File entry #13: age- 21 status- touy- dabi?

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-May's pov-

I had chosen to help aizawa with the extra lessons instead of participate with the test of courage. I raised my hand "Hey I don't mean to interrupt but can I take a breather?" Aizawa nodded and I headed towards the door but Mandalay's telepathy alerted us, "Everyone! Two villains attacked us theres possibly more coming, everyone return to camp immediately, we're regrouping, do not engage any enemies." I was already out the door before aizawa could stop me, he bumped into me outside while I was infatuated by the blue flames. "May go back inside!" "I can't I have to go to the source..." I slowly took a step forward and he grabbed my arm, "looks like your concern has you distracted eraser." I saw the blue flame but could barely see the man. "Touya!" I yelled "You pros better lay off, we haven't come here for any of you. So just stay out of our way." He didn't pay any attention to me, was I wrong, was this not touya, no it had to be the black hair and the leather jacket, it just wasn't the real him. "Aizawa it's a clone! I have to get to the source, please forgive me!" And I took off, heading to the flames. Touya was here, and I had to get to him! Using my quirk I catapulted myself through the forest I got stopped by the other pros fighting the villains and then midoriya showed up, with them distracted I zoomed by heading deeper in. I had one goal, and that was find the man I love, and save him...

I couldn't help but think about our memories, the day I knew I had fallen in love... the notes he used to leave me when we couldn't see each other. But what do I do when I get to him, do I close my eyes like he'd want me to? What do I do, what if he's not alone? I slid to a stop to gather my bearings as I heard some voices but they were getting further away and I couldn't tell if it was touya I was hearing or not but it seemed like someone was arguing with themselves. I chose to head in the direction for the voices, slowly in case it wasn't touya.

Eventually the path came to a clearing and another voice was added to the other two, it was a girls. "Huh, lame I'm the only one here?" "Hey crazy, did you get the blood? How many different kinds?" "One persons!" "Just One! Hey what gives, weren't you at least supposed to get three?" "That's just how it went down..." I stepped out of the forest getting their attention. "Ooo looks like I can get one more persons..." "she's cute..." I wasn't worried about them though, cause there he was... "may..." his voice was gentle like I remembered, his hair was black now like he had said. But he was covered in burns now and staples freckles his skin. Those eyes... his beautiful turquoise blue eyes. I rushed forward dodging the girls slash with her knife. I pulled him close to me as his fire flowed keeping them away from me. "I see you now..." I whispered as I pulled away slightly. "Who's the girl dabi?" "Wait is she your girlfriend?" We ignored them, I only needed him right now. We looked at each other for a while, "sorry to disappoint you-" I laughed, "i didn't fall for you for how you looked, I don't care about that. I love you" the flames flickered in his eyes as they dissipated and he pulled me into a kiss. He held me tightly to his chest by my waist deeping the kiss even more, my heart was racing. I was entranced by him and put into a daze so I didn't fully understand what happened next.

"Play along" he whispered in my ear. "Crazy, a knife." She tossed him one as he swiftly turned me around pulling me back to him, he held it to my neck cutting me slightly, "touy-" he bit my ear shushing me as people fell from the sky. "Shoto!" I yelped, todoroki looked in my direction just as my vision began to blur, my emotions I had been suppressing had finally given way and caused me to collapse. The last thing I remembered was touya holding me princess style before I went limp and everything turned to black.

-touya's pov-

May was here, she shouldn't be here. She'll be hurt, or worse she'll get killed. But her lips feel so good against mine, I can't hide from her anymore. The compactor feel from the sky with a bunch of ua students causing me to improvise but it seemed May was already at her limit so I held her like she was my captive, although I wouldn't be letting her go anyways, I couldn't.

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