File entry #14: age- 21 status- happy or scared

491 17 0

-may's pov-

I had woken up before touya had so I took the opportunity to shower and make breakfast. He didn't have much when it came to actual food so I settled for making pancakes from scratch. I heard him groan as he stirred awake and then panic again as he rushed down the hallway and slid past the kitchen. "I thought that maybe I had dreamt everything..." I turned and smiled shaking my head as I finished the last pancake. His arms snaked around my waist and he took me in, "I was worried that you may had left without saying anything." I turned towards him, still in one of his shirts, only his shirt, "I don't want to be anywhere else." He pulled me into a kiss. "Mmm..." I pushed him away, "eat before it gets cold." He sighed, "I could eat you instead..." He teased cutely while I shook my head and laughed. "Fine" he groaned, grabbing both plates and taking them to the two person dining table that was across the other side of the kitchen. We sat down and began eating while he flipped on the tv. I had almost completely forgot about what had gotten me here in the first place when bakugou and I's picture showed up on the tv screen. I stood up knocking the chair over, "You kidnapped bakugou!" He quickly went to shush me trying to calm me down, "let me explain!" I began pacing as he explained why they had taken bakugou. "Shiguraki thinks he can talk bakugou into joining the league?" He nodded taking another bite of his pancakes. "He won't, he may say some villainous things but he's a hero at heart." "Shiguraki doesn't know that." I nodded, "I've gotta help him." "They won't hurt him, besides I'm sure the pros have almost everything figured out by now." I gasped heading back to the bedroom, "I have to call my dad and tell him I'm okay!" He sighed leaning against the door frame. "Are you sure?" I nodded, I won't tell him where I am, just that I'm okay. He nodded taking in a deep breath before taking my phone out of his pants pocket. "I trust you." He said causing me to smile.

The phone rang once before I heard his worried voice. "May! Are you okay? Where are you?" "Dad I'm fine, I'm with touya." He was quiet for a moment. "His villain name is dabi isn't it?" He spoke calmly, "yeah, please don't count him out just yet." He was silent for a moment, "I know he'd never hurt you, and I know your safe with him as long as your not with the other villains." "I'm not, I promise.... hey dad?" "Yeah?" "Will you let shoto know that I'm okay, and that there was nothing to save me from... and that I'm gonna bring touya home, whether he's kicking and screaming or willing." He laughed "that's my girl." And we hung up, "even if I'm kicking and screaming huh?" He smirked coming towards me, "yup!" He kissed me sweetly, "I love you, but I can't come home. You'll become a target." "Touya I know whose pulling shiguraki's strings I know who the real boss is. I just have to take him down." He stared at me bewilderment and shock on his face. And then his phone rang, "hello." He spoke a little angrily. "I'm not bringing-" and he hung up frustrated. "They want us at the bar." I cocked an eyebrow "us?" He nodded opening his closet and grabbing a black shopping bag from the corner and handing it to me, "looks like you get your birthday present early." I looked inside the bag while he got dressed in similar clothes as yesterdays. There was a short black dress inside with leather thigh high boots and a matching black leather jacket. "There's a new bra and panty set in there too" he said leaning against the door frame again, "black and lacey" he smirked. Shaking my head I got dressed teasingly slow causing him to growl at the sight. "I swear when I get you back here." He pulled me against him roughly, "You won't be able to walk for a week" I blushed as he kissed me and smacked my ass as we headed for the door.

-time skip-
"Remember what we talked about on the way over." I nodded as he opened the door to the bar. He held his arm around me protectivly ready to fight if need be. Shiguraki was sitting at the bar the other villains scattered about. It wasn't until we had been there for a few minutes that they brought bakugou out. "Bakugou!" I tried to get to him but dabi held me close, "not the time to be a hero right now." I looked up at him and then back to bakugou, shiguraki turned the tv up louder, the news was playing. He laughed turning it off "I'm so thankful to the media for all the free publicity lately. Right isn't it nice? Katski bakugou." They had him tied up but no gag to quiet him or anything. "You okay?" I asked, "why haven't you killed them all yet? Instead here you are acting all buddy buddy." "I'd cause more harm than good right now, just trust me," I smiled to him, "I'm here." His jaw clenched in understanding, the pros would be here soon enough we just had to wait it out.

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