File Entry #7: age- 21 status- fearful

520 23 1

May's pov
It's been a few days since I've gone to help my dad with his work, so I was shocked when Mr. Aizawa asked me to accompany him today. "Your father is late but will be joining us shortly, if you're okay with it, I'd like your help with today's rescue course." I smiled excitedly and followed after him.

"I've asked that May join us today, you all seemed to enjoy her help last time." I smiled as I leaned on the door frame "hey guys" "welcome back!" Aizawa continued speaking and before long we were heading to the buses. "Is May going to be your hero name?" Aizawa asked as we waited on the students. "No, in all honesty I have put much thought into one. I had a nickname when I was in school, my friends liked to call me bunny for a reason I'm not going to get into right now. So I guess in all honesty if I had to come up with one right now, maybe M-Rabbit? Since my father is all might..." He smirked, "I like the idea of white rabbit, from Alice and wonderland, you're fast and smart, maybe it'll keep you from ever being late." I laughed, "white rabbit it is then."

When we got to the facility we were introduced to 13, the space hero. She talked about how our quirks could also be used for bad as well as good, everyone took to it confidently but as she finished the power got finicky and a lot of villains showed up. "13, protect the students. May, help her keep them safe." "I'd be better is I helped you, your quirk isn't suitable for this type of encounter, mine is." He tried to argue with me but gave in in the end. I pulled my mask down as he pulled on his glasses. I pulled my electro staff from its holster and it extended into its full length. I clenched my jaw as I looked at them all, my quirk rising in strength and begging to be used. Aizawa's scarf flared into action, prepared to be used as he rushed into action. I raced after him smacking villains out of the way, "Don't use your quirk." He said as I bumped into him, "If they knew who I was, they'd be trying to use me to get to all might right now." As we took a few more villains down I noticed commotion at the top of the stairs, "some of the students have been seperated!" I yelled to him as smacked a villain in back causing him to go flying, "White rabbit, batterup!" I turned to see him flinging someone towards me, smirking I took a baters stance and swung, "let's hope it's a homerun!"

"The girl is strong nomu, and the teacher is quite troublesome..." we we're cutting through just fine till the big boss got a hold of Aizawa and destroyed his elbow. 'If I don't use my quirk we'll be in some real trouble' "Aizawa are you okay?!" "Don't worry about me! Protect yourself!" I knocked another villain aside before I was disarmed, I looked around in a panic to see Aizawa bloodied up and pinned to the ground, "Aizawa-sensai!" I felt It, the eery creeping feeling of helplessness, if I wasn't careful I'd snap in no time. My hands started shaking, "control yourself... remember what I told you!" he yelled, "If I don't act you'll die!" And the blue hair guy was in front of midoriya and the others, I snapped; my vision centralized itself on the blue haired guy. I zoomed past nomu kicking him a few feet away so I could get past him positioning myself between the kids and the villain I swung hitting his midsection and kicking him back towards the warp villain, just in time for my father to show up. And he wasn't smiling like he usually did. He grabbed us all and took us to a safe distance, "Get them out of here..." "I'm not leaving you, midoriya can handle Aizawa and the others." He looked back and me and saw the determination. I stood back watching as he began his attack on nomu. But it didn't feel right, something was wrong.

And then the smoke cleared and nomus fingers were dug into his side and portals were splitting nomu apart. My body began shaking again and I moved on my own "dad!!!" All eyes were on me, I felt like I was moving in slow motion as my fears took over and I saw the ice, and bakugos explosion. I slid to a stop, a few feet from my father. "Are you okay?!" He nodded, "you called me dad, I have to win now." I laughed and then nomu attacked again sending all of us to side as my father blocked his attack on bakugo. The blue haired guy went on about who has the right to day what's villainy and what's heroic, my father looked at "protect them." The wind from my fathers punches was causing us to practically blow us away as he went all in on the nomu. Shoto grabbed hold of my arm as I began to stand keeping me in place, "don't." When I went to look back the nomu was shot into the air and sent miles away, he started smoking and I finally stood ready to step in if needed. The blue haired villain started throwing a temper tantrum, and everyone else was starting to head back as I made my way to my fathers side. He was scratching like crazy now, till the warp villain talked him down. Midoriya shot through the air prepared to protect us as back up finally arrived. And with that the villains retreated, my father pulled me close whispering about how proud he was of me and Midoriya.

"I'm sorry, they know now..." "you fought well, you held no hesitation to protect those who needed it." Everything was different now, with the students and with myself.

I was sitting with my father as he laid in his bed in the infirmary when the detective from earlier came in. "Hi all might it's been a while." "What the he'll I didn't know you were investigating." "It's Okay? He's seen you like this?" "Oh, yeah that's fine this guys alright. namaisuki kaiuchi's my best friend on the police force." "That quiet the introduction..." I spaced out no longer listening and staring out the window. "Oh, kaiuchi, these are my successors; izuku midoriya and my daughter May Toshinori." My focus shifted back to the conversation when I felt him squeeze my hand. "I didn't know you had a daughter." "Its a long story..." I mumbled looking back out the window. "Is there anything you could tell us about the incident?" "They came for all might, but didn't know what quirks we had so when they s eperated us they were playing a gambling game." Midoriya spoke up and I took a breath. "The blue haired guy who kept scratching himself called the group the league of villains, I don't know if it helps at all but when I was close to him I smelled alcohol but it wasn't on his breath, it was like it was spilt on him. And the warp guy, I don't know if I saw correctly but, I think he was wearing a suit... almost like a bartender." They all looked at me, "you noticed all of that?" Midoriya asked, "It's the way my mentor taught me; notice the small stuff." He took his notes and left to finish his investigation. I stayed with my father for a while longer till he sent me home as I was falling asleep in my seat.

I yawned as I entered my bedroom after dinner, stripping myself of my costume and changing into comfier clothes. I didn't plan on falling asleep but I did. Probably why I didn't notice touya enter my room and lay next to me a few minutes. He had left a note when I woke up letting me know he was glad I was okay after he heard what happened and that he loved me.

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