File entry #8: age- 21 status- protective

512 20 1

May's pov
Not too long after the incident I received an invitation to join my father at the UA sports festival and an invitation to join the school as an assistant teacher as I worked towards getting my hero license. If I accepted they'd want me to join the students when they go to camp. It took me a few days to decide that I did want to take the opportunity to work alongside my father but he was happy to have me there nevertheless. There was less than 2 weeks left till the sports festival when I became the teachers assistant for class 1-A and everyone was training really hard. I found a place I belonged...

The morning of the sports festival was hectic as I followed my father to our seats. "Let me know if you need to take a break from this form." He was his loud and golucky self for the time being spouting nonsense about he'll be fine, the only thing he needs to worry about is if some guy tries to hit on me, blah blah blah. But it felt good to be in a normal father/ daughter situation for the time being.

The first task was an obstical course around the stadium. My father was happy when midoriya won the first task, I was surprised that on the inside I had started cheering for him too. He earned It, he used his head and not his quirk but agencies probably wouldn't take a second look at him until he showed it off. The next task which was a calvery battle, seemed like it going to be insane.

"Touya visited me a few weeks ago, after the villain incident." "He must have been worried." My father smiled softly, "that's what his note said atleast." I sighed feeling a little down. "His visits are getting shorter and longer in between... am I losing him?" I didn't need an answer and he knew I wasn't looking for one as the next task began. For the most part midoriya' s team was doing good keeping a hold of their lead but in the last few moments, Shoto's team took the 10 million headband but midoriya and tokoyami's dark shadow were able to take 2 headbands taking them from first place to the last qualifying team. He was still in the running, and so was shoto, his brother would be proud.

"Are you hungry?" My father asked standing up once they called for a lunch break. "I could go for something sweet." I smiled getting up and walking towards the vendors area. "Everything is so colorful and it smells amazing!" I hopped to and from a few stalls checking everything out as I heard my father laugh happily to himself. "I can't change the past, but being able to share in a moment like this with you makes me feel like a true father." "You're my father no matter what happened in the past, we're here together now."

On the way back we ran into Shoto's dad, endeavour. I hadn't realized how bad his children had it, I was sickened by his view on his son. "You'll be smart to keep your distance from Shoto, he doesn't need the reminder." I whipped the tears that had fallen, "I'll save them both, I'll save them all."

The sports festival started up again and they started with short activities before the main event, 1 v. 1 combat. First up was midoriya against class 1-bs' shinso, in the beginning it seemed to already be over. Shinsos quirk is brainwashing, but before midoriya crossed the boundary he used one for all to wake himself up and no matter what shinso did he was no match for midoriya. But I could tell something was different about midoriya which is why I was surprised when he lost to shoto after pushing him to use his fire side. But shoto wouldn't use it against bokugou, which caused him to lose.

"What'd you think? Ready to be a teacher?" My father asked as I was leaving to go home. "I don't know, I guess in a way I feel like one of them. But I also feel out of place, I'm not all good like some of them, my heart isn't fully my own. Nor is my dreams, I'm gonna fail them and you but I don't want to." "What do you mean?" "I realised something today when we bumped into endeavour. I wanted to hurt him for what he's done. Touya used to be in the hospital a lot from burns he got from his dad and it seems like once touya left his sights were set on shoto." I felt a hand on my shoulder, "I know what you're feeling, and we'll save Touya, I promise." I gave him a lighthearted smile a began my journey home.

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