Mötley Crüe, John Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora & Kurt Cobain ~ Say cheese

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Today we're going to the Atlantis water park.
Mick's driving us in his convertible red corvette, Asia is sat with me in the back
and Vince is on the shotgun seat. Tommy & Nikki are riding their Harley Davidsons
"Yeahhh." Me, Asia and Vince finish singing S.O.S.
By Mötley Crüe and Mick turns the radio down.
"Malaysia say cheese!" Vince says holding his camera.
"Vince!" Asia puts her hand in front of her face.
"Haha, just kidding I'm making a video." Vince grins cheekily
"Oh, hey guys." Asia says awkwardly then we all laugh
"Hi everyone!" I cheerfully say and grin
"We're going to the—" I cut myself off
"Atlantis waterpark!" We all yell excited
"Mick, take it away." I gesture to him and Vince points the camera at him
"I'm wearing red bottoms and driving a red corvette, that's red on red." Mick glances at the camera doing a gesture with his hand and we all chuckle.
Suddenly a familiar riff comes on the Radio.
"Oh my god Asia, turn it up!" I squeal and she leans forward doing so.
And Vince points the camera at us.
"WE'RE ON THE RADIO!!!" We both shout in unison as we hear the instrumental to our new song called How much love with our band Vixen.
"Omg omg omg!" We squeal
"Girls." Mick says as Vince turns the camera to himself
"Those are my sisters." Vince chuckles grinning then points the camera at the radio zooming in on it then turns the camera back to us.
"You're on the corner, turning your back.
You're running away again..." Asia starts singing
"The more I give you, the less that you take.
Tell me where is it gonna end?" I sing
*at the water park*
"Wow, this place is huge!" Vince and Tommy say
Then me and Asia take the towels from around ourselves
"Ooo." Tommy says and him & Nikki start whistling but Vince shoots them a look
"Assholes." Mick shakes his head then I wrap my towel around my waist
"Let's split up." Mick says and Vince starts recording some more
"Ahhh, I can't wait to try the water slides first!" Asia squeals
"Race you!" Tommy takes off running and Asia follows
"Guess, those two already went off." Vince chuckles still recording
"Be here in an hour!" I shout at them
"Okay." They shout back
"Alright I'll go with Mick and you go with Vince." Nikki says as Vince points the camera at him
"Alright, fair enough." I shrug
"Say hi man." Vince chuckles pointing the camera towards me, Mick and Nikki
"Vince, cut the crap." Nikki says putting his hand on his hip
"Alright." He laughs and Nikki and Mick start walking away
"Where do you wanna go first?" Vince cuts the camera off
"The pool." I say enthusiastically
"The kiddy pool?" He teases
"No." I glare at him
"The one with that slide over it you cockney fuck." I stick my tongue out
"Last one to dive in is a rotten apple." He says really fast and starts running
"HEYY!!!" I shout then run after him laughing
*30 minutes later*
"Did I mention it's waterproof?"
Vince asks the girls standing by him as they hold his camera.
These groupies seem to be everywhere, I shake my head.
"Tsk, typical Vince Neil shenanigans."
I say from the other side of the pool
"Yea, you're right." A familiar male voice says from beside me and I quickly look.
"John! Richie!" I say excitedly
"Dani!" John says and I hug them both. To be honest he's the only one that calls me that.
"Guys, wow. I didn't know Bon Jovi was here today!" I playfully nudge John
and Richie ruffles my hair playfully. Did I mention they're hot?
"Yeah, Tico already found Asia & Tommy." Richie says
"Really? Cool." I smile receiving grins
"Yea, so we thought we'd find you here." John laughs
"Spot on." I chuckle and so does Richie.
"Well, I'm meeting back up with the guys and Asia in 30. What about you?"
I ask swimming away from the wall.
"We just got here." Richie shrugs as they both follow
"Hey guys, help me float." I grin
"Alright." Richie says and they help me but then John smirks at Richie.
And someone grabs my feet and I turn my head up to see John and Richie both grabbing my feet.
John's hand going near the back of my foot.
"John Francis don't you dare!" I warn
"What was that?" John asks then looks at Richie
"I think I hear a yes." Richie replies back
"Richie nooo." I whine
"Too late!" They both say and start tickling me
I start laughing
"Ahhh, stop, no, stop. Ahhh." I start cracking up trying to pull my feet
but they hold me by my ankles.
"Did you hear anything?" Richie says stopping
"Hmm, nahh." John says and they start tickling me again.
"Guys guys, ahhhh. Please have—ahhaahh, mercy on me PLEASE."
I cry out laughing
"Alright fine." John says and they both let go as I wipe my tears
"Let's play a game" John suggests
"Okay so basically, theres 2 people giving Piggyback and the 2 people on top have to try and push each other off." John explains
"Okay." Me and Richie agree with grins
"Should I go get Vince?" I ask
"Yea." Richie says and I swim over to the other side of the pool.
"Sorry man, I'm not signing anything today." Vince says to this blonde teenager who just asked for an autograph, the guy then notices me and gasps
"Can you please sign my shirt?" The guy asks shyly, Aww. He's got beautiful blue eyes too.
"Yeah." I smile at him then look at Vince.
"What's your name?" I ask as he hands me the pen
"My name's Kurt, Cobain."
"And how old are you Kurt?" I start writing down
"I'm gonna be 18 next month." He chuckles as I finish signing it.
"Cool, you're a big rock fan I see." I say giving him back his autographed shirt
"Yea, I wanna be in a band someday. Got any advise?" He kneels down
"Always believe in yourself, and don't give up no matter what. 'Cause every Rose has its' thorn. Oh and by the way, if you're lucky enough you'll find Malaysia by the water slides with Tommy Lee." I wink at him.
"Thanks, you're the best!" He stands up smiling
"You're welcome." I smile too
"Bye." He says as his friend comes back and he starts walking away
"Bye." I wave at him as I watch them walk away and how excited he looked.
I then look back at Vince to see his groupies are gone.
"Vince come on, we're a playing a game." I say and he nods
as we swim to the side over to Richie and John.
*5 minute later*
"You are so going down Bongiovi." I say John's last name in Italian as we hold onto each other's shoulders.
"Ohhh no I'm not,
you're the one going down Natalie." He laughs calling me by my second name
"We'll see about that Francis!" I laugh along calling him by his second name too
And Richie & Vince laugh
*10 minutes later*
"Bam, I won." John says
"So did I." Vince says chuckling
"Now, you gotta buy me some cotton candy." John grins
"You know what, everyone's getting some cotton candy, it'll be my treat." I grin
"What are we waiting for, she said free cotton candy let's go." Richie laughs and they all start running to the nearest cotton candy machine.
*meeting back with the rest of the group*
"Man that was fun." Vince laughs
"Yeah." I chuckle and he turns on the camera recording again.
"Same" Asia says
"Guys guess what, you won't believe what happened." She snickers and Tommy rolls his eyes
"So we went on the big slide right? And Mr Tough guy here was taking so long that this little girl literally and I mean literally pushed him and he turned around as fast as light and holds onto the slide. And you know how he's wearing a men Thong right? They took a picture of him stuck there like that and the little girl started laughing hysterically." Asia laughs and we all laugh
"It wasn't even that funny!" Tommy says as his eyebrows scrunch up
"Yea it was." I say and we all start laughing again
"Here's the photo." Asia cries laughing and gives us the little leaflet with the picture Inside but Tommy snatches it before anyone gets to see anything.
"Here!" Tommy says ripping it into small bits and giving it back to us.
"Oh, wow." Nikki says
"Vince, go get the gorilla glue." Asia shouts and we all start laughing again and Tommy slowly but playfully starts laughing along with us.
"Did you get that all on camera?" Nikki asks Vince
"Yea." Vince chuckles
"Let's go eat something." Mick says as we finish laughing
"Yea." We all agree.
Man, what a day.

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