file entry #3- age: 17-19 status: unknown

810 26 3

May's pov
I was walking home from the grocery store with touya when we were attacked. It was swift and easy, we never even knew what was about to happened. When I awoke, touya was nowhere to be found and I was laying on a bed in a room full of science equipment, it was dark and cold. After a while a man appeared out of the shadows dragging touya by his shirt with him. I tried to get up, to move but my body felt like it was made out of lead and all I could do was watch as he beat up touya in front of me. He seemed to be watching or rather waiting for me to react like I had back at the aquarium but no matter how bad i wished it would nothing came, i couldnt do anything for him I could only cry silent tears as I was forced to watch. "What did you do to her?!" The man yelled at touya, "I told you, you have the wrong people. She's quirkless!" He began beating him again. But when that continued to yield no results he started to come after me.

First it was threats, he tried to scare me into thinking I could only save myself. But again it yielded no results and that quickly turned into being poked and prodded with needles and sharp objects. I felt the pain, screamed and begged for him to stop and when touya would try to help he'd be beaten again. We were being widdled down to nothing, becoming hopeless till the person I believe that's in charge came in and stopped it. Taking a puff of his cigarette he looked at touya, "I propose a deal, we know she's his daughter we've heard the stories and we've seen the test. But for some reason she's refusing to show it so, young touya answer me this one question, do you wish to save her?" I watched as touya struggled to his knees his face bloody and partially burned. His eyes pierced through me as he looked at my stilled form all cut up and bruised. "I'll do anything you want, just please let her go..." the man smiled and put out his cigarette, "touya... don't do it!" I cried, "then become a villain, join us and we'll never bother her again, although that also means you might never see her again." The man smiled wickedly. Touya looked at me for a moment, mouthed the words 'I love you' and nodded to the man.

There was a burning sensation in my arm as the first man injected me with something, causing my vision to blur and for me to black out. When I came to I was in a hospital and touya had been missing for a week already. I told no one what happened, touya would be arrested if he really went through with becoming a villain, if he wasn't already out of the city by now.

A month went by and I was released from the hospital. But I stayed in my state of depression, till my mother forced me to meet someone. His hero name is grand toreno and he was going to teach me to control and use my quirk. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, somedays I felt like he was there, watching me from the shadows, protecting me from a distance. I thought I was going crazy until one day I saw it, a blue butterfly made from a flame on the window seal of my new room at toreno's place. Something unlocked within me, a new surge of energy and determination, I was finally able to use my fathers quirk. But it was different, it wasn't the one for all toreno had previously dealt with before, it's strength was determined by my mood and there were 3 very powerful ones: anger, sadness, and one we hadn't quite figured out the name of. I was going to save touya, just as he had saved me, no matter the cost.

(Skip to age 18)

After a year of training and working on control that all broke in one devastating day. There was an explosion at the hospital my mom worked at, someone lost control of their quirk and killed 3 nurses, and a doctor, my mother was one of the nurses. It was like my emotions flipped a switch inside of me, I was uncontrollable, dangerous to the point that toreno had taken me to the mountains so I could take it out on trees and rocks instead of buildings and people. But then I was just numb, staring down at my mother's casket being lowered to the ground, old friends and family turning away from the broken girl that was left behind. "I'll give you a minute..." toreno said as he walked away to thank people for coming. Another blue butterfly had passed in front of my vision as someone had wrapped their arms around me. I gasped and tighten up "don't look, just let me stay like this..." His voice was raspy and almost barely audible. "Touya, please come home. I can't do this alone." I weaped as his arms tightened around me, "soon, I'll be home soon. You might not see me, but always look for the butterfly." We stood like that for a while, whispering I love yous and I'm so sorrys and then he was gone. I did as I was told and I never looked at him, just knowing he had been there was enough for the time being. As I began to walk away another man approached me, it was the frail man from the hospital years ago. "I don't know if you remember me, but your mother had been my nurse." I whipped my tears, "I remember you, I helped you get to your car." He smiled softly and looked at me for a moment as if he was trying to figure out what to say to me without me breaking even more. From the corner of my eye I saw grand toreno watching us, a sad expression on his face but a spark in his eye. The man cleared his throat, "I'm so sorry... I-" I stopped him by taking his hand in mine. "Thank you for coming, I'm glad to see how many lives my mother touched and helped save..." and with those words I had broken myself and had to walk away before I hurt someone.

Toreno allowed me to rest for a while, to grieve and to collect myself. It wasn't until my 19th birthday that I started training again. In that time frame my hair grew longer and now landed past the middle of my back in a high pony tail. Touya had visited a few times, but I again only saw his butterflies and sometimes it hurt to search for them. "Someone left these at the door." I turned away from the stove to see the two packages on the table, "birthday gifts?" He questioned. I smiled softly at one, a deep blue box with a silver ribbon. "Touya..." He picked up the other looking for a name, "... it's from your father..." I looked at him shocked but went back to making dinner. "I don't want it" I spoke softly, "Are you sure?" I only nodded my head and he sighed taking it to my room and coming back with a different one. "This one is from me."

Once dinner was done and eaten, he placed the gifts in front of me. "I'm old so I get to go first" he laughed, it was a large red box with a white ribbon holding it closed. When I opened it I was confused "every hero needs a costume, your mother designed it." My breath hitched as I looked at it, she hadn't given up on my dream like I had. I held up the purple skintight suit in front of me, it had silver accent details, black gloves and shoes. It was very simple, but it was perfect. Underneath it was a letter, I also refused to open it because I knew it was her final words to me and I wasn't ready to reopen that wound.

I chose to open touya's in my room alone, I unwrapped it carefully and took my time. Inside was a necklace, it was a danty silver heart with a T engraved on the back and a blue sapphire embedded on the front. I held it to my chest for a moment and as I layed it on my nightstand I noticed my fathers gift behind it. I rolled over and starred out the window till I fell asleep.

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