file entry #15: age- 21 status- fighter

363 16 0

May's pov:

My father was reaching his limit too quickly his appearance was failing. "Dad..." all for one had sent him flying towards a news helicopter but luckily torino had gotten him before he crashed into it. I scrambled to my feet, my hair had fallen from its ponytail and my dress was ripped across the stomach. I ditched the jacket, as I watched all for one get up. My father and torino a few yards from me, all for one's attention was on them I could attack... But torino had called out to me telling me to get out of here. "Ah the little one is still here..." he looked at me "40%" is all I said before I launched myself forward kicking my heel into his sternum and sending him back into the rubble. "May! Dont!" I could hear them screaming at me but they knew I couldn't back down, I was going to try and protect them. Hero licence or not I didn't care, after my kick I had chosen to move back towards them. "You're being reckless!" My father grabbed me, "leave! I can't lose you too." I shook my head, "I'm not leaving you." It was like my kick did nothing but give us time cause here he was, back and blabbering away. "I find myself conflicted, tomura has been the one to chip away at societies trust in hero's so is it fair that I should be the one to land the final blow? You know almight as much as you hate me I think I probably loathe you more. I killed your master sure, but you took away so much from me everything I tried to build. That's why I want you to suffer untill your last breathe, that's why I want you to die broken and disgraced for all the world to see!" "Big ones coming! Dodge and counter" "Take may!" "Now everyone not so fast." "Watch out!" Then I heard the cry, a girl trapped in the rubble. "I will obliterate everything you protected!" He sent the blast but my father kept it from hurting the girl, but it had drained him. As the dust cleared my father stood in his small form, for all the world to see. "Father!" He was getting into his head, his will was being shaken. Then the girl in the rubble began yelling to him, "keep fighting almight, we need you!" Tears began to fall against my Will, "Dad! Let me be your strength, go beyond!" Torino held me back, "fear not miss, I'm not done yet. You were right a hero has so much to protect in this world that is why, I will defeat you." I clenched the rubble, my fingers digging in, willing my strength to him to be there with him. And then the other hero's began showing up and I leaped from my perch, "Give the world your biggest smile, and end this! You can do it!"

I don't know what the hell I was seeing but they both were no longer holding back. In that moment I saw a little bit of midoriya in my father, as he gave it his all with one last punch. He stood tall with his fist in the air taking his strong form again and I rushed down from the rubble towards my father. Tears streaming down my face as he quietly shushed me as he held me close, whispering I'm sorries and I'm okay. "I love you, dad" "I love you too sweetheart."

I had to let him go so I could get checked out, torino sat with me as we watched my father. He pointed towards the media, "Now... now it's your turn." But who was he referring to? Midoriya or myself? We still had much to prove, and learn.

Everything began to settle, and finally my emotions took full control. Tears began falling again as I looked at the hero's searching for survivors and the last few moments were playing in my head. "He's not here..." my father's voice was soft his hand on my back warm. "I had him, we were finally together!" "Calm down, you don't want gossip before your real debut." I finally turned to look at him, "wouldn't want me tarnishing your reputation you mean..." "may-" before he could begin his lecture, a few reporters began yelling questions for him to answer, I began to walk away but he grabbed my hand and tugged me with him. "Wait- stop!" They stood silent as my father pushed me in front of him, "is this a new sidekick almight?" His grip on my shoulders softened and a pit in my stomach began to form, "she's not a sidekick, she's my daughter."

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