File Entry #21: age- 21 status- worried

212 12 16

May's POV
I woke up to a banging on my door, I got up grumpily. "What?!" I yelled, I opened the door and was greeted by aizawa, "dabi's piling up bodies, somethings going down-" his eyes had traveled down my figure only to notice I was wearing touya's shirt, only his shirt and it stopped mid thigh. He pulled the door to where it was only a crack so I could hear him but not see him, "You need to get him here, as soon as possible." He held his phone out showing me the number on the screen, "Why do you think he's doing this?" I asked as I dialed the number and it began to ring, "the league is gonna make a move." I sighed as he answered, "who's this?" I smiled, "Your number one fan..." I heard the tone of his voice change, "oh? And what is my number one fan wearing? Something sexy I hope?" I laughed, "I don't know do you find your shirts sexy?" He groaned, "only when you're wearing them... is it safe to assume that's all you're wearing?" I bit my lip, "maybe~" I heard someone clear their throat on the other end of the line, "am I distracting you from something important?" "Oh you can distract me all you want... would you hang up!" I could hear shiguraki getting impatient, "Let me put you on hold for a second kitten and then we can go back to what we were talking about." I smiled muting myself and putting it on speaker so aizawa could hear too. "There, now make it quick, don't wanna leave her waiting..." "You're such a horndog!" Toga said sounding disgusted. "What's wrong with that? Get some! Take a cold shower." "Shut up! Twice was saying that he found someone worth recruiting..." there was some silence for a moment, "as I was saying his name is overhaul and he wants to meet with us." I looked at aizawa and he shook his head, "who is this overhaul?" Touya asked, "from the research I've done his real name is Kai Chisaki and he runs the current leader of the shie hassaikai." My hand began to shake and aizawa quickly took the phone from me, "great y'all do that I've got much better plans." I heard a door close and touya answer the phone again, "now where were we kitten?" "She's currently away from the phone right now." "Uck not the voice I wanted to hear." I was still shaking, "s-sorry, when could y-you come her-here?" I could hear the worry in his voice, "I'll skip the meeting, I'll come straight to you. What's wrong?" I took a deep breath, "its n-nothing, I'll see y-you after c-class." He was quiet for a moment, "um you're not really in just only my shirt right?" I blushed deeply, "she has sweat pants on." Aizawa lied for me, "keep me updated on this overhaul." "Gotcha." Aizawa quickly left the room to head to homeroom. "Are you really okay babe?" He asked and I began calming down, "uh well actually something happened yesterday..." "what?" I twirled my hair nervously, "it looks like I inherited my mother's quirk..." He was quiet for a moment, "is that all?" I bit my lip, "well you were there for my breakdown so..." he sighed, "right, almost forgot. I'll see you tonight... I love you." I smiled, "I love you."

I rushed to get ready and hurried to homeroom. "Listen up everyone! Stay in line and move properly into position. I wanna see order!" It's too early for this iida, "uh you're the only one who's not in line." Sero stated and I laughed as I slipped past them to get to the entrance ceremony. "Running late?" I glared at my dad, "Yeah yeah." I didn't really listen to what nezu was saying my mind was stuck on chisaki, why would he be meeting with the league? Is the shie hassaikai doing that bad? I looked down at the number I had saved in my phone years ago, I was never the one to reach out and he had only called after I turned him down when eri had a nightmare... eri... god I missed her, she was three last time I saw her. My father noticed the worry on my face, "Are you okay?" I only nodded, chisaki was never bad to me. He was the man who saved me, he was kind and gentle... maybe he still was?

"Okay, starting today we will resume our regular classes and training schedule. I know a lot has happened recently, however, you need to switch gears and focus on your school duties. We're lecturing today, but this semester you'll have even harder training than before." "He can't mean that right?" "like to share hasido?" "Ah! His icy stare is back!" I was sitting on the desk like normal but aizawa could tell I was stuck in my head. "Would you like to take the day off?" He leaned in close and asked softly in my ear, I only shook my head no. "Okay." "Excuse me sir, may I ask a question? What were those things the principal was talking about during the opening ceremonies I've never heard the term hero work studies before." "I know that had me pretty confused too." "He said their something the upper classmen participate in right?" Aizawa scratched his head, "hmmm, I was planning to talk more about those at a later date. But, I guess telling you know is more logical. To put it simply, it's work outside of class. Like the internships you did at pro hero agencies before, only closer to the real thing." While the class was discussing I was still thinking about what I should do, I had hopped off the desk interrupting their discussion and stepped out into the hallway. My body moved before my brain fully processed what I was doing and he had answered before I could hang up the phone. "It's been a while, May Toshinori." I was caught off guard, "hello?" He spoke again, "uh- do you have a minute to talk?" I asked quickly, "I wouldn't have answered if I didn't." I was flustered and he knew that, "Ah! Right, sorry..." he was silent for a moment, "thinking about the past are we?" I sighed, "you could say that. Chi- Kai... I-" he chuckled softly cutting me off, "Would you like for me to have a car come pick you up? We can talk in person-" "no! I just..." I didn't know what I was doing, "I missed eri is all, she hasn't seemed to have had any nightmares lately." He sounded disappointed, "did you only call for her?" "Did you think I'd call for anyone else?" He sighed, "no I would guess not." He was silent for a moment, "hey Kai?" "Hmmm?" "Why did you save me that night?" He was silent again, "you know why." I leaned against the wall and looked up at the ceiling, "and I never believed that it was the only reason." "Why would hearing it matter, you turned down my offer remember... your heart belongs to him." Why did talking to him making me feel like this? Why was I tearing up? "Yeah, it does... but-" "oh?" I blushed, I had miss spoke, "there's a but? Are you perhaps rethinking my offer? Has your beloved hero been gone so long that you've lost hope?" I was getting mad now, "I would never accept your offer when the only reason for it is because you want to use me for my quirk!" I think he was taken aback by my outburst, "and if I had other motives?" I growled, "you'd be lying, I've known you long enough to know that you only care about the shie hassaikai. The only reason you ever called me was for eri's sake-" "not all the time, hearing your voice motivates me-" "motivates you to do awful things!" My emotions were getting the better of me, "Had I ever been awful to you?" I wanted to yell at him but he was right, he had never been cruel to me. "Can I please just speak to eri?" "And if I say no?" I sighed, "please, Kai?" The line was silent before I heard a small child's voice, "hello?" Relief had washed over me, "hello eri..." her voice instantly sounded happier, "May! I've missed you!" I smiled, "I've missed you, I'm so sorry it's been so long-" "its not your fault, chisaki didn't want to call and bother you." "Have you been having nightmares again?" I was starting to get a little worried, "mhm" "what about?" "I'm not allowed to tell you, chisaki will be mad." "Why would he be mad sweetie? What's going on?" The phone was quiet and it was chisaki that answered instead of eri, "I think that's enough." "Kai what's been going on? Why-" "That's none of your concern." I took a deep breath, "Careful Chisaki, you're starting to sound like a villain." I had pushed his buttons, and he was definitely getting mad. "Don't compare me to those stupid-!" He took a deep breath as well, "goodbye May, wouldn't want to say something I'd regret." "Goodbye, Kai or should I call you overhaul now?" He was quiet, "now where did you hear that?" I smiled, "didn't you seen the news this morning? I'm a pro now, word travels fast when a new villain starts causing trouble." He laughed, "the world now knows one of your secrets. I wonder what other ones will be outted?" I hung up, I was getting now where and my angry was beginning to get the better of me.

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