File entry #17 age: 21 status: conflicted

335 15 3

May's pov
The first morning in the dorms were a little awkward just because everyone was trying to get into the swing of things. But it didn't take long for everyone to get used to being here and classes to start up again. "I believe I mentioned this already, but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero licences. Do not take this lightly, a hero license means your responsible for human lives. You can imagine that the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only fifty percent of students pass the test required to get permits each year." I sat on the desk while we all listened to aizawa talk. "May, we've put in for you to take the full hero license test." I snapped my head back in his direction, "but I haven't-" "you can do this; back to what I was saying in order to prepare, today you will concentrate on creating something new-" the door to the class room slid open, "two ultimate moves." The students were all excited as midnight, cementos, and ectoplasm showed up. They began talking about the lesson and all I could do was space out and panic, thinking about finally getting my license.

I stayed towards the back as they talked about ultimate moves and the reason for creating gym gamma, I couldn't get myself out of my head to focus. I needed to focus, but I wasn't the same anymore not since camp. "Somethings bothering you..." I was brought out of my head by aizawa, "I'm sorry... I don't think-" he cut me off. "You wanna know something that I've kept off telling you?" I looked at him confused, "I can't cancel your quirk."
"What do you mean? Have you tried?"
"Twice, once when you first met your father and started swinging and the second at camp, when you ran off. I don't know if it's because your quirk is controlled by your emotions or if I've been canceling a different quirk."
"I don't have two quirks. I didn't inherit my mothers..." I had stopped talking as I began to think back to when I would get hurt as kid. "I never stayed injured for long!" I yelled causing a few of the students to look at me funny. "Was that your mother's quirk? Healing?" I nodded, "My mother's quirk was known as miracle touch. I had always just thought she had healed me but thinking back she never took on my injuries..." He looked at me, "so it's been healing you, how do we make it stronger?" I shook my head. "I have no clue."

I stood watching the students for a moment, "have you figured anything out that could be considered an ultimate move?" I smiled "I have actually, I figured it out when my father was fighting all for one." He looked at me curious, "oh?" I nodded, "I think I'm able to charge other people's strength, I felt myself giving my father extra strength..." He thought for a moment, "give it a try then." I looked around at the students, "shoto! Midoriya! Come here for a second." I yelled, "What's up?" They asked, "just tell me if you feel anything." They looked at me confused as I closed my eyes and felt my power surge forward, as I opened my eyes I noticed that the air around us had become unsettled and began blowing my hair around. "May your eyes!" Shoto spoke partially in awe, I breathed out and it was like my strength had went with it as I noticed shoto's quirk try to activate itself and midoriya's eyes start to glow green. "What are you doing? I feel stronger..." midoriya spoke as he looked down at his hands and feet. "You're really doing it!" Aizawa spoke as he placed his hand on my shoulder, breaking my concentration and making everything go back to normal. I stumbled a little, "are you okay?" They asked worriedly, I nodded "Just a little draining." They went back to training and a few minutes later i felt completely fine again.

"Everyone's working hard huh." "All might." "Yeah, I am here." I looked back to see my father as he suddenly took his hero form. "Because I have the day off and I have nothing else to do! Ha!" I gave him a look, "you should be resting!" He began to pout as I yelled at him and he entered his small form again. "I also wanted to see how your training was going..." He mumbled, "If I show you will you go rest?" He nodded his head, "are you gonna try it on him?" Aizawa asked, "I don't see why not." I smiled and my father got concerned. As I went through the motions I noticed his mood shift as I pushed him into his hero form. I think he noticed that I had begun pushing myself harder as he forced me to stop. "May that's enough!" I dropped to my knees as tears began to steam down my face, "I thought that maybe-" he cut me off by pulling me into a hug, "my fight is over, it's your turn now." He whispered as the tears continued to fall and the over exertion set in.

For the next couple of days my quirk had become very hard to handle. With the pressure of the hero license exam and the words my father had spoken to me weighing on my shoulders, aizawa had sent me to the dorms to take a break. "Tomorrow, come to principle nezu's office. We have something we wish to discuss with you." He said as he turned and left me alone. 'Am I gonna be fired? My time here has only just begun, I don't wanna go yet!' I sunk into the couch in the common area, 'I wanna see touya...' I gathered my things and headed to my room, as I plopped down on my bed I noticed an envelope on my nightstand. "Mom..." I spoke softly, 'no, I'm not ready.' I sighed to myself as I rolled over and eventually fell asleep.

I met aizawa in principal nezu's office, my father was there as well. "What's going on?" He gestured for me to sit, "I got a call from touya..." I looked at Aizawa shocked, "he wants to see you, but before we can decide whether or not to allow that, you need to tell us everything." I looked down at my feet and took a deep breath, "I went willingly at the training camp." My father took the seat next to me, "why?" Aizawa asked and I bit my lip, "Because of the blue flame... It was touya." They just looked at me waiting for me to continue, "his villain name is dabi, and everything he's done to get to the point he has, has been to protect me. So no one else would figure out who I really was." My father sighed, "until I told the world..." I nodded, "please let me see him, I need to see him. I'm sure my quirk would start to stabilize after that."

They sat me outside while they talked, I didn't care what it took, I was going to see him again. "Come back in." I opened the door nervously, shortly after coming into the room aizawa handed me his cell phone. "Hello?" "May..." tears streamed down my face as I fell to my knees. "Touya!" "Your breaking my heart hearing you cry." "I'm sorry, I just missed you." "Well everyone has heard about the dorms, and I knew if I wanted to get to you I had to go through them. They've agreed to let me see you, only once, for now." I whipped my face with the sleeve of my sweater, "where?" "Here" my father answered, taking the phone and putting it on speaker. "He's coming to UA?" Nezu nodded, "aizawa met with him in person when your father and him went to convince the parents to move into the dorms. He's agreed to be transported to and from the gates with aizawa to you. In exchange, he's going to be our spy for the league." "But if they find out he'll be killed!" "I'm willing to take the risk, to see you, to see shoto..." "He's chosen to be on our side to lessen his impending sentencing when he eventually surrenders himself for his crimes." I only nodded, "he will be searched when he enters and leaves, he's not to be without a prohero on the premises, he can't enter or leave without our approval." I nodded, "when's the first visit?" "Today."

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