Jeff LaBar ~ MARCO!!?? POLO??!!

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Vixen (your band) and Cinderella along with Heart and AC/DC are touring together.
Cinderella and Vixen share a tour bus and Heart & AC/DC share the other one.
It's 1:30AM, we're in Santa Monica and I just came back from some local dinner with the boys, my band mates decided to stay on the bus instead and take naps since we're heading to LA in like half an hour.
Right now we're all enjoying 3 days off before the shows start back up again.
"So, when can we go pick him up?" I ask Tom as we walk back to the tour bus. Jeff got arrested a few days ago because... when we're together it's always chaotic. So, we were jacking peoples' cars for fun and... somebody actually called the po-po and Jeff got arrested. So now I gotta play with Vixen as the opening act then followed by Heart, AC/DC and then I gotta close the show with Cinderella, playing Jeff's parts. And the adrenaline's amazing, but so exhausting! I actually feel bad for Jeff though, I wish he was here.
"Idk, the police haven't said anything." He shrugs handing me his takeaway bag and so do Eric&Fred.
"Be a doll and get those inside?" Tom softly caresses my chin with a wink and I playfully roll my eyes.
"Whatever." I chuckle going inside as they all stay outside talking and smoking.
I quietly set down their stuff on the counter with the microwave above, don't wanna wake up my band mates.
"My gypsy road can't take me home.
I drive all night just to see the light." I whisper yell pretending to be Tom
"My gypsy road can't take me home.
I keep on-" I cut myself off as I see a purple pick and a cream pick on the counter.
The same cream pick I gave Jeff the day he got arrested, it's one of my lucky guitar pics.
"Wtf?" I say above a whisper then walk back to the front of the bus and notice a new gig bag.
Jeff! It has to be.
"MARCO!" I shout excitedly
"POLO!" He shouts back and I run to the bigger room past the lounge room
and there he is! Laying on the king-sized bed.
"Watch out!" I shout before jumping on him and straddling him.
"You're back!" I laugh and he turns us over straddling me.
"Yea, thanks for bailing me out." He plays with my hair and I flip us over so I'm straddling him again.
I smile down at him as he chuckles.
"Let's do it again!" I smile goofily and he flips us over.
"In L.A?" He asks and I quickly flip us over straddling him.
"Yea." I peck his lips with a grin.
He wraps his arms around me and we kiss again.
"I'm so glad you're back." I lay my head on his chest.

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