File entry #16 age: 21 status: exposed

368 16 6

May's pov
Ever since my father let the cat out of the bag I haven't been able to go anywhere on my own. I've been with my father most of the time he's been at the hospital. "The embers inside of me have been snuffed out, the mighty symbol of peace is no more. However, I won't just sit here there's still something I must do." "Tomura shiguraki, shimura's grandson yes?" "The only proof we have of that is what all for one said, there's not much to go on..." I quietly excused myself while they finished their conversation. I was going stir crazy just sitting there. There had been talk from some of the teachers that they were going to create dorms for all the students to stay on campus. I was to be staying in the dorms as well, added security for the media now knowing who I really was and to keep students safe. No word from touya, I was losing my mind. I was barely keeping my emotions together, and I missed my mom more than ever. But atleast my dad was getting out of the hospital.

-time skip-

I sighed leaning over the sink, the place i had begun to call home was no longer going to be that. "You should start packing soon." I turned to face torino, "ready to have me out of your hair?" He shock his head, "I'm ready for you to get your hero license, so I can have you help with the league of villians. Or have you decided not to save touya?" I slide down the cabinets finally settling on the floor, "What if he doesn't want to be saved? What if there's nothing to save him from?" Torino kneeled resting his hand on my knee, "The path he's chosen has always been to keep you safe, now that the world knows who you Are, the best place for him to be is by your side." I took a deep breath and push myself up off the ground, "I'll ruin dad's legacy if the media finds out that the former number 1 hero and the symbol of peace's daughter is utterly and hopelessly in love with a villian. I'll destroy everything he ever created..." torino laughed, "I forgot how glum teens can be sometimes, you'll find your own path and help forge a brighter future." And with that he walked off dismissing me to my room to start packing.

Once I had entered my room, my phone buzzed signaling a new text message. It was from shoto, he wanted to meet up tomorrow. While trying to decide what I wanted to do, the memories from camp back. The way he reminded me so much of touya in those moments. The heat and chill that his body radiated... I shook the thought from my mind, "get a hold of yourself, he's like your little brother!" Throwing my phone down on my bed I went to the window, opening it I let the cool night air wash over my skin as I took in the moon light. I needed a change, I needed a distraction. Pushing myself from the window seal I grabbed my phone: meet me at the train station- noon.

-The next day-

Tying my hair up into a braid, I grabbed a plain baseball cap and one of touya's old hoodies. Sporting a blue crop top and some black ripped skinny jeans I finished off the outfit with some black boots. Giving myself a once over in the mirror and leaving torino a note I hopped out my bedroom window and began my journey to shoto.

Didn't take me long to spot him, his white and red hair makes him stick out like a sore thumb. "What's with the disguise?" He asked "almost everyone knows who I am now, and I don't need that kind of attention right now." He nodded and kinda just looked at me for a minute, "What do you wanna do?" I asked bringing him back to reality, "oh uh... there's a cafe not to far from here..." I chuckled as he blushed, "let's go then."

As we were walking we passed an all too familiar tattoo shop and instinctively I stopped. "What's up?" Shoto asked when he noticed I was no longer next to him, "touya took me here when I got my second and third lobe piercings." He kinda just nodded as I subconsciously touched my ear, "I've been wanting a few new ones for a while..." shoto went to stop me but I was already walking through the door, "may..." i smiled, "I just wanna get an industrial and my helix done, then I'm all yours." He sighed and sat down in of the seats, "I can't tell if your finally going through your rebellious faze or if something happened to you..." I turned and smiled to him, "what if it's both?"

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