Halloween Special

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May's pov
After a long day of training, everyone wanted to go back to the dorms to watch scary movies to get in the spooky spirit since Halloween was coming up. I guess  I was exhausted because I found myself falling asleep in the common area. "She's perfect Yagi! Your craftsmanship is truly astounding, as always." I could hear aizawa and my father talking faintly, but I couldn't open my eyes to wake up, it was as if they were glued shut. "Thank You, now just to give her a name to finish the process." 'What? Give who a name?' I felt a bandaged hand touch mine, "What do you wish to name her?" Aizawa's voice was closer to me now... 'Are they talking about me? What's going on?' I heard my father hum as he lifted my other hand into his. My body felt so heavy and yet they way they handled me was as if I might break and crumble to pieces. "Awaken my dear may..." my eyes fluttered open as an energy surged through me. As my eyes opened I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. My hair was in tight ringlette curls that cascaded down past my shoulders, my skin was the color of porcelain, and I was dressed in a Victorian style baby pink dress. My makeup was that of a beautifully hand crafted dolls and my lips glistened as well as my eyes. Just as I went to look at my father a bell rang, "a customer!" I watched as my hand was gently placed on my lap. 'This wasn't my body! My fingers looked like a ball jointed dolls!' I lifted my ruffled bell sleeve and not only was my fingers that of a dolls but so was everything else. In a panic I went to stand up but instantly fell knocking over books and glass vials. "Who else is here Yagi?" The voice sounded like Endeavour's but why would he be here? And where is here? "No one, just take your blood supplements and leave!" I went to push myself up but I couldn't. "You know our dealings must remain secret! Shoto go check the back!" I heard footsteps as I heard my father yell no. I looked up as the curtain flew open. I screamed, the first noise I had made since waking up. Yagi rushed past shoto and quickly lifted me and held me at his side protectivly. The shoto before me wasn't the one I knew, he was dressed like a vampire and baring his fangs as if to protect himself. And as everyone else rushed to the back room I began to realize that Endevour was too, and aizawa was dressed like a mummy. I finally looked up at my father and I screamed again pushing him away from me but he caught me before I could fall again. "Let go of me! Why do you look like that, why do all of you look like that?" He looked at me surprised, "my dear we're monsters, I was sure I implanted that knowledge into you." I shook my head, "your not my father! And you're not shoto or aizawa or endeavour! Where am I? What have you done to me?" I struggled in his grip, "if you don't settle down you'll shatter!" I stopped moving, I really was a doll... "Who is she?" Shoto asked curiously finally putting away his fangs. "She's my creation..." he sat me back in my chair gently. "How does she know us?" Endeavour asked, "I implanted the knowledge she would need to know, people's names, monster types, ect." 'Are they playing a prank on me? But they couldn't be, my father didn't own a shop and yet here he is running one.' "I think you made a dud old friend." Endeavour chuckled, "I think she's beautiful..." shoto spoke softly, 'well atleast that hasn't changed...' I shook my head "I'm sorry I think my head is still a little fuzzy." Yagi nodded, "you've only just woken up, I can imagine it still would be." After some persuading the two todoroki's finally left and Yagi and aizawa wanted to take me to explore.

This wasn't Japan, the town we were now in was completely dedicated to Halloween and it seemed everyone who lived here was indeed a monster. My father had created me out of loneliness after losing the woman he loved, presumably my actual mother, to an illness. My father's monster type was a skeleton, aizawa is a mummy, the todoroki's are all vampires so I'm guessing touya is one as well... touya! Would he know me? I brought my free hand up to my chest. "What's wrong?" Aizawa asked and I shook my head. From the students we've ran into I know that deku is a ghost, bakugou is a werewolf, kirishima is little red riding hood for some reason? Iida is Frankenstein, uraraka is a witch, and denki is a devil.

"Father?" I asked as we walked down the crowded street my arm linked with his, "yes my dear?" "Where's shoto's older brother?" "Natsuo? You just met him a little bit ago with fuyumi." I shook my head, "No, touya..." I spoke softly, "how do you know that name?" I shrugged and looked at my feet. "Wait here, I'm gonna go get you something!" He smiled happily before walking away with aizawa.   As I waited I looked at the body I was inhabiting, I truly was a ball jointed porcelain doll... 'how did I become so fragile?' I sighed, I waited for a moment and as I was looking around I noticed someone head down an alleyway and for some reason I felt compelled to follow after them, they felt so familiar. I rushed across the street, careful not to trip but by the time I was halfway down the alley the person was gone; or so I thought. "Well well, don't you look tasty..." that voice, I quickly spun around to face the man I love. My eyes met his, 'I'd know those beautiful turquoise eyes anywhere.' He began walking towards me, "touya!" He stopped in his tracks as I wrapped my arms around him. "It seems you have me at a disadvantage..." he pressed me firmly against the brick wall trailing a finger down the side of my neck to my collarbone. "What?" He ignored me, "no fun... I can't eat you." He backed away disappointed, "touya it's me!" He looked down at me, "as much as I would love to, I don't know you doll. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm very hungry." As he started walking away I began to cry, causing him to stop in his tracks, just as he had the day we met. "How did you?" He took my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting my head to look at him while he wiped away the tears from my porcelain skin. "May! May where are you?" I heard my father begin to yell as he searched for me.  "You better get back..." His voice was so soft and gentle, I shook my head no. "You have to remember me, please, you're my-" he cut me off as he kissed me gently. "I don't know who you are but for some reason my body is reacting to you like it never has before. He placed my hand on his chest as I felt a faint heartbeat. But before I could speak he was gone and my father was rushing towards me. "Why are you down? I was so worried!" He quickly took my hand and hurried me back to the busy streets. "Why? I didn't go very far." "Why were you down there to begin with?" I shrugged, "I was exploring..."

How long would I be here in this strange place, how do I get home? We had walked to the town square in silence but as soon as we got there I awed at all the lights and decorations. "It's beautiful!" Aizawa and my father smiled at my childlike wonder as I rushed ahead to look at everything. "Hello again." I was looking at the lit up fountain as a voice called out to me, I was shoto. "Hello again, shoto." He looked at me curiously, "what?" I asked, "the way you say my name is as if you know me on a personal level." If I were human I definitely would have been flushed with embarrassment. 'That's right, I don't know this shoto.' I went to speak but he started talking first, "its fine, I like the way my name sounds coming from you." My eyes widened a little, 'how was this shoto so smooth with his flirting.' "Something wrong?" He asked and I shook my head, "No, not really." He smiled, a smile only I had ever been allowed to see, and for some reason it made me reach out to him. His eyes widened as my hand cupped the side of his face, "I'm sorry..." was all I said before I rushed back to my father and aizawa. "Todoroki seems to like you." Yagi spoke as I looped my arm with his. I smiled softly, I wanted to say 'hasn't he always' but they wouldn't have understood. Suddenly the entire town square went silent as a group of people emerged from the shadows. "Looks like we have a new face in the crowd tonight..." I didn't know why I hadn't expected them to be there but here they were, the league. My father and aizawa swiftly hid me behind them, "What's going on?" I whispered. "They're hunting..." aizawa whispered back, 'shiguraki said new face, so they're hunting me.' "Dabi..." shigi spoke, "aren't you still hungry?" And I heard touya laugh, "always."  They pulled someone from the audience and held them captive, "produce the girl and this one won't get hurt..." why did they want me, is it because of what I did to touya? I heard the them shriek as touya went to feed off them and I pushed past my father and aizawa. "Dabi stop!" My father reached for me but I stepped closer and out of his reach, "Why are you doing this? This isn't you." They let the scared monster go and turned their sights on me. "She thinks she knows you!" They laughed but touya didn't look away from me, "I won't reveal who you really are I just to prove a point. But you know I'm telling the truth." Toga made a pouting noise, "What are we gonna do with her, dabi can't eat her.... are we gonna crush her?!?" Shigi and toga began to walk towards me as the threat sparked something inside of me and I began to feel my quirk fight to protect myself, but this vessel wasn't strong enough to maintain my quirk. Small cracks began to appear on my porcelain skin as my eyes glowed in defiance and they stopped in their tracks. "Whoa, I think she's gonna break herself." My father rushed to my side, worry very apparent on his face. "may stop, what's happening?" My vision began to blur and although my father and aizawa were speaking I couldn't hear them anymore as my vision faded to black.

"May wake up!" 'Wait is that shoto's voice?' "May it's just a dream wake up!" My eyes shot open as I broke out in a cold sweat. "May are you okay?" Shoto was kneeled beside me, shoto... he was himself now. I nodded my head, "I'm fine, just a bad dream."

I know it's late but I really want to post some sort of Halloween chapter, I hope you guys like it as it has nothing to do with the actual story.

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