Valentine's Day special

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May's POV
It was a few days before valentine's day and I was in the dorm kitchen in the middle of making chocolate when I felt a pair of arms capture my waist. "Isn't it done yet? The smell is killing me..." I smiled at touya's lack of patience, "you do this every year, and every year I make you wait-" he cut me off by reaching for the spoon I was stirring it with and I smacked his hand away. "You're already getting yours early the least you can do is wait for them to set in the molds." He groaned as I got out of his embrace and placed them in the fridge to harden. "Speaking of celebrating early..." he disappeared for a moment then came back with a bouquet of blue roses and purple lillies. "Awe, I love them! Thank you!" I smiled brightly as I took them from him and sat them on the counter. It wasn't long till he captured me again, "so you're done for now?" He asked tucking my hair behind my ear before kissing me softly. My instincts took over as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me onto the counter as he deepened the kiss. "Touya..." I moaned softly as his kisses traveled down to my neck. "I haven't smelled that in years..." I gasped pushing touya away at the sound of my fathers voice. "Y-yeah its moms recipe, she taught me..." he smiled a bittersweet smile as he leaned against the entryway. I returned his smile, "would you like some?" I asked hopping off the counter, "I'd love some, but unlike someone I'll wait patiently." I laughed as touya pouted, "you two should head to bed, it's getting late." I nodded as I grabbed my flowers and headed towards the elevator. "Goodnight dad!"

The second the elevator doors shut he was on me. He captured my lips with his as I dropped my flowers clutching the front of his shirt. As his hands roamed my body mine tangled themselves in his hair. "You have no patience today..." I moaned softly as his hands traveled down my body and he lifted me up pressing me against the elevator wall. "I think I've been patient enough, besides you taste like chocolate." I blushed as the elevator dinged and the door slid open. While keeping me in his arms he reached down, picking up my flowers and carried me to my room.

I bit my lip as touya laid me down on the bed. He waisted no time as his lips instantly connected with mine as his hands groped my body sweetly, "I love you, so much so that sometimes I can't bare to be away from you..." i saw my eyes flash in the reflection of his, "then I'll leave plenty of marks so that you'll never be without me." I bit my lip to muffle my moans as his lips trailed along my jaw line to my collarbone as his hands slid up my shirt and rested just below my breast. "Don't muffle yourself, I want to hear you beg for me more." I gasped loudly as he nipped the skin between my neck and collarbone. "That's it..." he groaned in my ear, a loud moan escaped my lips as I felt the familiar stinging sensation of his hand print on my skin. he lifted me onto his lap and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. "I need you, please..." I whispered softly as I ran my hands through his hair tugging gently to give me access to his neck. "Ah fuck..." he groaned as I bit and sucked on his neck and shoulder. I wanted him so bad I could hardly contain myself and I could tell he needed me too as his erection began digging into my inner thigh begging to be released. I moaned softly as his hands traveled down my back one stopping at my hip and the other resting on my thigh, he growled roughly in my ear as I began grinding my hips against his and he burned his mark onto my body. "Please touya..." I moaned loudly, and that's all it took for him to snap as he pushed me roughly back onto the bed. "Take it off" he commanded as he began removing his shirt and pants which he just tossed on the floor. I hadn't moved, I couldn't, I just wanted to see him, feel him. I bit my lip as he cleared his throat causing me to look up at him, "What did I say?" I giggled as I finally took my eyes off his body, "make me." I challenged propping myself up on my elbows and he growled, "you know I'm not afraid to rip them off of you..." he pushed me back onto the bed, positioning himself between my thighs. I bit my lip as he burned a small hole into the shirt I was wearing the next thing I heard was the ripping of the thin fabric. I moaned softly as his hand began trailing down my body, stopping at the front clasp of my bra. He swiftly popped it open, causing my breasts to be exposed to the cool air. I blushed softly as his hand continued further down my stomach. I went to sit up, to pull him closer to me but he kept me in place. I wanted more, I felt the familiar stinging sensation on my hip as he applied pressure to one of my sensitive spots causing my back to arch as I threw my head back into the pillow. "Touya please!" He tugged on the waist band of my shorts but paused as he saw me tremble beneath him. "Beg for me..." I blushed as I reached out to him, "I feel like my love for you is going to consume me..." he pulled me towards him, his face inches from mine, "then let it consume you, like mine already has." The look on his face was purely that of love and desire, he groaned softly before crashing his lips to mine. I moaned softly as I felt him place himself right at my entrance. "Stay with me, forever..." he spoke softly before he slammed his full length inside me, a loud moan escaping my lips. He stayed still for only a moment to allow me to adjust. I clung to him as he continuously pounded into me."I love you" he panted as he gripped onto my headboard picking up his pace even more. "I love you!" I moaned out as he hit a certain spot making me see stars, "touya!" I cried out as he hit my gspot over and over again "fuck!" He groaned as he quickly readjusted me, picking me up and resting me on his lap. I pulled him closer as he began pounding into me again, all I could do was moan and scream his name as I clawed up his back. "Cum for me." He whispered in my ear as I was losing it, unable to control my voice any longer as a familiar pressure began building up in my core threatening to burst. "Touya!" He crashed his lips onto mine allowing me to ride out my orgasm before he pulled out releasing himself on my midsection. He rested his forehead in the crock of my neck as we both struggled to catch our breath. "Round 2?" I asked and he nodded crashing his lips onto mine, "I love you may..." he spoke softly "I love you, touya."

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