Mötley Crüe ~ So who's going skydiving?

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"One of us should go skydiving for the Kickstart my heart video." Nikki suggests
"Dude, that is insane!" Tommy chuckles and  high-fives Nikki
"Yea, insanely scary!" I cross my arms
"Yea, I'm with her on this one guys." Vince shrugs
"Mick?" Tommy says but Mick just shrugs
"So, who's going skydiving then?" I look at Tommy and Nikki and they both look at each other.
"Tommy!Nikki!" They both say at the same time
"Nikki said it first." Vince says
"Okay then, I guess T-Bone's gonna be skydiving." I shrug
"No way." Tommy shakes his head
"I'm scared of heights." He says awkwardly shaking his head
"But you're tall." I say looking up at him
"You should hire someone instead." Mick shrugs
"Why didn't we think of that?" T-Bone mumbles confused
"Yea that could work too." Nikki shrugs

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