File Entry #5- age: 21 status: unknown

653 24 3

May's pov
I woke up in a white room on a cot, for a second I began to panic and then I felt someone squeeze my hand. "It's okay, I think maybe today was too much for you." I turned my head to see Yagi, my father, seated next to me. "You stayed with me?" He nodded fiddling with the bracelet he gave me, "this belonged to my mentor" he pulled a small key from his pocket and he unlocked the rose charm. "I changed the picture in it for you." It was a picture of my mother and Yagi, they looked really young, but also like they were happy and in love. "She helped me become the hero I am today, I know you miss her..." I propped myself up on my elbows and held onto his hand. "We both do..."

He showed me around the campus, telling me stories about his time here amongst other things. Of course he had to be in his hero form so our time was limited on how long we could walk around. "In your letter you talked about finding someone to take your place..." I looked at my shoes shyly, "and I did, he started at UA this year. He reminded me of myself when I was a boy." He laughed but I had stopped in my tracks. "What if I can prove myself?" He turned to look at me a little surprised, "I didn't think you'd-" "but what if I chose this?" He just looked at me, my fists clenched and a confidence I didn't know I had before. "There's someone I wish to save, after that my dream has always been to become a pro-hero... just like you." He smiled, "There's no doubt in my mind that you'll become a wonderful hero, maybe even better than myself."

The sun was setting as he walked me towards the front gate where two students were talking. "Kacchan!" "I'll surpass you damn nerd!" The angry blonde kid walked away leaving the green haired boy by himself. My father jogged up to meet him "ah young midoriya!" "Ahhhh allmight!" I giggled walking up to meet them, the boy blushed "wh-whos this?" I looked at my father as he thought of how to introduce me, so I introduced myself. I held my hand out "my name is May Toshinori, I'm allmights daughter." "What!!!!" I lowered my hand as he began to piece things together and have, as my father put it, a fanboy freak out. "Midoriya is who I passed one for all to." My father whispered in my ear and nodded. "Wait, does that me you have it too???" Midoriya asked finally turning his attention back to you, "hold on, course not it can only be passed on once and he had to of-" I laughed really hard at the thought in my head. "Oh he more than willingly gave my mother his dna..." they both blushed as I continued my fit of laughter. "No one else had a child while it was in their possession?" I asked, "not that I know of, you're the first."
I sighed to myself as I walked home, Yagi would be over for dinner later on tonight. I still didn't know whether to call him dad or not, I don't know if he's completely earned the right yet. I kicked a rock as I cut through the alleyway a block away from my home. "Close your eyes." A voice spoke as they grabbed a hold of me, the smell of smoke and ashe invaded my senses and I relaxed against the man holding me. "Why can't I look at you?" I asked as he again removed the lace ribbon from my hair and tied it around my eyes twice to make sure I couldn't see anything. He pulled me close and held me against the wall of a brick building, "I've already told you why, it's safer you don't know." He ran his fingers across my skin, they were rough and scratchy from calluses, he was working a lot with his hands, I thought to myself. "I met my father today..." I whispered as I felt his breath against my neck, he pulled away "wait, seriously?" I nodded and he let go, "touya?" I reached out, panic becoming apparent in my voice but he took hold of my hand again, "sorry I'm just a little shocked. What was it like?" I thought for a moment wanting to tell him everything but I stopped myself. "I'll make you a deal, you let me see you and I'll tell you..." he chuckled in my ear sending shivers down my spine, "no can do... kitten." He nipped my ear and I bit my lip. "Why not?" I whined, he gripped my thighs tightly lifting me over his shoulder as he began walking. "You can't tell me it doesn't excite you just a little bit." I went to say something but he smacked my ass causing me to gasp and stay silent. "Where are me headed?" I asked as I felt him begin to climb something. "Your room, it's closer." He pushed the window open and slid me through first, "for what?" I asked but my question was answered a moment later after I heard him lock my bedroom door and his lips collide with mine. He picked me up again as I ran my hands through his hair and he softly laid me down on the bed. I ran my hands across his arms feeling the leather fabric in between my fingers before he slid it off and tossed it on the floor, trailing kisses down my neck. I went to pull off my blindfold but he pulled my hands away and pinned them above me. "Wait, touya..." I moaned as he bit the skin between my collar bone and the soft part of my neck. "What?" He growled playfully in my ear as he began to try and pull the zipper down on the side of my sundress. "If we do this, I want to be able to see you." I pleaded softly and he sighed sitting on top of my legs gently letting my wrists go. "I'm not ready for you to see what I've become..." I went to remove the blindfold again but he stopped me, I became frustrated and a few tears slipped past the blindfold. He laid down beside me holding me close and rubbing my back. "You'd be disappointed in me..." He whispered
A little while later a knock came at the door as touya was leaving through the window, when I was sure he was gone I removed the lace ribbon and opened the door. It was Grand Toreno, "Yagi's here, he brought you sushi from your favorite restraunt for dinner." I smiled and hurried downstairs while the old man followed me. "What's that on your neck" he asked as I sat down and covered the spot with my hand. "Nothing!" My father cleared his throat, "you're still with endeavours son?" He asked and I blushed while the old man laughed away. "Didn't he runaway?" He asked and I shook my head. "Not exactly..." I mumbled to myself, "did you keep something to yourself? Is he here?" I shook my head again setting my chopsticks down. "Its my fault for what happened..." and I told him everything just as I had told toreno. He was visibly upset at first, "why wasn't I told that she had been taken?" He yelled and all toreno could do was shrug. "You know he's probably not the same touya anymore, he's gotten himself too deep." " I don't care what he's done cause whatever he's done has been for me. He's finally stepping out of the shadows from watching from afar, don't take this away from me you don't know how much we need eachother!" I went to get up from the table but he grabbed my hand softly leading me to sit back down. "He's the one you want to save?" I nodded softly, "then I'll help the best I can." I finally let the breath I didn't know I was holding in out. "Is it safe to assume he still looks the same?" I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again and shook my head, "He won't let me see his face, he says it's safer for me not to know."

We ate dinner in silence, I had a mission to try and accomplish. I had to see who Touya became, I had to save him...

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