file entry #19: age- 21 status- complicated

267 8 7

May's pov
After touya's visit it was getting a whole lot easier to control my emotions. And as the days passed everyone continued to work hard on creating their ultimate moves. "Aizawa how are things progressing?" "You're back again? We're getting there." I was using my quirk to help increase the other students strength when I spotted my father talking to aizawa. I hopped from my perch landing beside them, the concrete cracking beneath me as I landed. "Seems like your getting to the point were it's not draining you when you use your ability, have you thought of a name for it yet?" My father asked, I hadn't even thought of trying to name my moves. "Not really, I guess it didn't seem that important for me..." I mumbled looking at my feet. His hand rested itself on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him. "What about spirit increase? It's basically what you're doing, increasing someone's will to keep fighting." I nodded, "sounds good, dad." He smiled as aizawa spoke up, "some of them have finally solidified their fighting styles. And there are those who are already putting together multiple special moves." They turned to watch bakugou and I went back to helping the others. But on my way back to my perch a chunk of rock fell from where bakugou was training and was now heading for my dad. Luckly midoriya was able to stop it before it could fall on him. "You okay allmight? That was close!" "Yeah!" "Dude midoriya what was that? You swooped in and wasted that rock!" "I always thought you were more of a puncher." "I am! Or I was..." I had stopped listening to the conversation. It was true, as some of the students started getting the hang of their fighting styles, others changed them completely. As I went to start training again, class 1-b came and interrupted us. "That's enough class A, class B is scheduled to use this training room every afternoon." I hopped back down and stood beside aizawa, "eraser get your kids out of our way." I sighed, "you're not trying to kick us out early when we have ten whole minutes left are you?" I smirked to myself. "Hey did ya hear? The licence exam has a fifty percent pass rate. That means your entire class might fail!" The fuck is with this kid? But he wasn't wrong about the passing rate, everyone else was worried about it too. "Unfortunately his observations are correct. If we're taking the same exam then we'll crush eachother, that is the hand fate has dealt us." Tokoyami spoke, "and why we won't be in the same location. Our classes applied to different spots." I nodded, "there are two exam days, in June and September. And the tests are held in three different places. We don't want students from the same place fighting, we split you up. Each school deposits one class at a single location." I sighed because of all this talking we had run out of time to keep training.

-time skip (a week)-

"It's exam day, are you ready?" Aizawa said as we loaded onto the bus, "I think I'm gonna be sick..." I fake coughed, and he chuckled. "You've got this." My nerves really hit me standing in front of the testing site. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros, except for May, you're going for your full." My stomach was in knots, "please stop..." I mumbled, "I expect your best." Everyone was getting a little pumped when a few students from a different school came over to talk to us. "You know it's pretty rude to barge into other people's hudles like that." "What?! Parden me, I am so very extremely sorry!" Wow this dude was aggressively... positive?

As the students headed to orientation, aizawa and I headed to a different room. "Its gonna be tough in there, but dont worry I'll be right there with you." I nodded, I took a deep breath as he opened the door for me, "this is a conference room, how am I-?" The three people sitting at the table cut me off, "we've already seen what you can do. Please take a seat." I nodded as I entered the room and sat across from them while aizawa leaned against the wall. "So tell us..." My nerves were a mess, I was so unbelievably nervous that I could've thrown up right then and there, "what's your favorite color?" What?!? I heard aizawa snicker behind me, "um, purple..." they all nodded and started jotting down notes, 'what's going on?' "And what about your favorite time of the year?" I shook my head confused, "I'm sorry but what does this have to do with becoming a hero?" They said nothing and started taking notes again. "Could you please answer the question." I heard aizawa snicker again and I was beginning to get ticked off. "Fall." They made hmmm sounds this time, "what's your favorite animal?" My eyes glowed as I stood up, "Could you please stop wasting my time and yours with these meaningless questions?!" I slammed my hands on the table as aizawa completely lost it behind me, "what the hell is so funny?!" I yelled as I turned to look at him. "Miss toshinori, we've already agreed that the world needs a hero like you." I turned back to look at the administrators, "what?" They smiled, "you've earned your license miss toshinori." The glow left my eyes as I fell to my knees as tears threatened to fall. "Please tell me you're not joking..." one of the administrators got up and handed me a piece of paper, "two rooms down is where you'll take your photo and fill out your name form." I held the paper in my hand for a while as tears began to fall onto the paper, 'I did it mom... I made my dream into a reality.' Aizawa held his hand out to me as he helped me up and we headed to the next room. "You knew?" I asked as we walked down the hall, "of course." I punched his shoulder, "ow!" I smiled, "you asshole." He smirked, "so are you sticking with white rabbit?" I shook my head no, "so what's you're hero name?" I skipped ahead of him and smiled, "karma."

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