File entry #22: age-21 status- new beginnings

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May's POV

I was cuddling on the couch with touya, admiring my ring when aizawa called lights out. "Bed! Everyone!" As people started to head to the elevators touya went to grab his jacket. "Actually, it's bit passed lights out so the gates are locked till morning, you're gonna have to stay here tonight." Touya and I looked at eachother for a moment before he smirked, "I see no problem in that~" my eyes widened at the thought of what he had planned, "you're not allowed to keep me up all night I have an interview at a hero agency in the morning!" "Two interviews." Aizawa said as he headed off to his room. "Which two?" Touya aked putting his jacket back, I began to fidget as my nerves hit me. "Uh-um sir nighteye's agency..." he nodded, "and?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Your fathers..." I said almost at a whisper but it had still been enough for him to hear me. The room had become extremely warm as smoke began to rise from his body at the mention of his father. He stepped away from me as I saw the pain in his eyes, everything his father had done to him came flooding back. I rushed to him as I saw the blue flames start to spread across his body. "Dont!" He yelled but it was too late, my arms were already wrapped around him as his hands gripped my arms trying to pull me away. I said nothing as the flames and his hands burned me, I didn't care. "You're here! He can't hurt you anymore! I wont let him!" He fell to his knees and I went with him as aizawa came running back to the room. "What happened?" He asked as he canceled touya's quirk, "flash backs..." I said through gritted teeth as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head into my chest to comfort him. "He's okay now, you can stop..." touya's arms tightened around my waist as I felt the front of my shirt begin to dampen. "May your arms-" I shook my head, "I'm fine, just go." He didn't move for a while, not until he saw the burns begin to heal. "I'm so sorry..." was all touya kept repeating as his grip loosened, and I pulled away but only to kiss him. When I finally pulled away his kisses traveled to everywhere his flames had touched. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't want to hurt you." I shushed him again as I pulled him to his feet. "My meltdowns are worst than yours, you're a forest fire and I'm an atomic bomb." He laughed slightly, "I still seriously hurt you-" my eyes flashed a warning and he shut up. "Physical wounds heal and mine just happen to heal faster than others. It's the mental ones that take a little longer. So let's go work on your mental ones." I said dragging him to the elevator and to my room.

He collapsed on my bed as I rummaged through my dresser looking for clothes. "I think I have an old pair of your sweatpants here somewhere..." touya sighed, "am I worth all of this?" I turned to look at him, "your worth the world to me." I said as I crawled onto his lap making him look at me, "you are my world..." he said softly as he cupped the side of my face, "so answer me this, are we enough for you to keep fighting because I'll never give up on you." With his free hand he intertwined our fingers, "I see my fire in your eyes..." I smiled, "you're the reason I'm so passionate in what I believe in, you're the one thing that keeps me going." A shiver ran down my spine as his lips crashed into mine. "Forgive me..." he whispered, "there's nothing to forgive..." I said softly before he kissed me again.

We woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Its too early!" Touya groaned as he pulled me closer, "I have to go shower..." I mummbled as I snuggled closer as well. We laid there a little longer till a knock came to my door. "I swear!" I groaned getting up and answering the door. "You're not much of a morning person are you?" Shoto smiled holding a tray of travel cups, "why are you bribing me with tea?" I asked letting him in and snagging one of the cups. "Aizawa said you were going on errands today and I wanted to see if I could get a ride." I took a sip from my cup and leaned on my desk, "where are you trying to go?" He looked at the floor for a moment, "I wanted to go see our mom..." touya got up and started gathering his things. "If you take him will you..." I shook my head, "oh no you're not gonna leave me to explain the sudden ring on my finger to your mom with a flower delivery. It's time you went and saw her and I'm not gonna argue about it." He looked at me surprised as I gathered a change of clothes. "Both of your asses are mine today, be ready in 30." And I rushed off to shower.

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