cart towards him excitedly. As she nears Shimada, something seems unusual. Shimada is sitting on the bench, not playing on his phone or staring off into space. "You know, you look really cute, and I'm kind of into older guys, hehe."
"WHAT DA-" (Y/n) shots her head up, her eyes nearly bulging out of jealousy. The same girls from before are FLIRTING with HER Kazuki. She stops the cart and observe the situation with vessels popping on her forehead.
"Yea, hehe same. I mean, we are really mature for our age." The ponytail girl fiddle with her bangs. (Y/n) clenches the cart handle, "Listen here you little-" She says under her breath, clenching her teeth. Her face was starting to form into a grumpy cat meme.(ง'-̀'́)ง "Sorry, I'm not interested. In fact, I already have somebody." Shimada informs them casually. Of course, they still try to shoot their shot, "Oh come on, I mean, one day of hanging out means no harm!" The blond girl insists and crosses her arms.

"It's my time to SHINE." (Y/n) walks near them with a normal face, "Shimada! I'm done, are you ready to go?" Shimada eyes lit up and thank the god and angels. "Yes, definitely." Shimada stands up and wraps his arms around her. "My savior." He whispers in her ear, her hair flies back as he takes a sigh of relief. "Who's that?" The blond-haired asks in a sweet tone that sounds almost artificial. "My girlfriend- or should I say, fiance?" Shimada introduces. The girls stop their sweet act, "F-Fiance!?!" They stare at each other and then at (Y/n). "Er- hi!" She waves her hand with the engagement ring on it, hoping they can sense that they should give up. "Hmph, ok. You're so lucky to have him. Anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing life together. Let's go." The ponytail girl says awkwardly. They both rush away, giving Shimada and (y/n) one last thank to the heavens.

After a moment, (y/n) grabs Shimada's face, "Are you ok!? Did they touch in some perverted way? I can't believe they flirt with you! Oh, you wouldn't believe how much I wanted to run up and kiss you to show them your MINE- eh." Shimada smirk with his eyebrows cocked up, "You were that jealous? I'm really happy." He closes his eyes in joy and grabs her hand. "I would be that jealous too." Shimada husky tone made her heart flutter. "I- that's- um- A-anyways! Let's go check our things out and get home!" She stutters out and take Shimada arms along with the shopping cart.

Time Skip

"Oh, Mrs. Shimada! It was horrible!" (Y/n) finishes the story with her arms in the air. Shimada's mom is laughing out her guts as Shimada's dad and Kazuki are unbagging the items. "I believe, you chose the right woman," Mr.Shimada whispers to Kazuki with a thumbs up. "Yep, that's my girl..." Shimada mumbles out with a chuckle. "(Y/n), we will pack out necessities at least a day before the trip." "Ok!" (Y/n) calls out and went back to ranting to Shimada's mom. Shimada smiles to himself, watching her and all her dorky, sheepy, and loving personality she has that he will love forever and ever. Everything about her will be loved.

The End

I did not know how to write this without making it boring, but here ya go! I keep on cracking up making these scenarios. The two girls are alright to (y/n), but she may still have jelly tingles. Anyways, in the next chapter you guys will be... *drum rolls pls*

I would have to do research, but if you like to share something about France and it's culture, feel free to put it in the comment section. I would love to learn and use them in the next story! Thank you for reading and I will see you next time! Bye!


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