File entry #10- age:21 status: true hero

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As we were riding the bullet train to shibuya we got stopped by a nomu in hosu as it went smashing into the train. "Nomu!" "I want you two to stay back you hear me!" Gran toreno yelled as he leaped into action knocking it from the train, midoriya and rushed after him. "Gran toreno!" Leaping from building to building we chased after toreno, people were running all around us as we made our way through the crowd towards the explosion. "Tenya! Where are you tenya?!" Midoriya rushed in the direction of the voice, "Deku! Isn't iida in hosu right now for his internship?" I asked as I ran after him. When we found the voice midoriya suddenly realized something and headed off again, "what's going on?" I yelled as he kept running, "iida is after the hero killer!"

We got to the alleyway just in time to find the hero killer standing above iida prepared to kill him. Midoriya bounced off the sides of the building as he threw a punch knocking the hero killer aside. I knealed beside iida "I can't move my body, It must be his quirk, since he cut me I've been paralyzed." "People on tv said he might have that type of quirk." "Please don't get involved, this doesn't have anything to do with you." I grabbed my electro staff and extended it preparing myself "iida what are you talking about..." midoriya charged the hero killer landing another blow but the hero killer had cut him. "Its the blood!" He yelled as I went to strike a wave of fire came behind me, shoto...

"You two should stand down..." I said as I passed between todoroki and midoriya, "he admires my father, it's only fair he gets a chance to go against his own flesh and blood." The hero killer looked at me angrily, "he has no daughter!" I pulled my mask from my face as my eyes glowed blue and relization hit him, "a child-" before he could finish his sentence I was on him, knocking him aside I rebounded myself off the side of a building putting more force into the next blow knocking him towards shoto but he had dodged the ice and put more distance between us as I found my place beside shoto again. "You're holding yourself back..." he said softly, "it's a small area, I could really hurt someone..." as the hero killer went to engage shoto, iida was finally free and kicked stain away from them. He was becoming desprite, but in the end the three of them landed the final blows. The pros showed up a few minutes after we had already tied him up with some rope shoto found. Torino gave us an earful for disobeying him, and the pros called for an ambulance for the others injuries. While i stood back letting the three of them have their moment, then out of nowhere a nomu appeared flying through the air and snatching midoriya, but for some odd reason the hero killer saved midoriya from the nomu. As he headed for endeavour, everyone shook in fear, it consumed us. But the hero killer stood frozen in his place, no longer a threat.

While everyone was recovering in the hospital, the chief of police came to talk to us all. He said that if we claimed credit for taking down the hero killer that'd we would all be punished, but if we didn't there wouldn't be a need for any repercussions. The others had to stay a few days in the hospital but I was fine to leave.

While I was walking home, cutting through the alleyways as usual, a shadow fell over me. Their hands quickly took hold of me, covering my eyes and holding me against them tightly. "You leave yourself open for attacks..." I bit my lip, "and you're getting way too kinky with this stuff." He laughed letting his breath tickle my neck. "Touya..." I whimpered, "are you okay? Your costume is a little burned, what happened?" "Must have happened when I was fighting the hero killer with your little brother..." he kissed the side of my neck causing me to gasp, I heard cloth ripping as a makeshift blindfold was placed over my eyes. "How is shoto?" I turned towards him, allowing him to hold me in his arms, "he misses you, I miss you..." he groaned softly in my ear as his hands traveled over the skintight fabric, "You know in all honesty, this outfit is very distracting for hero work..." he bit my ear roughly before tossing me over his shoulder and making his way through the alleyway towards where I live. "My deal still stands, no fun till I get what I want!" I yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

-warning: gets a little hot heavy-
A few minutes later I was flopped down onto my bed. "Sit up." He spoke softly, as I sat criss crossed he did the same sitting in front of me. "Am I exploring again?" I asked with a smirk, "not today, ask me questions, if I don't want to answer them I'll tease you instead..." He laid his hand on my thigh and squeezed it softly. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat "what's embedded in your skin?" He took a deep breath, "metal" "what type?" His hand went higher up my thigh and he squeezed again. " is your hair still red?" "No" "What color is it?" "That's a surprise..." I shifted closer touching his face, there was metal there too... I touched his ears "You got some piercings...." I moved my hand to his chest and pulled me on top of his lap. "Makes me feel a little more badass" he kissed my neck, the distractions have begun... "Why do you have more burns covering your body?" He stopped, flipping me he pinned my arms above my head and pressed himself into me. I gasped as the friction, "youre not gonna answer, are you?" He tugged the zipper on the front of my costume, it started at my neck and he stopped just below my breasts. Nothing really showing Just major cleavage, I blushed, "touya..." He growled and got up, "It's so hard to control myself around you, my mind goes blank and I become very impulsive, selfish even. Just the thought of being able to touch you the way I want, the sounds you would make drives me insane..." my heart was beating out of my chest from nerves, building up my confidence "then touch me..." I figgited for a moment before I felt his presence again. Spreading my legs apart he sat himself in between them, his hands traveled up my thighs slowly. I covered my mouth muffeling the small gasps that came from me. His hands went back to the zipper tugging it down to my belt button, the fabric began falling away from my chest as he quickly replaced it with his hands. I moaned softly as he began trailing kisses up my chest to my neck as he massaged my breasts. In between kisses he began to toy with the spot between my collar bone and my neck nipping and leaving hickeys over a good amount of my body. "Touya... please.." He pulled away for a moment leaving me exposed to the chilly air coming from the open window. Stripping off his shirt he pulled me against him once again. I gasped feeling the cold metal hit my bare skin, he slowly stripped the top of my suit off my shoulders and resting it at my hips. "You're being a lot more gentle than I thought you'd be." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his face closer to mine, grazing his lips against mine teasingly I felt the heat sting against my back as he left his mark. "I want to savour what's mine" He whispered causing me to shiver against him.

But the moment had been cut short when the front door opened and closed and toreno called for me. "Shit..." He cussed beneath his breath. Lifting me and sitting me on the bed he grabbed his stuff, kissing me passionately "this old man is making me feel like a teenager again" I giggled, He handed me something and then took his escape from the window. Removing the fabric from my eyes I looked at what he left me, it was his shirt. Slightly burned, and with a bit of holes in it I pulled it on slipped into some pj shorts and rushed downstairs, enjoying his smell all the way.

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