File entry# 11: age- 21 status- hopeful

445 17 0

Mays pov
I came downstairs only to hear toreno nag and yell at midoriya as he left from his internship. "You think he's gonna tell him? About all for one that is?" I asked leaning against the railing on the stairway. "He has to, after all if it wasn't for that battle-" "I probably would've never gotten my quirk." I grabbed my bag and headed to the door, "let him tell midoriya" I nodded and left.

As I enter the class room there was a lot of laughter. "Holy crap what the hell bakugou!!!" "Stop laughing my hairs gotten use to this and I can't get it back to the way it was. You hear me I'll kill you both!" "Like to see you try pretty boy!" "What did you call me!" I sighed and shook my head, smiling to myself. I snickered to myself as they began talking about the hero killer and about endeavor. Shoto spotted me, "any news?" "About what?" Midoriya asked and thinking back to the other night I turned bright red. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Are you sick?" I waved him away, "no I'm fine, just another visit is all."

"I am here, today I hope you are ready to continue with our lessons. It's hero basic training, feels like I haven't seen you in a while, welcome back." While my father talked I examined my new suit, the fabric was different, it was fire resistant now and a little thicker than before. I also change the colors a little, instead of mostly purple and silver it was now mostly white and black with purple accents. They modified my electro staff too, I could now twist the middle and cause electricity to flow out around me as a sort of shield. I also got rid of the mask, I wanted villains to see who I was, to know I was coming for them. "Please keep the property damage to a minimum" he said pointing at bakugou "why are you pointing at me?" "May, I want you to be apart of this task." "That'll be unfair to them, unless you're putting a restriction on me." He shook his head, "I wanna see how fast you are" I laughed, "time me." "Alright get in your places" everyone took off at the sound of the horn. Squatting down I leaped from building to building, swinging and launching myself to the next platform. I stayed high, and spotted my father quickly getting to his side. "Impressed?" I asked leaping over the railing "yes." I stood with him waiting for the others. I spotted midoriya first, but he slipped and fell and sero won. "You surprised me, it was incredible. Find me after class..." I smiled holding my hand out, "You did great."

I was stood outside the teachers lounge while my father spoke to midoriya, tears streaming down my face as he spoke of all for one and his battle with him. If midoriya and I had to fight this guy, I fear my father may not be alive to help or witness it. I turned away as the door opened and midoriya walked away from my father. Once he was gone all I did was hold onto him crying softly as he held onto me. "I'm sorry" he kept whispering, "I just found you, I can't lose you yet. I'm not ready..." "you'll never be ready..." I over exerted my emotions and woke up in the infirmary.

-time skip-

Final exams were coming up, you had to pass these in order to go on the trip for summer camp. This year the task was different you had to go in pairs up against the teachers. I couldn't help but be excited to watch the final exams, to see who aizawa and my father would go against, even principal nezu would be apart of this year's finals.

After the written exams were over everyone suited up for the practical exam. Once nezu told them they would be up against teachers a few stared at me. "Does that mean May too? Cause if so we're gonna fail..." I shook my head, "I'm a teacher assistant, not an actual teacher. But you do still have to worry about my father..." Aizawa told everyone their pairing and who'd they be up against. Midoriya and bakugou would be against my father, it'd be very entertaining to watch. The first match was against cementos they were the first to fail. Second match was against ectoplasm, sue and tokoyami did very well and were able to pass their exam by having dark shadow cuff the teacher. The third match was against power loader, itda was able to throw ojiro through the gate while in the end he for stuck in the dirt. The fourth was against aizawa, it was looking bad for a while till they were finally able to get out of their heads. I thought they were finished without todoroki but momo was amazing after todoroki snapped her out of her panicked state, she created aizawa's scarf as best as she could considering she didn't know what it was fully made of and a catapult. When todoroki's fire was near momo's scarf it hardened the scarf and captured aizawa!

- time skip -

A good about of students were passing their exams, I was impressed by how far they've come. But the match I truly wanted to see was midoriya and bakugou against my father... how long would my father be able to hold his form? Would the weights put an actual dent into his power? I was worried for his health and I was also worried about midoriya and bakugou, would they be able to work together?

"Good luck midoriya" I spoke as he began walking away to the entrance of his exam he just nodded and headed off. As soon as the exam started they were already fighting and arguing, "there's absolutely no team work between them." I nodded "bakugou is acting like a child that doesn't want to share his toys, they're gonna fail if they keep this up." While they were arguing my father, almight, threw a punch destroying part of the arena. He was acting like a true villain right now and I realised just how easy it would be for him or myself to actually be a villain... but our morals and our need to help and save others is what makes us hero's.

It was hard to watch at first, but it seemed that while midoriya took bakugou to hide they finally came up with a strategy to win. They had a chance; but I also knew my father wouldn't let them pass so easily, it was going to be brutal. I held onto the observation rail crushing it in my grip while I clenched my teeth. I could tell that bakugou's quirk was reaching its limit, but even though he had given midoriya time to try for the gate my father hurt midoriya's back... tears wheld up in my eyes threatening to fall as midoriya carried bakugou through the excape gate. I ran out of the room to check on my father and the others.

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