File Entry #4: Age- 20 & 21 Status- forgotten hero

729 21 4

May's pov
I was at the table eating breakfast with Toreno when he told me I should finally meet my father. When I asked him why he thought I should finally meet him now after all these years he said he no longer had anything left to teach me. And without having a hero license I was restricted on helping him with what little hero work he still did and wouldn't be allowed to use my quirk outside the house. So he began his research on finding my father.

There was no news for months, and I was beginning to worry that something had happened so I chose to open the present he had gotten me for my 19th birthday. I stared at it for a moment, it was a pink box no bigger than the size of a childs shoe box with a white lace ribbon tied into a bow. I held the lace in my hand for a moment to build up my courage. I treated it delicately afraid that I would destroy whatever was inside. The first thing I notice was a stack of envelopes addressed to me dating back to when I was 16, the second was a blue envelope with the UA logo on it, the last thing was a bracelet. I took the bracelet out first, it looked like an antique, maybe a family heirloom? It was a dainty gold chain with a rose charm on it and a small keyhole on the side indicating that it opened. I searched the box for a key but couldn't find anything. Sitting the bracelet aside I picked up the UA letter, inside was a hand written note from my father.

To my dear May,
I'm happy you chose to open this gift, I don't know when you decided to but I can probably guess it's no longer your birthday but happy birthday anyways. I wanted to write you sooner hints the stack of letters, don't read them yet, I want to explain them in person. But let me start by telling you that may name is Yagi Toshinori and you're mother saved my life. I met her shortly after I obtained my quirk, yes, I to was born quirkless. One for all is a secret that now you also have to keep, just like your mother I wish you didn't have to carry this burden. I can't go into detail now but I will when you chose that you're ready to meet me. I have been searching for a successor since I was gravely injured, hopefully it won't have to be you, hopefully I can shield you from it. I've taken an opportunity to come back to Japan, so I'll be able to be with you, if you'll allow me to that is. I'm going to be a teacher at my almamoder, when you're ready you can find me there. I suspect it might take you a while, just know I'll be waiting.

~Yagi Toshinori

I gave the note to Toreno "He knew I'd be stubborn..." I spoke angrily but he only laughed, "because you are your fathers daughter." I softened at his words, "is he a teacher there now?" He shook his head "technically not till the new school year starts..." I sat back down at the table "I'll be 21 by then..." He sighed "it's only a few months away but even then you'll have to wait till the school is open to the public." I played with the lace ribbon in my hands, "I'm going to be there the very first day, no one's gonna stop me. I need answers, I can't keep going like this or I'll never be strong enough."

- Skip to age 21, 1 week till the new school year starts-

"You're not focusing!" Grand toreno yelled as he knocked me down again. "How am I supposed to focus when time is getting so close!" I was barely hanging on at this point. I was nervous but angry at the same time, my quirk was going haywire cause I couldn't hold my emotions together and seeing Touya's butterflies weren't helping. But atleast I knew he was there. "What happened to becoming a pro-hero? What happened to saving Touya?" I stared at him, a cold expression on my face. "Don't even try to lecture me!" I got up and slammed my door shut trying my best not to break it again. I walked over to my window and sat on the edge just enjoying the cool night air. I sighed holding the heart shaped pendant between my fingers that hung around my neck. "Are you watching me again? Are you still out there?" I asked probably to myself or so I thought. As if on que there goes my butterfly, "come out and talk to me please, I need you Touya." But no answer came, but a stupid thought had came to my mind. "If you still love me then come out!" I yelled but again no response, I stood up on the ledge gripping onto the glass to keep myself from falling. A startled noise came from the alleyway, but when I went to look for the creater of the sound I lost my grip and slipped from the ledge.

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