file entry #24 age: 21 status: in the lions den

116 7 7

Mays pov

I woke up to my phone ringing, "touya? What's up?" I could hear the smile in his voice, "it's cold, let me in." I jumped out of bed and ran to the elevators, willing them to move faster. I couldn't stop smiling as I ran and flung the door open, and he quickly wrapped his arms around me, picking me up as he breathed in my scent. "What are you doing here so late?" He smiled, kicking the door closed as softly as he could as he continued to carry me to the elevators and to my room. "I wanted to see you. " I smiled even more as we snuggled closer in bed. We didn't talk much, just enjoyed being together. The next thing I knew, I was waking up alone and a note left on my desk, 'call you later.' I sighed, quickly getting ready for the day. As I was slipping out of my clothes, I caught a glimpse of something in my mirror that caused me to smile. "You idiot..." I spoke softly at the two hand prints on my body, one on the back side of my thigh, the other peaking behind my back to my side.

-time skip-

"The hero work studies are a more serious version of your internships. They intail helping pro-agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting, and we all agree, it's too soon they should really be canceled." I raised an eyebrow as the students all began to voice their opinions. "But, some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook, and with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, you won't be taking part."

- Time skip to the weekend -

I was walking with bakugou and shoto as they were on their way to their supplementary classes for their licenses when midoriya rushed by us. "He's in a hurry. Well, good luck, I'm off to my first day at the agency." I went to pick up my speed, but shoto grabbed my hand before I could. "Good luck!" I smile, "thanks!" The train ride was about an hour long, and it didn't take me long from the station to get to the agency. I smiled at the secretary as I walked in, "Good morning!" She smiled back, "Good morning! Sir Nighteye is with someone right now, but I'll go ahead and send you up." I nodded, remembering the way to go from the last time I was here. I bumped into Mirio and Bubble Girl as I was walking up the spiral staircase. "Hi! Karma, right?" I nodded, "bubble girl, right? And mirio, it's good to see you again. I didn't know you were doing your work study here." As we were talking, I heard a loud bang coming from Sir Nighteye's office. "What's going on in there?" I asked as they began heading the same way, "Midoriya is here trying to convince Sir Nighteye to let him do his work study here." They both busted through the door in a funny pose, "and que our well-timed return." "You're done right, Sir? That loud bang at the end sounded pretty final." "I'll take the boy mirio." "That's awesome!" "What? I dont understand, i didn't do either of the things you asked me to." I peaked around them to see Midoriya on the floor, I pushed past them and went to help Midoriya up. "Oh, hello, May." I smiled and bowed, "good morning, sir." "I told you to take the seal from me and stamp the contract yourself, but I didn't say you would be rejected if you failed."

The majority of my first day was filling out paperwork, emergency contacts, and other things. "On midoriya's first day, I'd like you to go on patrol with him and mirio." I nodded, "of course, Sir." He looked at the papers I was filling out, "you made you father you emergency contact? Why not your fiance?" I looked up at him, "his work demands a lot from him, and it would be easier to contact my father." He nodded, "Besides, my dad will always get ahold of him if it's anything serious." He pulled up a chair and sat beside me, "I had hoped your father would've given his quirk to Mirio. I don't see what your father sees in Midoriya." I smiled, "I hadn't either when I first met him. Honestly, what I saw actually terrified me. But, he's come so far in such little time. I believe my father sees a little bit of himself in Midoriya, and I hope you begin to see that as well."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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