file entry #18: age- 21 status- friend or foe

365 15 9

May's pov
After our discussion I found myself back at the dorms, as I entered the common room everyone looked up at me. "What's wrong may? You look like you've been crying." I looked at sue and the others, "in about an hour or so, your all probably gonna hate me..." They looked at me confused, "why would we hate you?" Itda asked, shoto came around the corner to see what the commotion was. I looked at him and bakugou, "touya is coming to UA." While bakugou stood shocked, the others were still confused, "why's that bad, you'll get to see your boyfriend." I sighed, "because touya isn't the same man in the photos." Shoto looked at me confused, "I never expected him to be exactly the same-" I shook my head, "you don't understand the things he's had to do." My eyes began to water and I had to walk away from the conversation.

I had gone to get changed, coming into the common room a little while later only to see that everyone had decorated and made snacks. "You guys..." They all looked at me happily, not knowing how much I was going to crush their trust in me. Shoto placed his hand on my shoulder, "You kept your promise..." My heart was racing and I was beginning to panic, then there was a knock at the door. "He's here!" Mina bounced excitedly, walking up to the door I froze with my hand on the door handle, "I'm sorry everyone... please just let me explain." And with that I opened the door revealing aizawa, and dabi.

The second the door was open his arms were around me, picking me up and holding me tightly. I instantly buried myself in his embrace, holding him tighter as one arm tightened around my waist and the other went to the back of my head. "Villian!" Midoriya yelled and everyone froze as aizawa stepped in. "Calm yourselves, we'll explain everything." His grip didn't loosen as I breathed in the familiar scent like it was my life line. I whimper as he finally sat me back on my feet. The room was tense, and I was shaking. When he let me go I was able to finally see him, "Your wearing a suit... been a long time since I've seen that." He gave me a small smile and nodded, "may what's going on!" Shoto yelled as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I began to feel his body get cold as he went to attack before aizawa canceled shoto's quirk. "It's been quite awhile, little brother." Moving my hair behind my ear I looked up at shoto, He looked at us in disbelief. "Touya?" "The one and only." I pulled myself from shoto's grasp shaking my head at touya, "Your really bad at reading the room." He finally took notice of everyone else in the room, "They didn't know..." I shook my head. "For you to try to somewhat understand, let's start with the basics. This is touya-" "he's part of the league of villians." midoriya said with his fist clenched. It was like he broke the flood gate as everyone started yelling and being the ball of nerves I had become I snapped. My eyes glowed as I snapped my head in their direction, "He's only a villain because of me! He's only here right now because of me so if you wanna be mad at someone be mad at me!" Touya held on to me as the dizziness began to take over and he moved me to the couch, kneeling beside me he cupped the side of my face with his hand. "Calm down, I was prepared for this. None of this is your fault, this only started because I pushed you to find your dad. I made you a target, I'm in this situation because of my own actions." He stood up in front of everyone, "this doesn't excuse my actions at the training camp but I'm sorry for them never the less, I was following orders in order to keep may safe. It never would've happened if I had known she would be there." They were all still scared, and some were prepared to fight. "Please let us explain." I spoke taking touya's hand in mine, and we did, from the attack at the aquarium to the kidnapping and torture, to the events that happened at the camp. "They've been threatening me by using may since I made the choice to become a villain to keep her safe." Everyone had calmed down a little, it was hard for shoto to hear the things I had never wanted him to know. "I told you all you would hate me." "We don't hate you, you couldn't have never guessed that something like this would've ever happened. We just don't understand why the school would allow him here." I spoke up before touya could, "My emotions haven't been under my own control for the past few days, he's here to try and balance me out." Bakugou laughed trying to lighten the mood, "icy-hot isn't doing much to help in that department." "Shut it explosion boy!" "What did you say! I'll kick your ass!" I smiled and shook my head, "what's he talking about?" Touya asked, a small smile on his face and I just shook my head again, "It's nothing, really." He nodded his head and took my hand in his again, placing it gently on his cheek as he kneeled beside me. "I love you..." my emotions had suddenly become very overwhelming as I pushed myself from the couch and into his arms. "It's okay, you can let it out." I shook my head, "I don't wanna hurt anyone..." I spoke softly, "then should I distract you?" A blush crept to my face as realization hit me, "bad!" He laughed, everyone was still cautious about him and I felt bad that I couldn't ease their concern. "Are they still there?" He asked as he placed his hand on my thigh, "are what?-" I felt the heat from his hand start to sting my skin, "fading! But their there..." He nodded pulling me to my feet and resting his forehead on mine. We both had needed eachother, "may?" Aizawa spoke breaking us out of our little moment, "maybe they should be allowed to ask him some questions, might help them come to terms..." I looked at everyone as I bit my lip And nodded, "if they want to..."

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