Tommy Lee #2 ~ We might as well go exploring in Athens

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"Psst, Dee. Are you awake?" I hear someone whisper from the hotel room's door
"Yea." I say till facing down on the pillow
"I can't sleep so I thought of something." He says
"Come exploring with me." He whispers
"Ughh, why mee?" I groan from my pillow
"Because Viny's being a wuss and Nikki & Mick are asleep." I sit up for a second as he closes the door, turns on the light and starts walking towards me
"What time is it?" I ask as he kneels down in front of me
"2:25 am." He softly brushes a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Come on, pretty please?" He whispers followed by a pouty, puppy-dog eyed look. How can you say no to that??
"Fine, I'll come." I half grin as he smiles then stands up, picking me up and I quickly wrap myself around him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He grins showering me with soft kisses as I giggle.

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