File entry #2 age: 16 status: quirkless to having a quirk

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May's pov
(A little note this is around the time all might got his injury)

I ran out of my house towards touya and I' s meeting place, splashing in puddles along the way, running as fast as my body will allow me. My sunflower sundress softly hitting against my mid thigh as I began running faster as I spotted his red hair as I got closer to the train station. "Touya!" I yelled causing him to smile and hold out his hand for mine, hand in hand we walked towards the entrance of the station. "Happy birthday May" I smiled widely as we boarded the train. I stared out the window excitedly as we headed towards the aquarium. "Hey have you gotten the test results to your DNA test yet?" I snapped my head towards touya at his question and shook it sadly. "No, I'm nervous to. I mean what if my father had reasons for not wanting me. Maybe he knew I'd be quirkless so I held no worth to him. What if he's not even around anymore..." He squeezed my hand comfortingly, "There's nothing to be scared of, I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you." I smiled softly as I leaned back in my seat.

I bounced happily as we entered the aquarium, touya laughing beside me as I looked around in awe. "You've really never been to a zoo or an aquarium before have you?" I shook my head, "my mom's a nurse so she's always working." He took my hand and took me through the exhibits. It was the start to an amazing birthday when 3/4 of the way through an alarm sounded and villains began shooting in the air. Touya grabbed me and pulled me behind a pillar to try and hide. "Touya..." I whispered worriedly as he held me tightly.

"You do as we say and no one gets hurt!" I'm guessing the leader yelled. They forced the elderly, women, and children into one side of the room and the men at the other. As I was following the others one of the men grabbed me causing touya to rush him, knocking me from his grip and to the ground. He pulled me up and behind him as a few of the villains pointed their weapons at him. His blue flames trailed up his arms as he tried to protect me, but the one from before had gotten back up and hit him in the side of his head, knocking him out and causing his head to begin bleeding. I rushed to his side but was yanked back from him as another villain aimed his weapon on touya. "This the girl?" I could vaguely hear one of the men say. My heartbeat pounded in my ears as everything seemed to go in slow motion, a surge of energy shot through me like I had been struck by lightning as I fought my way back to touya, the last thing I remember is knocking a few villains across the room and breaking a few tanks before I blacked out.

Touya's pov
I watched in amazement as May took on a good amount of the villains. She was incredible, her kicks sent men through walls and all the way across the building. But I could tell her strength was fading fast, I ran and caught her before she collapsed and held her to my chest. In that moment the pro-heros rushed in and took over. One of them being my dad... Endeavour.
I stood out side her hospital room with my dad as we spoke to her mom. "Thanks to you her injuries are very minor and she'll be better in no time, but I don't understand the claims some of the saved hostages are making about her..." I looked into her mother's eyes and took a deep breath. "As I rode with her in the ambulance, she got an email regarding her DNA test she had taken at school to figure out who her father is or was. It only said that the man in question went to UA shortly after changing his documentation from quirkless to having a very powerful strength type quirk. Why won't you tell her who her father is, if I figured it out just from watching her inaction, don't you think the villains have figured it out!" She looked down at the floor worriedly, "I'm surprised she hasn't realized it herself but it's safer for her not to know. He doesn't even know-" my father Endeavour cut her off, "They're in the same hospital right now you know. It seems he was severely injured during a fight with a villain but that's all I know. His agency doesn't want anything to get out about it." The door behind me slammed open, "My father is here!" She sounded so weak and betrayed "and you all know who he is..." she whispered to herself. "Go back and rest!" Her mother demanded. May's eyes filled with tears but she did as she was told and I followed after her.

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