Razzle ~ Razzle Noo, Razzle Yess

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"As if." He scoffs
"C'mon Razz, she had a pretty good reason..."
I try to reason with him
"Yea? Then how come she never even called Huh?"
I notice his eyes starting to get teary
"Razz—Never wrote me any letters...
Never even payed me a fucking visit. Not even 1."
He cuts me off then breaks into sobs
"Noo no no, please don't cry love, I'm sorry."
I say sadly looking down at him as he cried in my arms
"I'm sorry."
He manages to cry out in the most sad, broken tone
"It's okay honey, just let it all out."
I say just above a whisper as tears come falling down from my eyes.
"But you wanna know something?"
I ask him and his beautiful blue eyes look up at me
"Yea?" He whispers lowly
"She's missing out..." I run my hands through his black hair
"U think so?"
He asks playing with a strand of my hair
"I know so... Razz dig this. You're nice, kind, very cute,
probably one of the most, if not, the most pure and genuine soul I know."
I notice a grin tugging on his lips
"The most funny, chill, gorgeous,
yet adventurous and rad person I know."
I smile at him as he looks at my lips then back at my eyes.
"Babe I think you're forgetting something." He slightly smirks
"I am? Ohh! I am, and you're veryyy se—gco"
Razzle cuts me off by kissing me. I kiss back smiling.
"Thank you babe, that meant a lot."
He says as we rest our foreheads against each other
"I love you." I sigh happily
"I love you more."
He kisses my cheek sweetly making me giggle
"Noo I do."
I peck his lips and he stands up then straddles my waist
"Oh no..."
I try to give him puppy dog eyes but he just ignores it
"Here comes the tickle monster." He smirks
"Razzle nooo!" I shout as he gets closer
"Razzle yes." He leans down to kiss me, I kiss back.
Suddenly he starts tickling me
"Mmm stop Razzle."
I try to push him off but he just tickles my sides,
even more to the point I'm squirming.
"Razz—le—please—stOP." I laugh hard
"Mm... nope not yet." He chuckles tickling me
"Babyy pLEASE!" I shout laughing,
my stomach's starting to hurt from the laughing
"Alright alright."
He laughs stopping and I wraps my legs around his torso,
flipping us so I'm on top.
"Should've seen your face mate, you were literally crying." He laughs
"Ahahah so not funny." I say
"But it was." He laughs even more
"Alright alright." I chuckle laying down on top of him
while pulling the covers over us and he wraps his arms around me.
"You're such a baby."
He chuckles down at me and
I shoot him a quick glare followed by a grin
"But you're MY baby though."
He kisses my forehead as I slowly fall asleep
in his arms listening to his heart beat.

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