File Entry 23: age- 21 status- hopeful

73 6 7

Mays pov

Shoto walked ahead to the dorm when we got back, and I kept my distance by walking a few paces behind him. We were both still upset, but I refused to break the silence until he apologized for his actions. The door slammed behind me as I walked into the common area of the dorm. "Did your interviews not go well?" Kirishima asked as I tossed my portfolio on the table and shook my hair out of its ponytail, "My interviews went great. They're not the reason I'm pissed off..." I said, causing shoto to stop in his tracks and turn towards me. "If you'd just give in you wouldn't be upset!" He yelled causing everyone to look at him, shoto hadn't yelled since he was a kid and his sudden outburst caused me to flinch. "You're being selfish..." he mumbled, that caused an outburst. "I'm selfish?!?!" I yelled, keeping my distance while my hold on my quirk began to waver. "You're being a child! But hey that's what you should be considering you actually fucking are one!" Everyone but shoto flinched at my use of words, "you know what, no, I take that back. You're a fucking toddler throwing a hissy fit cause he's not getting his way!" That broke something in him as he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me towards the elevators but I yanked my arm free. "No you wanted to make little comments and cause a fight in front of everybody, we'll continue this in front of them." He reached for me again but I backed out of his reach, "oh that's very mature of you now isn't it." I shook my head trying to calm myself down, "you touch me again, and I'll break your hand." My eyes flashed a warning, "guys why don't we settle down-" my head snapped towards kirishima who had tried to defuse the situation but before I could say anything I felt a presence behind me and something was firmly held to my back. "May that's enough." Aizawa's voice boomed from behind me and I instantly realized what was against my back, a small metal injection gun loaded with a heavy dose of mood stabilizers. "I'm still in control of myself..." I spoke softly, "that threat didn't sound like you were." I sighed, and walked away heading to my room, "not a threat, it was a promise."

-the next day-

Shoto and I avoided each other the best we could but that would change once we had to see eachother in class. I was in the teachers lounge faxing the nighteye agency my signed contract over. I was fine with almost everything in it but I made a few adjustments, I didn't want to stop aiding the teachers at ua, but I knew I couldn't work all day and night so I would split my time. I would spend my weekends, Mondays, and Wednesdays at the agency and the rest of my time would be at ua. It wouldn't start immediately either, it would be a slow transition I didn't want to just leave abruptly, although a part of me wanted to, just to get away from shoto. "You didn't need to pull that on me last night." I said breaking the silence, aizawa looked up from the papers he was grading and spun around to face me as I leaned against the counter behind me. "I think I did, it stopped whatever was happening from escalating further." I shook my head, "it was nothing more than a screaming match." He crossed his arms in front of him, "sure it was." I could do nothing but roll my eyes, "I don't know what's happening between you and shoto, and frankly, it isn't my business. The safety of my students, however, is my business." I just nodded, "that aside, I'd like to think that you and I have become friends, so if you need to talk, as much as it pains me, I'll be here to listen." I looked at him a small smirk on my lips, "you like me~, you wanna be my friend~." I giggled, bouncing over to his desk and sitting on it. He groaned and turned to face, "I'm regretting everything right now." I smiled, "too bad no take backs!" I waited to start till he was settled back to what he was doing. "I'm sure you've pieced enough together to know that I've known the todoroki family for a while," he nodded, "shoto has had a crush on me since he first met me, to my understanding. I don't know why exactly, maybe it's because I've never let his father intimidate me, and I tried my best to protect them. His reasons are his own, but I figured as he got older, he'd grow out of it, find someone his own age, ya know." He continued to just nod. "Touya and I told you about what happened to us, well without him there, endeavor didn't want me around. Forbid me and them from speaking, but I still occasionally reached out. I didn't want them thinking that I wasn't going to stop looking for touya. But I never heard anything, I thought they didn't get my messages until I finally got something from fuyumi after my attack. We met up, all 3 of us, and it was like nothing changed. I swore fuyumi to secrecy about the attack, and she talked me out of taking kai's proposal. They pulled me from the darkness that began taking over, and I hadn't realized that shoto's crush on me was still there." He had stopped grading the papers and was looking at me, "something changed, didn't it?" I nodded, "the training camp, I had figured out by then that shoto still liked me. But the night I was zoned out, when you asked me what was wrong. Shoto had asked me to consider him if touya didn't come back." "But he did come back." "Correct, but that hasn't stopped shoto from trying to get my attention. I think this engagement has only made it worse, he said he couldn't think of me as a sister, that his heart wouldn't allow it. It just pisses me off, his constant attempts to get close to me, to kiss me, and my body-!" He raised an eyebrow, "your body?" I blushed and looked away, "it just doesn't listen to me. I think it's because my senses mess with my brain." He let out a small chuckle, "how so?" I sighed, "he smells how touya used to, like smoke, he knows I hate the cold so as much as he hates his fire side, I can never smell the cold on him. Only when he's just used it." I heard his chair creak as he stood up, grabbing my attention. I looked at him. "Dont be mad, but I think he's gotten in your head, and now a small part of you might actually-" my eyes flashed a warning, "don't you even dare finish that sentence." He nodded, grabbing the items he needed and motioning for me to follow him, "time for class."

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