Jeff LaBar #2 ~ Nightmare on my street

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The new neighbors have just moved in.
Maybe I should go over and say hi...
*5 minutes later*
I'm by their front porch greeted by Kiss's Love Gun playing loudly.
I click the doorbell
and not long after a guy with big brown teased hair and blonde highlights opens the door.
He looked at me and his eyes were yellow,
not like an eyecolor you normally see everyday.
"Hi, I noticed you just—gco" he cuts me off with that deep cold stare
"Go away." He coldly says grabbing the cake I brought him
and shutting the door in the blink of an eye.
"Rude." I mumble wide eyed then walk back to my house.
Who is that guy? And why was he so... cold?
He's good looking too though, but something here just ain't right.
The phone starts ringing
"Hello?" I pick up
"Hey, it's Dana. Missed me?" I could hear my friend's smirk
"Yea. Whatever." I say playfully rolling my eyes
"Mark's throwing a party and he asked if you're coming" Dana says
"Mmm, tell him I'll think about it..." I say with a sigh
"How come? You're always up for partying with us, what's wrong with today?"
He asks slightly concerned
"Nothing, it's just... nothing. Ask Mark if I can bring a few friends." I say
"Girls?" Dana asks and I roll my eyes
"Just ask him." I say as it goes silent
"He said yes, oh yeah and the party's at Bobby's house.
So be there around 7 if you decide to come. Bye señorita." He says cheerfully
"Bye Bubba." I giggle and hang up
Eh, might as well do something.
*turns the radio on and Solid Gold Easy Action starts playing*
*after 3 hours of singing, dancing, cleaning, making a few phone calls
and taking care of Gia, my Pomeranian dog.*
"I'm bored." I groan sitting upside down on the couch while
watching a movie I stared in with Prince called Purple Rain.
And Gia slightly whimpers from beside me.
"Hmm good idea." I say to her, I'm gonna take her for a walk.
*10 minutes later we come back*
"Should I go there again?" I ask Gia while petting her
and she licks my hand a few times.
"I should, shouldn't I?" I chuckle down at her
It's 6 o'clock, it's getting dark,
but that mysterious man lives right next door,
what's the worst that could happen?
*at the neighbors' front porch*
I take a deep breath and hesitantly but quickly press the doorbell again.
A few minutes went past so I decided to ring again.
3 times a charm I guess
The same guy from earlier opens the door back up again,
his eyes now dark brown.
I could've sworn they were yellow last time I saw him.
I scrunch up my eyebrows as he covers his nose.
"Your eyes—they were yellow before..." I trail off as he rolls his eyes
and he grabs me by my wrist bringing me inside,
closing the door
and pins me to the wall.
"I told you to stay away." He growls as I gulp down nervously scared
"Okay okay, please let me go I promise I won't bother you anymore, I—gco"
"Stop talking!" He says with anger.
And he comes closer smelling me while looking me in the eyes
I can feel his minty cold breath against my neck.
"W-What are you doing?" I whisper in fear as he pulls away
and walks away holding his nose but quickly letting it go
"Go away!" He quickly mumbles
But I stand there confused
"I SAID GO AWAY!!" He shouts now facing me,
his eyes now bright yellow and FANGS???
"AHHH" I scream turning around to go open the door but before I could
I start to feel weak as someone bit into my wrist, draining my energy.
*5 minutes later when the pain stopped*
"Sleep well, my little voodoo doll."
I hear someone whisper and they pick me up bridal style
as I quickly fall asleep.

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