File entry #9: age: 21 status: conflicted

488 18 2

"Its raining..." toreno said as I gazed out the window, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on my arms "What did you wanna talk about? I've gotta leave soon if I'm gonna make it to first period." He sat beside me on the couch trying to pick his words carefully, "I would like to have izuku midoriya intern with me..." I took my gaze off the window, "You're just as worried as me aren't you? Or do you think my father is lacking when it comes to his training?" He chuckled to himself, "both, I think he could use extra guidance." I nodded standing up and grabbing my things, "as long as you're still betting on me more, do what you'd like, but remember I haven't given up on saving touya or being my fathers top successor... if touya shows up while he's here for his internship and creates a problem where touya doesn't come around, I won't hesitate to let my emotions be felt." He sighed as I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, "I'll keep an eye out, you've worked too hard to have it all crumble down."

"The weather sucks..." Aizawa mumbled as I followed him through the halls. His bandages were gone now, although he probably should've kept them on a little longer. "I think it's peaceful, before my quirk fully manifested itself rainy days were the only times touya and I were on even playing field, fire doesn't mix well with rain ya know?" He just grumbled and continued walking, "why does this touya kid mean so much to you?" I stopped in my tracks looking at his back till he noticed and looked back at me, "he could've saved his self when we were attacked by villains, saved his own skin and let me die, but he chose my life over his own... He's only ever wanted to protect me, even before we found out who my father was." I walked passed him as he just stood there for a moment processing what I had said, "I was special to him with or without a quirk."

I made my way inside the classroom, sitting on the desk I greeted the students. A few minutes later Aizawa came inside the room, "good morning." "Mr. Aizawa you don't have your bandages." "The old lady went a little overboard with her treatment, anyway we have a big class today on hero informatics." Everyone looked nervous and I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that they always thought the worst of Aizawa's classes since he threated to expell someone. "You need codenames, time to pick your hero names." Everyone sighed with relief, "this has to do with the hero draft picks I talked about last time we were in class together. Normally student don't have to worry about the drafts just yet but your class is different..." He talked about their internships for a few minutes before midnight showed up to help with names.

Picking names went fairly quickly, after aizawa passed out the lists to the students the bell rang for lunch. By the end of the day as everyone was heading to leave my father showed up to speak to midoriya, I followed after them. "I'll get straight to the point, you've received an offer from a hero who'd like to take you on." "Wait, seriously who?" I sighed inturupting them, "may.." they both said, "the offer is from my mentor,  gran torino. We spoke about it this morning." "So he knows how your quirk works too? How?" "Gran torino was the sworn friend to my predecessor." I giggled as my father went on a tangit about how maybe he offered because of his teaching skills and what not. "You're not wrong, he's worried about midoriya, but he's not the only one."

-skip to the weekend-

I was walking home from the store when I saw midorya in the entryway of our home. "Midoriya, you're already here." I smiled and he put his cell phone back in his pocket. "I'm worried about torino, I don't think he's in very good condition..." he looked at his feet worriedly. I laughed, I'm sure he's just messing with you. "Ah! Wait that's my stuff!" "Why don't you fire off a one for all smash at me." I leaned on the door frame as I watched the two, sitting the groceries at my feet. "I wanna know how far you've come in terms of handling it's power." "You've gotta remember he's known and helped 3 other hero's with this quirk, midoriya." "This is a pretty good costume now where's that attack?" "But sir..." and then he was back to being the old man from before. I shook my head as I closed the door and went to put the food away as they talked. "... I'm also here because I don't know how much time all might has left." I only caught the end of his sentence as I turned back to look at him. "As he grows weaker, we grow stronger. There's never been two of us before, it's leaving him quicker than before." I turned away from them and continued what I was doing.

As torino was zipping around he smashed the microwave beside me and I was beginning dinner, all I could to was sigh and order and new one for the 3rd time this month. I smirked as I watched torino win the first match. As torino was leaving to go get a snack I watched midoriya clean. "I have one rule while you're here, if you go out at night, the alleyway next to my bedroom window is off limits... dinner will be done in a few hours." He started needing out but he nodded an understanding.

I was sitting in my window watching the blue butterfly from touya flutter around before disappearing, "close your eyes" I smiled moving from the window and blindfolding myself, a few minutes later I heard a thud as his feet hit the ground a few feet from me. He pulled me close, enveloping me in his warmth. "I missed you" he whispered sweetly, "If you miss me so much let me see you properly, you barely let me touch you too." I pouted as he pulled away from me leading me to sit with him on the bed. "How about a compromise, I'll let you explore me... But you have to stay blindfolded." I huffed, "So I only get to touch you." "Mhm" I sighed, "fine."  We sat in the middle of my bed, crisscrossed and facing one another as I started with his hands. "Tell me what it feels like" he whispered and I blushed shyly, "rough, like you work with your hands a lot more than you used to" I went higher till I felt something cold and hard imbeded in his skin. "What's this?" I asked but he didn't answer me like I had wanted, "what do you think?" I took a deep breath, "are you injured? Am I hurting you?" He chuckled "no you're not hurting me, the only injury I have is the neglection of you against me." He shifted pushing me onto the bed as he hovered above me kissing along my neck. "Ah- that's un-unfair!" I moaned softly, my hands trailed up his arms till I felt the leather of his jacket, slipping it off he pressed his lips finally against mine. "I love you..." he whispered "keep exploring, you might find something you like..." I could feel the smirk in his voice and I playfully smacked his arm and blushed deeply and I ran my hands along is stomach to his chest as he sat between my legs. "Still not really working out huh?" He laughed, "thought you didn't like super muscled guys?" I shook my head, "Still don't, the heaviest thing you need to lift is me." He had started playing with the hem of my shorts slightly slipping under the fabric teasingly. "You know, it's kinda sexy having you like this... blindfolded beneath me, completely under my power..." he grabbed my thighs roughly causing me to gasp as I felt the heat from his hand as he left two hand prints. "Touya" I whispered, he wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me up onto his lap whilst he stayed sitting on his knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him deeply. His hands traveled across my body, grabbing and squeezing what he liked enjoying the sounds and noises that erupted from me. My hands tangled themselves up in his hair as he deepened the kisses, I bit his lip teasingly as his grip on my hips tightened. We pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other. We layed together for a while before I had fallen asleep and he had to go.

I woke up alone and a little sad. Getting dressed I noticed I had to chose something else as to not raise suspicions. There were quite a few hand prints and hickeys. I threw on a knee length sundress and let my hair down. Walking downstairs to make breakfast I see the two were already up. "Midoriya, you look beat." Torino said slipping his coffee. "I was training on my own yesterday and I went too far..."

"it's here!" Torino yelled pulling out the new microwave from the box, "why don't he have some of that frozen food I got yesterday I bet it'll be good..." I sighed picking it up and setting it on the counter. Plugging it in I grabbed the box from the freezer and through it to midoriya, "knock yourselves out."

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