File entry# 20- age: 21 status: free

242 12 3

May's pov

While everyone else was sleeping I walked with midoriya to meet up with bakugou. "Kacchan, how far are we going? We shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night... hello?" I stayed quiet, my body no longer hurt and I was able to move around easily now. "You brought us down to ground beta?" "This is the place where we had our first combat training, where I fought you and lost. You've always made me sick, you know that right? Deku? You were useless, no power at all, a joke, so now you're going to tell me how you managed to get into this damn school with a brand new quirk that appeared out of nowhere." I sighed, and shook my head no at midoriya while bakugou was still facing away from us. "I didn't understand what you meant back then because what you were saying made no sense. But still, you kept climbing higher and higher always looking so satisfied with yourself. Ever since that sludge villain no it actually started when allmight came to town, better and better, untill finally you passed the licensing exam while I failed. How the hell is that even possible?" "That wasn't a matter of ability though!" "Shut up and listen you damn nerd!" "Sorry..." "it pissed me off that I'd been beaten by such a pathetic weakling, but after seeing what happened to allmight at kamino ward, I began to understand. I've been giving it a lot of thought you got your quirk from allmight didn't you? He gave you his power." I didn't react, and I had hoped midoriya wouldn't either. "I heard about the boss villain apparently he has the ability to steal a person's quirk and give it to someone else, which sounds kinda crazy but then one of those old cat lady's got her quirk taken from her and she can't work anymore. And then you met allmight and you started changing , then he lost his power and had to retire just like her. I remember what he said just after he beat the big bad, we all heard it." 'Now it's you're turn...' he's figured it all out.... "back then you were the only one who really understood what he meant. There's more evidence too like how those nomu monsters had multiple quirks, even though it seemed impossible, besides allmight and that boss seemed to know eachother before that fight, quirks can move from one person to another allmight knew the guy that could do it and somehow it's all connected to what you said about getting your quirk from someone else. I asked allmight about this in a way but he wouldnt give me a straight answer. That's why you're gonna tell me the truth." I went to walk away, this was gonna get bad. "You're not trying to deny anything, which means I must be right, so say it." I didn't know what to do, it wasn't our secret to tell. "Okay what if it's true?" My head snapped in midoriya's direction. "You and I both wanted to be just like allmight when we were growing up, but I was the one who had the potential, then somehow a little nobody like you was singled out by the person I admired most and I didn't even realize it. That's why we're here. You and I are settling this, right here, right now." I took a step back, "wait what? how is that the best way to work things out? No this is bad we're not even supposed to be at ground beta by ourselves. Why don't we talk about this during one of our free periods. We could reserve a training room or something. There's no reason that it has to be right now." Bakugou was getting mad, "if we fight for real at school it'll get stopped. I wanna know what made allmight give his power to a loser like you, let me see for myself. Is it because you looked up to him more than I did? And if that's the case does it mean everything I've done to be like him is wrong?" "No kacchan." While they kept eachother busy I texted my father and aizawa behind my back, this was gonna end in a fight and I was in no shape to try and stop it right now, not with my break down from earlier. "You- you really wanna do this?" Bakugou had started stretching, "if you don't wanna get hurt, punch back. Ah yeah you switched to using kicks more these days didn't you." Midoriya was trying to reason with bakugou but we wouldn't listen. "Come on stop! This isn't smart! Kacchan!" Bakugou struck first, and I had to use my quirk to get out of the way. "Stop this!" I yelled, "I don't have the energy or patience to deal with this right now!" Bakugou laughed, "then get mad and stop us!" I couldnt see anything in all the smoke. "Fight me!" Bakugou was destroying everything, windows were shattering everywhere. My body began to feel light and I started to get dizzy, 'maybe I should've listened to shoto...' my ears began ringing and I couldn't focus. Something was stirring inside me, but I didn't know what it was.  I fell to the ground as midoriya and bakugou had stopped fighting. "Don't you dare worry about me! Attack me! Why won't you fight back?! Why did I end up having to chase after someone who was always so far behind me?! Why did a damn small fry like you get strong and become the number one hero's sidekick? His favorite... You got so much better and I destroyed allmight! I admired him so much, but it's because of me that he ended up losing his power! If I had been stronger... if I hadn't of been kidnapped by villains, then it never would have happened... allmight knows it was my fault but hasn't said anything. Everyone has to know! I can't get it out of my head it's like it's constantly playing on loop so what the hell am I supposed to do?!" I struggled to my feet, "You dumb ass..." bakugou charged midoriya again and this time he kicked bakugou across the face. "If I'm going to do this, I'm going all out! I refuse to be your punching bag kacchan! Let's go!"  I stood back as they continued to fight, gathering every ounce of strength I had in me and as my power surged through me and my eyes began to glow my right eye began to burn but I couldn't worry about that now. I began walking towards them, the ground cracking with each step. I had gotten to them just as bakugou had slammed midoriya to the ground. "I'm sick of your shit!" I yelled as I knocked them apart, they looked at with fear in their eyes. "That's enough May, stop this right now!" I looked up at my father as my quirk began to settle. His eyes went wide, "ena..." as the glow left my eyes I went to rub my right to get the uncomfortable sensation to stop but my father stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Your eye, it-" I smacked his hand away, "deal with your students..." I went to walk away but he began speaking again. "I'm sorry but I've heard what you've said. I didn't notice before, but I should have." I didn't understand why my body was so filled with rage, it was like it was trying to protect its self. "Why did you pick deku? It's started when the sludge villain came to town didn't it. So why him?" I looked at the ground as my father placed his hand on my back, "he was powerless, but still more heroic than anyone else. I knew you were strong that much was obvious, you were someone who could already fight. So I decided that he should have a chance to stand in the ring." Bakugou was crumbling, I could tell. "But now you know I'm weak too. I always wanted to be like you which meant being as strong as possible. But look what I did to you, because im not good enough." I sighed, "this is not your fault young bakugou, I was always going to lose my power. You couldn't do anything to change that, you are strong. But I focused too much on your physical strength, and over looked what was important. This isn't your burden." My father had pulled bakugou in to a hug and I could see bakugou trembling. "I apologise, sometimes I forget that you're children. After being a hero for so many years you learn a few things, striving to be the best, like you young bakugou, and caring deeply about people about rescuing those in trouble, like you young midoriya. Both of those feelings are nessicary to be a hero. But also trying to be everything they need and want all at once and never disappointing, putting everyone before yourself, like you my dear may is also part of being a hero. Otherwise we'll never be able to represent justice. That's why you admire his strength so much, young midoriya, and I know that's why you've always feared his heart and spirit young bakugou. Now that you've laid your feelings out on the table, maybe you can understand eachother. If you have mutual respect and focus on making one another stronger I have no doubt you'll become the ultimate hero's. Winning and saving people at the same time." Bakugou sighed, "damn it, that's not what I wanted to hear. You! You had the strongest guy in the world lay the ground work for you, don't you dare lose again." They beginning to understand one another, "I'll work harder so that I can beat you." My body was fine now, like what ever new thing inside of me had finally made peace with what already existed. But something still felt off, "Okay so talk, who knows about you two?"
"Recovery girl, principle nezu, and May because she also has my quirk. As far as students go only you."
"And you don't want this to get out cause that would be bad. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, I won't tell anyone what's going on. Unlike deku I can keep my mouth shut, this will stay between us."
"Thanks kacchan."
"I don't deserve this, I should be down on my hands and knees begging for you to keep this secret for me. And here you are being considerate in helping me out. Thank you." Bakugou finally stood back up, "I'm not doing this for you, it would just be a real pain if this got out and messed stuff up."
"Now that it's come to this, I can explain what's happened between the three of us it's only fair." My father looked at me and knodded, "my father didn't lose his power because of you, I've been draining it from him since I was sixteen and he got injured. It was slow at first, but as I got stronger, he got weaker and his time to be a hero got shorter. Once he decided to pass it on to midoriya it only began draining quicker."
"So it can be passed on to multiple people?" Bakugou asked and I shook my head, "nope I'm just an anomaly, for most of my life I was quirkless-" my dad cut me off, "and now it seems you have your mother's quirk aswell..." I looked at him confused, "what makes you say that? Did aizawa say something?" He shook his head, "your right eye was glowing gold, and now it's the same color as your moms." I touched right below my eye and quickly pulled my phone from my pocket to see it it was true. "Mom..."

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