File Entry #12: age- 21 status- shoto?

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The students who had failed the practical exam were still allowed to go to camp but, they had to take extra lessons during the camp. The students had planned to go shopping altogether for stuff they needed for camp, I hadn't planned on going with them at first but once I saw midoriya all alone I felt bad. A man had come up to him but once I saw their body language I knew, it was shiguraki. I followed from a distance, keeping an eye on them. I couldn't step in without causing harm to midoriya, but once I saw uraraka approach them I had to step in. "Uh, deku is that a friend..." I moved in front of her swiftly, placing myself between them. He released deku and began to leave. I wasn't worried about the conversation, only that he left without harming others.

- time skip -

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at ua high, it's time for summer vacation to finally began. How ever don't think that these months will be dull of rest for you hero's in the making. At this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits, your aiming to become plus ultra." Everyone was excited, the bus was booming. We stopped at the edge of a cliff as we were met by the pussycats, some pro heros that we're working with during camp. While the students where chased off aizawa and I headed to the facility. "How do you think they're handling?" Aizawa asked, "I think they're having fun."

We watched as the students exited the forest, they were disheveled and completely exhausted. Dinner was amazing, and the pussycats were really sweet. The bath house was amazing too, I could've stayed there for hours. It was relaxing to be surrounded the water, to be enveloped in it, I had always thought that if I were to ever have a quirk besides my parents it would be something to do with water. But what I was given is good all on it's own.

-the next day-

Today was stamina training and improving their individual quirks. Everyone was going crazy, I didn't even know what was going on with everyone but I was impressed. Everyone was truly trying there best. I feel bad that after all their hard training they had to cook dinner as well. "Hey aizawa, do you mind if I help them out?" "Are you trying to give them and out?" I shook my head, "no my mom taught me to cook, it helps me feel close to her now that she's gone." He nodded then walked away and I headed towards the students, "need an extra hand?" Midoriya looked at me probably thinking back to the dinners I made foe him and toreno, "yes please!" I took a glance over at todoroki while he was lighting fires, it was good to see him smile again. I smiled back as he caught me staring and went back to cutting up some veggies, "I figured you'd me making desserts or something else that's sweet, don't you hate spicy foods?" I laughed as he leaned over my shoulder resting his chin gently on me. "You remembered, but it's not a hate, we just don't agree with each other. This is the first time I've cooked for you in a while..." he sat down on the picnic table next to where I stood, "Yeah after touya took off my father didn't want you around at all, I missed your lunches..." i stopped what I was doing, "You know touya didn't just take off right?" "Does this mean you'll finally tell me what went on?" I took a moment refusing to look at him till he placed his hand on mine causing me to look in his direction. He was standing now, his face inches from my own. "Would you still want to hear if I was the true villain of that story? Or would you look past it because you fell for your brothers girl?" I moved away a little taken aback by what I said as I walked away, a few students staring at us. I hadn't ment to be cruel, or to call him out of it, but he had gotten so close... He reminded me of touya and my brain was struggling to decipher the two.

Night had fallen as everyone was finishing eating, I stood against a tree looking up to the sky enjoying the breeze. "Are you thinking about him?" I looked in the direction of the voice, "shoto..." he handed me a bowl of curry, "I added some sugar to it so it shouldn't be too spicy, you didn't answer my question." He was standing tall, he wasn't the little boy I once knew, "aren't I always though?" He took my wrist and pulled me a little deeper into the forest out of earshot and sight of the others. "Can I ask a favor of you?" He asked backing me up against a tree causing me to drop the curry on the ground, my heart speed up and quirk tried to lurch forward to protect me but I knew shoto wouldn't hurt me. "W-what..." my voice was almost a whisper and it trembled like my body was, by now he had fully trapped me and I could feel the heat radiate from him... "Your reminding me of touya and i's first kiss" I said trying to dissolve the awkwardness, "this isn't about him right Now, look at me, only me..." I snapped my head up looking at him like he wanted, "if touya doesn't come back-" "he will!" "If he doesn't! Would you then, please start considering me." There was a blush on his face and his hair was partially hanging in front of his eyes, I couldn't think. My words were jumbled and I couldn't form a coherent thought. Then he deliberately touched me forcing me out of my head, his arm was still resting above my head, and his leg keeping any movement but his other hand had now slowly began trailing along my jaw line to my cheek. My breath hitched as he came closer and I clenched my eyes closed while I waited for what I thought would be his first attempt at a real kiss. But it didn't happen, he had only kissed my forehead and began heading back to the others. My legs had turned to jelly and I had fallen to the forest floor, my mind was blank and I sat there for a while before heading back to the others to head to bed. Aizawa stopped me at my door, "Are you Okay? You've been out of it since dinner." I only nodded and forced a smile, "I'm fine, just a little tired. I think the heat may of gotten to me." He didn't believe me but he also didn't push the subject.

-the next day-

The remedial class was being put through the ringer with all the extra classes at night and early training. "Besides tonights gonna be fun well be pining class against class in a proverbial test of courage!" The blue pussy cat bellowed. While everyone continued training aizawa had asked that I check on todoroki's training. "I'm in sportswear, not my hero outfit he could burn me right now." "I don't think they'll happen beside I think you being there will push him." "How so?" I asked a little irritated, "he has someone he has to surpass to get your attention..." My eyes widened as he walked away like he didn't just say what he did. I clenched my fist and headed his way, as he saw me get closer he stopped using his quirk so I stopped walking. "I didn't tell you to stop, continue, just don't hurt me." He began again but this time instead of using his quirk all around him he left an area open so I could come closer. "Wanting to talk about yesterday?" He asked unfazed by my presence at the moment, I touched his arm and it was like he malfunctioned cause his ice go farther in one direction almost hiting someone. He looked at my hand and then at me, "if I'm able to easily distract you how do you expect to gain my full attention?" And I walked away back towards aizawa, "happy?" He nodded, "You knocked him down a bit, he got cocky and you surprised him. What'd you do?" "Touch his arm..." He snickered and I snapped my head in his direction, poor boy has it bad, your gonna crush him."

After training it was time to make dinner and then after after was the test of courage. For dinner tonight it was stew, as I was peeling carrots and potatoes I spot todoroki and midoriya talking, I don't know what it was about but they both seemed pretty serious. I guess while I was distracted I had cut myself "ouch!" Everyone looked over, "sorry" todoroki walked up to me and kneeled down, "how deep is it?" "It's not bad, I'll be fine." I tried pulling my hand away but he refused, while he placed a bandage round my palm I could help but blurt out, "what are you doing to me..." My voice was a whisper, and I was unsure that he had heard me till he ran his thumb across the wrapping, "getting your attention." He smirked and went back to making dinner.

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