File entry #1- age: 7-14 status: quirkless

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Narrators pov
It was a gloomy day as the rain pelted the bedroom window of a small child, whom was hiding beneath the covers on her bed. She wasn't hiding from the storm, she was hiding from herself.

It was the 3rd doctors appointment since she was 4 that yielded no information on whether she had a quirk or not. X-rays showed the possibility but nothing was manifesting, she had hoped she'd at least inherit her mother's quirk: miracle touch. But that didn't seem to be the case, after this appointment her mother had finally told her that she may be like her father, born quirkless.

May's pov
'Why didn't she tell me before? That I had little to no chance of inheriting a quirk. Or that I took after my father more than she thought I would.' I sighed pulling the covers off and standing in front of my window whipping away my tears as my bedroom door opened. "Hun, are you okay?" I heard her footsteps approach me slowly as if I was a bomb that would go off at any moment. "I will be eventually, I just have to find a new dream since it's not possible for me to become a pro-hero like dad."

A few tears slipped from my blue eyes as she embraced me as I continued to bawl my eyes out. She shushed me calmly as she ran her hand through my long ashy blonde hair. She had always told me I got her beauty, but my hair and my eyes were from my dad. The only thing I ever got from him...

(Time skip to 6 years later)

I was sitting on a swing set in the park after school waiting for my friends to get back from the convenience store a couple buildings down when I heard a kid scream and cry. I got up and rushed towards the sound.

"I told you to stop bullying my little brother!" A boy about my age with bright red hair yelled, I stopped a few feet away when I saw the blue flames starting to spread from his hands to the ground towards the two boys I assume was bullying his brother. The bullies scream broke my fixation on his flames as they ran away. "Touya! What did I say about threatening people!" A woman with white hair and a small child in her arms froze his flames. "But mom-" he started "No, you acted just like your father would have!"

I saw the hurt on his face as he ran past me, a spark of his flame stinging my eyes from the heat. "Are you okay?" The woman asked me quietly, I nodded as I turned towards her, " I think he was only trying to be a good big brother, you were too hard on him" she only stared at me as I began to walk in the direction of the way the boy ran. "May!" My friends yelled for me, but I continued after the boy.

I found him leaning against a tree looking at his hands. "Hello..." I said softly, his head darted in my direction and a small blush rose to his cheeks. "Why did you come after me?" He asked looking at me suspiciously, "you looked like you needed someone to talk too." He laughed to himself as he ran a pale hand through his spikey red hair, "you couldn't even begin to understand what I'm dealing with."

Touya's pov
I began to walk away as she grabbed the back of my shirt, "I couldn't understand? You don't know the half of it! At least you have a family! A father even! Atleast you have a quirk to fit in with this messed up society... At least you have a brighter future... at least you can choose to became a hero." her grip loosened as I heard her began to sniffle and sob, the flood gates were open. It was awful, it was like my heart was being squeezed and pulled at. In that moment, I don't know why but I came to the conclusion that I never wanted to hear her cry again... I only wanted her to smile. To be her hero...

Time skip to a year later
May's pov
The wind blew my hair all around me as touya pushed me on the swing. Occasionally he'd grip the chain of the swing to stop me and pull my back close to his chest to give me a break. I could feel the heat radiate from him against my back, the smell of ashe. I blushed deeply letting my hair fall In front on my face. "You're cute when you blush..." he whispered softly against my ear and I shivered against him, "I told you not to mess with me like that!" I whined, "you said not to mess with you like this if I didn't have those kind of feelings... and you wonder why I haven't stopped." He whispered the last part in my ear again and I blushed even deeper than I thought was possible. He turned my head towards him by my chin with his finger and thumb as he leaned in closer. I was frozen by his beautiful turquoise eyes as they flickered between mine and my lips. "Stop teasing me..." I whispered softly as he smirked at me pulling away. I got up from the swing and began to walk away but he pulled me back into his chest. He towered over me as he captured me once again, "If you're gonna kiss me then do It, don't be a jerk and continuously tease me-" he cut me off by rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb. "But I love to watch you melt by my hands." I swallowed softly and tried to shake out of his grip but he only held me closer.

"Awe young love." An old couple spoke as they passed by causing touya to loosen his grip allowing me to escape. "Hey! Come back here." He reached for me again but I teasingly yet swiftly moved from his reach. Giggling I ran off, "so you're gonna make me chase you huh..." I hid behind a tree panting softly as I peaked around to look for him but I couldn't see him, I pouted to myself thinking that my teasing didn't work, as a shadow fell over me. But before I could react, he had me pinned against the tree, one hand above my head as he rested against his forearm, the other resting gently on my side, as his knee was placed firmly against the tree between my legs. I was immobilized, my heart beat quickened as he continued to lean in and my breath hitched as his lips touched mine. My mind went blank and my body moved on it's own as I grasped the front of his uniform shirt and pulled him closer. When we both mutually pulled away he smirked at me as I smiled widely "finally." He rested his forehead against mine while looking longingly in my eyes, "You're mine now, I won't let you go."

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